250 research outputs found

    Single trusted qubit is necessary and sufficient for quantum realisation of extremal no-signaling correlations

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    Quantum statistics can be considered from the perspective of postquantum no-signaling theories in which either none or only a certain number of quantum systems are trusted. In these scenarios, the role of states is played by the so-called no-signaling boxes or no-signaling assemblages respectively. It has been shown so far that in the usual Bell non-locality scenario with a single measurement run, quantum statistics can never reproduce an extremal non-local point within the set of no-signaling boxes. We provide here a general no-go rule showing that the latter stays true even if arbitrary sequential measurements are allowed. On the other hand, we prove a positive result showing that already a single trusted qubit is enough for quantum theory to produce a self-testable extremal point within the corresponding set of no-signaling assemblages. This result opens up the possibility for security proofs of cryptographic protocols against general no-signaling adversaries.Comment: 14 page

    Ring Learning With Errors: A crossroads between postquantum cryptography, machine learning and number theory

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    The present survey reports on the state of the art of the different cryptographic functionalities built upon the ring learning with errors problem and its interplay with several classical problems in algebraic number theory. The survey is based to a certain extent on an invited course given by the author at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics in September 2018.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1508.01375 by other authors/ comment of the author: quotation has been added to Theorem 5.

    Experimental fully contextual correlations

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    Quantum correlations are contextual yet, in general, nothing prevents the existence of even more contextual correlations. We identify and test a noncontextuality inequality in which the quantum violation cannot be improved by any hypothetical postquantum theory, and use it to experimentally obtain correlations in which the fraction of noncontextual correlations is less than 0.06. Our correlations are experimentally generated from the results of sequential compatible tests on a four-state quantum system encoded in the polarization and path of a single photon.Comment: REVTeX4, 6 pages, 3 figure

    Experimental implementation of a Kochen-Specker set of quantum tests

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    The conflict between classical and quantum physics can be identified through a series of yes-no tests on quantum systems, without it being necessary that these systems be in special quantum states. Kochen-Specker (KS) sets of yes-no tests have this property and provide a quantum-versus-classical advantage that is free of the initialization problem that affects some quantum computers. Here, we report the first experimental implementation of a complete KS set that consists of 18 yes-no tests on four-dimensional quantum systems and show how to use the KS set to obtain a state-independent quantum advantage. We first demonstrate the unique power of this KS set for solving a task while avoiding the problem of state initialization. Such a demonstration is done by showing that, for 28 different quantum states encoded in the orbital-angular-momentum and polarization degrees of freedom of single photons, the KS set provides an impossible-to-beat solution. In a second experiment, we generate maximally contextual quantum correlations by performing compatible sequential measurements of the polarization and path of single photons. In this case, state independence is demonstrated for 15 different initial states. Maximum contextuality and state independence follow from the fact that the sequences of measurements project any initial quantum state onto one of the KS set's eigenstates. Our results show that KS sets can be used for quantum-information processing and quantum computation and pave the way for future developments.Comment: REVTeX, 15 pages, 4 figure


