3,099 research outputs found

    Template matching method for the analysis of interstellar cloud structure

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    The structure of interstellar medium can be characterised at large scales in terms of its global statistics (e.g. power spectra) and at small scales by the properties of individual cores. Interest has been increasing in structures at intermediate scales, resulting in a number of methods being developed for the analysis of filamentary structures. We describe the application of the generic template-matching (TM) method to the analysis of maps. Our aim is to show that it provides a fast and still relatively robust way to identify elongated structures or other image features. We present the implementation of a TM algorithm for map analysis. The results are compared against rolling Hough transform (RHT), one of the methods previously used to identify filamentary structures. We illustrate the method by applying it to Herschel surface brightness data. The performance of the TM method is found to be comparable to that of RHT but TM appears to be more robust regarding the input parameters, for example, those related to the selected spatial scales. Small modifications of TM enable one to target structures at different size and intensity levels. In addition to elongated features, we demonstrate the possibility of using TM to also identify other types of structures. The TM method is a viable tool for data quality control, exploratory data analysis, and even quantitative analysis of structures in image data.Comment: 12 pages, accepted to A&

    Circle Detection Using Morphological Operations

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    Circle detection is the very important and challenging field in image processing. In previous few decants the field of fining and detection of circular objects in images gain more attention because the location and additional information of circular object in the image can easily be find when a circle is extracted in that image so that information can be used in industries and businesses in many ways. The circle detection is today commonly used in computer application i.e. Computer vision applications and in the field of robotics to detect and recognize the circular objects. In measurement based images the circle detection is the most important task and necessary task. In my article I used a method that detect circle in the image with fast calculations and in short time instant of these methods that perform heavy calculations that consume processing power of GPU as well as time in circle detection. This method uses a simple algorithm that detect circle using simple calculation

    Transmission Line Detection Based on Improved Hough Transform

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    To address the challenges of low detection accuracy and high false positive rates of transmission lines in UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) images, we explore the linear features and spatial distribution. We introduce an enhanced stochastic Hough transform technique tailored for detecting transmission lines in complex backgrounds. By employing the Hessian matrix for initial preprocessing of transmission lines, and utilizing boundary search and pixel row segmentation, our approach distinguishes transmission line areas from the background. We significantly reduce both false positives and missed detections, thereby improving the accuracy of transmission line identification. Experiments demonstrate that our method not only processes images more rapidly, but also yields superior detection results compared to conventional and random Hough transform methods

    Ultrasound IMT measurement on a multi-ethnic and multi-institutional database: Our review and experience using four fully automated and one semi-automated methods

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    Automated and high performance carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) measurement is gaining increasing importance in clinical practice to assess the cardiovascular risk of patients. In this paper, we compare four fully automated IMT measurement techniques (CALEX, CAMES, CARES and CAUDLES) and one semi-automated technique (FOAM). We present our experience using these algorithms, whose lumen-intima and media-adventitia border estimation use different methods that can be: (a) edge-based; (b) training-based; (c) feature-based; or (d) directional Edge-Flow based. Our database (DB) consisted of 665 images that represented a multi-ethnic group and was acquired using four OEM scanners. The performance evaluation protocol adopted error measures, reproducibility measures, and Figure of Merit (FoM). FOAM showed the best performance, with an IMT bias equal to 0.025 ± 0.225 mm, and a FoM equal to 96.6%. Among the four automated methods, CARES showed the best results with a bias of 0.032 ± 0.279 mm, and a FoM to 95.6%, which was statistically comparable to that of FOAM performance in terms of accuracy and reproducibility. This is the first time that completely automated and user-driven techniques have been compared on a multi-ethnic dataset, acquired using multiple original equipment manufacturer (OEM) machines with different gain settings, representing normal and pathologic case

