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    ASIP algorithmic/architectural co-exploration based on high level performance estimation

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    The work presented in the thesis aims to improve state-of-the-art methodologies for Application Specific Instruction Set Processor (ASIP) design. ASIPs are customized to efficiently execute an application, either in terms of time, energy or power consumption [1,3,5,7,11]. Existing design methodologies are based on an iterative process, in which the desired performance metrics are achieved mostly by a combination of clever algorithmic transformations, and careful tailoring of a processor instruction set and its microarchitecture. Although current methodologies semi-automate some of the steps required to create a tailored processor, Algorithmic/Architectural Co-Exploration remains subject to the designer’s ingenuity and experience [4,8,10,12,13]. Moreover, quantitative validation of the ASIP performance is only possible in a late design stage, where not only an algorithm/architecture pair has been fixed and implemented, but also the complete software environment for the processor is available [6,9,11]. This has an impact on design times, as intermediate designs that do not satisfy the application requirements are rendered invalid. While creating an ASIP, several time consuming iterations are usually needed before the application specification is met. This raises the need for tools that enable designers to: (i) perform Algorithmic/Architectural Co-Exploration before an implementation of the actual ASIP is done; while (ii) providing early feedback about the achievable performance gains and potential bottlenecks for the tailored architecture. The thesis strives to reduce the number of design iterations that are needed to create an ASIP, therefore improving the state-of-the-art methodologies. To achieve this goal, a set of tools and design flows has been created and evaluated. A highly configurable profiling infrastructure conforms the core of the Multi-Grained Profiling (MGP) approach. The proposed flow provides the means to gain insight into the algorithms that compose the application specification, for which the processor must be tailored. The generated information is kept at the source code level, and its degree of detail is configurable according to the ASIP design stage. The generated output can then be used directly by engineers to perform algorithmic exploration, or by other tools to predict potential performance gains from envisioned customization. Such is the case of the presented pre-architectural datapath performance estimation, which combines profiling information with a parameterization of an abstract processor model. The output of such tool consists of an approximation of the clock cycles that the given application would consume on the input processor model. Given the accuracy and agility of the estimation engine to predict the consumed clock cycles, its use within Design Space Exploration (DSE) tools is also explored within the work presented in the thesis. Careful ASIP datapath design must be accompanied with a proper memory sub-system that is able to efficiently access data. Therefore, an extension to the abstract processor model is performed, and a framework to conduct concurrent memory sub-system and application optimization is created. This framework is capable of: (i) distribute application data to optimally utilize the memory hierarchy; (ii) estimate the amount of cycles that the application spends accessing data; and (iii) provide visual feedback about the criticality of each data object. These outputs not only ensure that the designer knows how much time does the ASIP need to access data, but also accounts for an optimized utilization of the memory sub-system represented by the abstract model. The work also shows that by using the proposed tools, engineers are enabled to perform Algorithmic/Architectural Co-Exploration, instruction set design, and processor class selection early in the design cycle. This is illustrated through two case studies, in which ASIPs targeted for applications originating from the computer vision [2] and communication domains [14] are designed and implemented. Overall, the work contributes to reduce the total number of design iterations needed to create an ASIP, while keeping processor architects at the center of the design process. By using the proposed tools, a designer would be able to rapidly get insights on the underlying algorithms for an application specification, perform basic optimizations and simplifications on the algorithm, determine the best architecture to execute it, and assess the impact of envisioned datapath and memory architecture customization.Bibliography / Literaturverzeichnis[1] C. Galuzzi and K. 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