2 research outputs found

    Power-and rate-adaptation improves the effective capacity of C-RAN for Nakagami-m fading channels

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    We propose a quality-of-service (QoS) driven power-and rate-adaptation scheme for wireless cloud radio access networks (C-RAN), where each radio remote head (RRH) is connected to the baseband unit (BBU) pool through high-speed optical links. The RRHs jointly support the users by efficiently exploiting the enhanced spatial degrees of freedom attainted by the powerful cloud computing facilitated by the BBU pool. Our proposed scheme aims for maximizing the effective capacity (EC) of the user subject to both per-RRH average-and peak-power constraints, where the EC is defined as the tele-traffic maximum arrival rate that can be supported by the C-RAN under the statistical delay-QoS requirement. We first transform the EC maximization problem into an equivalent convex optimization problem. By using the Lagrange dual decomposition method and satisfying the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions, the optimal transmission power of each RRH can be obtained in closed form. Furthermore, an online tracking method is provided for approximating the average power of each RRH for the sake of updating the Lagrange dual variables. For the special case of two RRHs, the expression of the average power to be assigned to each RRH can be calculated in explicit form, which can be numerically evaluated. Hence, the Lagrange dual variables can be computed in advance in this special case. Our simulation results show that the proposed scheme converges rapidly for all the scenarios considered and achieves 20% higher EC than the optimization method, where each RRH’s power is independently optimized