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    The development of the modern world community is closely related to advances in computing resources and cyberspace. The formation and expansion of the range of services is based on the achievements of mankind in the field of high technologies. However, the rapid growth of computing resources, the emergence of a full-scale quantum computer tightens the requirements for security systems not only for information and communication systems, but also for cyber-physical systems and technologies. The methodological foundations of building security systems for critical infrastructure facilities based on modeling the processes of behavior of antagonistic agents in security systems are discussed in the first chapter. The concept of information security in social networks, based on mathematical models of data protection, taking into account the influence of specific parameters of the social network, the effects on the network are proposed in second chapter. The nonlinear relationships of the parameters of the defense system, attacks, social networks, as well as the influence of individual characteristics of users and the nature of the relationships between them, takes into account. In the third section, practical aspects of the methodology for constructing post-quantum algorithms for asymmetric McEliece and Niederreiter cryptosystems on algebraic codes (elliptic and modified elliptic codes), their mathematical models and practical algorithms are considered. Hybrid crypto-code constructions of McEliece and Niederreiter on defective codes are proposed. They can significantly reduce the energy costs for implementation, while ensuring the required level of cryptographic strength of the system as a whole. The concept of security of corporate information and educational systems based on the construction of an adaptive information security system is proposed. ISBN 978-617-7319-31-2 (on-line)ISBN 978-617-7319-32-9 (print) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to Cite: Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O., Korol, O., Milevskyi, S. et. al.; Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O. (Eds.) (2021). Synergy of building cybersecurity systems. Kharkiv: РС ТЕСHNOLOGY СЕNTЕR, 188. doi: http://doi.org/10.15587/978-617-7319-31-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Indexing:                    Розвиток сучасної світової спільноти тісно пов’язаний з досягненнями в області обчислювальних ресурсів і кіберпростору. Формування та розширення асортименту послуг базується на досягненнях людства у галузі високих технологій. Однак стрімке зростання обчислювальних ресурсів, поява повномасштабного квантового комп’ютера посилює вимоги до систем безпеки не тільки інформаційно-комунікаційних, але і до кіберфізичних систем і технологій. У першому розділі обговорюються методологічні основи побудови систем безпеки для об'єктів критичної інфраструктури на основі моделювання процесів поведінки антагоністичних агентів у систем безпеки. У другому розділі пропонується концепція інформаційної безпеки в соціальних мережах, яка заснована на математичних моделях захисту даних, з урахуванням впливу конкретних параметрів соціальної мережі та наслідків для неї. Враховуються нелінійні взаємозв'язки параметрів системи захисту, атак, соціальних мереж, а також вплив індивідуальних характеристик користувачів і характеру взаємовідносин між ними. У третьому розділі розглядаються практичні аспекти методології побудови постквантових алгоритмів для асиметричних криптосистем Мак-Еліса та Нідеррейтера на алгебраїчних кодах (еліптичних та модифікованих еліптичних кодах), їх математичні моделі та практичні алгоритми. Запропоновано гібридні конструкції криптокоду Мак-Еліса та Нідеррейтера на дефектних кодах. Вони дозволяють істотно знизити енергетичні витрати на реалізацію, забезпечуючи при цьому необхідний рівень криптографічної стійкості системи в цілому. Запропоновано концепцію безпеки корпоративних інформаційних та освітніх систем, які засновані на побудові адаптивної системи захисту інформації. ISBN 978-617-7319-31-2 (on-line)ISBN 978-617-7319-32-9 (print) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Як цитувати: Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O., Korol, O., Milevskyi, S. et. al.; Yevseiev, S., Ponomarenko, V., Laptiev, O., Milov, O. (Eds.) (2021). Synergy of building cybersecurity systems. Kharkiv: РС ТЕСHNOLOGY СЕNTЕR, 188. doi: http://doi.org/10.15587/978-617-7319-31-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Індексація:                 &nbsp

    Research Article Appliance of Neuron Networks in Cryptographic Systems

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    Abstract: This study is dedicated to the examination of a problem of postquantum encryption algorithms which are connected with a potential crisis in modern cryptography that is caused by appearance of quantum computers. General problem formulation is given as well as an example of danger from the quantum algorithms against classical cryptosystems. Existing postquantum systems are analyzed and the complication of their realization and cryptosecurity are estimated. Among the others algorithms on the basis of neural networks are chosen as a starting point. The study demonstrates neuro cryptographic protocol based on a three-level neural network of the direct propagation. There was evaluated it's cryptosecurity and analyzed three types of this algorithm attack to show the reality of the hypothesis that neuro cryptography is currently one of the most promising post quantum cryptographic systems

    Quantum Correlations and Quantum Non-Locality: A Review and a Few New Ideas

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    In this paper we make an extensive description of quantum non-locality, one of the most intriguing and fascinating facets of quantum mechanics. After a general presentation of several studies on this subject, we consider if quantum non-locality, and the friction it carries with special relativity, can eventually find a "solution" by considering higher dimensional spaces.Comment: 1