    Underwater Localization in Complex Environments

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    A capacidade de um veículo autónomo submarino (AUV) se localizar num ambiente complexo, bem como de extrair características relevantes do mesmo, é de grande importância para o sucesso da navegação. No entanto, esta tarefa é particularmente desafiante em ambientes subaquáticos devido à rápida atenuação sofrida pelos sinais de sistemas de posicionamento global ou outros sinais de radiofrequência, dispersão e reflexão, sendo assim necessário o uso de processos de filtragem. Ambiente complexo é definido aqui como um cenário com objetos destacados das paredes, por exemplo, o objeto pode ter uma certa variabilidade de orientação, portanto a sua posição nem sempre é conhecida. Exemplos de cenários podem ser um porto, um tanque ou mesmo uma barragem, onde existem paredes e dentro dessas paredes um AUV pode ter a necessidade de se localizar de acordo com os outros veículos na área e se posicionar em relação ao mesmo e analisá-lo. Os veículos autónomos empregam muitos tipos diferentes de sensores para localização e percepção dos seus ambientes e dependem dos computadores de bordo para realizar tarefas de direção autónoma. Para esta dissertação há um problema concreto a resolver, localizar um cabo suspenso numa coluna de água em uma região conhecida do mar e navegar de acordo com ela. Embora a posição do cabo no mundo seja bem conhecida, a dinâmica do cabo não permite saber exatamente onde ele está. Assim, para que o veículo se localize de acordo com este para que possa ser inspecionado, a localização deve ser baseada em sensores ópticos e acústicos. Este estudo explora o processamento e a análise de imagens óticas e acústicas, por meio dos dados adquiridos através de uma câmara e por um sonar de varrimento mecânico (MSIS),respetivamente, a fim de extrair características ambientais relevantes que possibilitem a estimação da localização do veículo. Os pontos de interesse extraídos de cada um dos sensores são utilizados para alimentar um estimador de posição, implementando um Filtro de Kalman Extendido (EKF), de modo a estimar a posição do cabo e através do feedback do filtro melhorar os processos de extração de pontos de interesse utilizados.The ability of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to locate itself in a complex environment as well as to detect relevant environmental features is of crucial importance for successful navigation. However, it's particularly challenging in underwater environments due to the rapid attenuation suffered by signals from global positioning systems or other radio frequency signals, dispersion and reflection thus needing a filtering process. Complex environment is defined here as a scenario with objects detached from the walls, for example the object can have a certain orientation variability therefore its position is not always known. Examples of scenarios can be a harbour, a tank or even a dam reservoir, where there are walls and within those walls an AUV may have the need to localize itself according to the other vehicles in the area and position itself relative to one to observe, analyse or scan it. Autonomous vehicles employ many different types of sensors for localization and perceiving their environments and they depend on the on-board computers to perform autonomous driving tasks. For this dissertation there is a concrete problem to solve, which is to locate a suspended cable in a water column in a known region in the sea and navigate according to it. Although the cable position in the world is well known, the cable dynamics does not allow knowing where it is exactly. So, in order to the vehicle localize itself according to it so it can be inspected, the localization has to be based on optical and acoustic sensors. This study explores the processing and analysis of optical and acoustic images, through the data acquired through a camera and by a mechanical scanning sonar (MSIS), respectively, in order to extract relevant environmental characteristics that allow the estimation of the location of the vehicle. The points of interest extracted from each of the sensors are used to feed a position estimator, by implementing an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), in order to estimate the position of the cable and through the feedback of the filter improve the extraction processes of points of interest used

    Inteligentni sustav strojnog vida za automatiziranu kontrolu kvalitete keramičkih pločica

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    U članku je prikazan automatizirani sustav za vizualnu kontrolu kvalitete keramičkih pločica uporabom strojnog računalnog vida. Proces proizvodnje keramičkih pločica u gotovo svim svojim fazama zadovoljavajuće je automatiziran, osim u fazi kontrole kvalitete, na kraju procesa. Kvaliteta keramičkih pločica provjerava se i ocjenjuje postupcima vizualne provjere kvalitete, gdje se ljudski čimbenik nastoji zamijeniti sustavom strojnog računalnog vida u funkciji povećanja kvalitete i povećanja efikasnosti proizvodnje. Kvaliteta keramičkih pločica definirana je dimenzijama i površinskim značajkama. Predstavljeni sustav strojnog vida analizira geometrijske i površinske značajke te odlučuje o kvaliteti keramičkih pločica na temelju navedenih značajki uporabom klasifikatora s neuronskom mrežom. Predstavljene su također i metode koje poboljšavaju izdvajanje geometrijskih i površinskih svojstava. Potvrđena je efikasnost obradnih algoritama i primjena neuronskog klasifikatora kao zamjene za vizualnu kontrolu kvalitete ljudskim vidom