3 research outputs found

    Debugging of Toffoli networks

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    Abstract—Intensive research is performed to find post-CMOS technologies. A very promising direction based on reversible logic are quantum computers. While in the domain of reversible logic synthesis, testing, and verification have been investigated, debugging of reversible circuits has not yet been considered. The goal of debugging is to determine gates of an erroneous circuit that explain the observed incorrect behavior. In this paper we propose the first approach for automatic debugging of reversible Toffoli networks. Our method uses a formulation for the debugging problem based on Boolean satisfiability. We show the differences to classical (irreversible) debugging and present theoretical results. These are used to speed-up the debugging approach as well as to improve the resulting quality. Our method is able to find and to correct single errors automatically. I

    Automated Design Debugging With Abstraction and Refinement

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