2,696 research outputs found

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing

    Low-Complexity Energy-Efficient Broadcasting in One-Dimensional Wireless Networks

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    In this paper, we investigate the transmission range assignment for N wireless nodes located on a line (a linear wireless network) for broadcasting data from one specific node to all the nodes in the network with minimum energy. Our goal is to find a solution that has low complexity and yet performs close to optimal. We propose an algorithm for finding the optimal assignment (which results in the minimum energy consumption) with complexity O(N^2). An approximation algorithm with complexity O(N) is also proposed. It is shown that, for networks with uniformly distributed nodes, the linear-time approximate solution obtained by this algorithm on average performs practically identical to the optimal assignment. Both the optimal and the suboptimal algorithms require the full knowledge of the network topology and are thus centralized. We also propose a distributed algorithm of negligible complexity, i.e., with complexity O(1), which only requires the knowledge of the adjacent neighbors at each wireless node. Our simulations demonstrate that the distributed solution on average performs almost as good as the optimal one for networks with uniformly distributed nodes.Comment: 17 page

    Amorphous Placement and Informed Diffusion for Timely Monitoring by Autonomous, Resource-Constrained, Mobile Sensors

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    Personal communication devices are increasingly equipped with sensors for passive monitoring of encounters and surroundings. We envision the emergence of services that enable a community of mobile users carrying such resource-limited devices to query such information at remote locations in the ïŹeld in which they collectively roam. One approach to implement such a service is directed placement and retrieval (DPR), whereby readings/queries about a specific location are routed to a node responsible for that location. In a mobile, potentially sparse setting, where end-to-end paths are unavailable, DPR is not an attractive solution as it would require the use of delay-tolerant (flooding-based store-carry-forward) routing of both readings and queries, which is inappropriate for applications with data freshness constraints, and which is incompatible with stringent device power/memory constraints. Alternatively, we propose the use of amorphous placement and retrieval (APR), in which routing and ïŹeld monitoring are integrated through the use of a cache management scheme coupled with an informed exchange of cached samples to diffuse sensory data throughout the network, in such a way that a query answer is likely to be found close to the query origin. We argue that knowledge of the distribution of query targets could be used effectively by an informed cache management policy to maximize the utility of collective storage of all devices. Using a simple analytical model, we show that the use of informed cache management is particularly important when the mobility model results in a non-uniform distribution of users over the ïŹeld. We present results from extensive simulations which show that in sparsely-connected networks, APR is more cost-effective than DPR, that it provides extra resilience to node failure and packet losses, and that its use of informed cache management yields superior performance

    An average case analysis of the minimum spanning tree heuristic for the range assignment problem

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    We present an average case analysis of the minimum spanning tree heuristic for the range assignment problem on a graph with power weighted edges. It is well-known that the worst-case approximation ratio of this heuristic is 2. Our analysis yields the following results: (1) In the one dimensional case (d=1d = 1), where the weights of the edges are 1 with probability pp and 0 otherwise, the average-case approximation ratio is bounded from above by 2−p2-p. (2) When d=1d =1 and the distance between neighboring vertices is drawn from a uniform [0,1][0,1]-distribution, the average approximation ratio is bounded from above by 2−2−α2-2^{-\alpha} where α\alpha denotes the distance power radient. (3) In Euclidean 2-dimensional space, with distance power gradient α=2\alpha = 2, the average performance ratio is bounded from above by 1+log⁥21 + \log 2

    A taxonomic Approach to Topology Control in Ad-hoc and Wireless Networks

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    Topology Control (TC) aims at tuning the topology of highly dynamic networks to provide better control over network resources and to increase the efficiency of communication. Recently, many TC protocols have been proposed. The protocols are designed for preserving connectivity, minimizing energy consumption, maximizing the overall network coverage or network capacity. Each TC protocol makes different assumptions about the network topology, environment detection resources, and control capacities. This circumstance makes it extremely difficult to comprehend the role and purpose of each protocol. To tackle this situation, a taxonomy for TC protocols is presented throughout this paper. Additionally, some TC protocols are classified based upon this taxonomy.Comment: The Sixth International Conference on Networking, ICN 200

    Group Key Management in Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks

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    A growing number of secure group applications in both civilian and military domains is being deployed in WAHNs. A Wireless Ad-hoc Network (WARN) is a collection of autonomous nodes or terminals that communicate with each other by forming a multi-hop radio network and maintaining connectivity in a decentralized manner. A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a special type of WARN with mobile users. MANET nodes have limited communication, computational capabilities, and power. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are sensor networks with massive numbers of small, inexpensive devices pervasive throughout electrical and mechanical systems and ubiquitous throughout the environment that monitor and control most aspects of our physical world. In a WAHNs and WSNs with un-trusted nodes, nodes may falsify information, collude to disclose system keys, or even passively refuse to collaborate. Moreover, mobile adversaries might invade more than one node and try to reveal all system secret keys. Due to these special characteristics, key management is essential in securing such networks. Current protocols for secure group communications used in fixed networks tend to be inappropriate. The main objective of this research is to propose, design and evaluate a suitable key management approach for secure group communications to support WAHNs and WSNs applications. Key management is usually divided into key analysis, key assignment, key generation and key distribution. In this thesis, we tried to introduce key management schemes to provide secure group communications in both WAHNs and WSNs. Starting with WAHNs, we developed a key management scheme. A novel architecture for secure group communications was proposed. Our proposed scheme handles key distribution through Combinatorial Key Distribution Scheme (CKDS). We followed with key generation using Threshold-based Key Generation in WAHNs (TKGS). For key assignment, we proposed Combinatorial Key Assignment Scheme (CKAS), which assigns closer key strings to co-located nodes. We claim that our architecture can readily be populated with components to support objectives such as fault tolerance, full-distribution and scalability to mitigate WAHNs constraints. In our architecture, group management is integrated with multicast at the application layer. For key management in WSNs, we started with DCK, a modified scheme suitable for WSNs. In summary, the DCK achieves the following: (1) cluster leader nodes carry the major part of the key management overhead; (2) DCK consumes less than 50% of the energy consumed by SHELL in key management; (3) localizing key refreshment and handling node capture enhances the security by minimizing the amount of information known by each node about other portions of the network; and (4) since DCK does not involve the use of other clusters to maintain local cluster data, it scales better from a storage point of view with the network size represented by the number of clusters. We went further and proposed the use of key polynomials with DCK to enhance the resilience of multiple node capturing. Comparing our schemes to static and dynamic key management, our scheme was found to enhance network resilience at a smaller polynomial degree t and accordingly with less storage per node
