41 research outputs found

    A tiny public key scheme based on Niederreiter Cryptosystem

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    Due to the weakness of public key cryptosystems encounter of quantum computers, the need to provide a solution was emerged. The McEliece cryptosystem and its security equivalent, the Niederreiter cryptosystem, which are based on Goppa codes, are one of the solutions, but they are not practical due to their long key length. Several prior attempts to decrease the length of the public key in code-based cryptosystems involved substituting the Goppa code family with other code families. However, these efforts ultimately proved to be insecure. In 2016, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) called for proposals from around the world to standardize post-quantum cryptography (PQC) schemes to solve this issue. After receiving of various proposals in this field, the Classic McEliece cryptosystem, as well as the Hamming Quasi-Cyclic (HQC) and Bit Flipping Key Encapsulation (BIKE), chosen as code-based encryption category cryptosystems that successfully progressed to the final stage. This article proposes a method for developing a code-based public key cryptography scheme that is both simple and implementable. The proposed scheme has a much shorter public key length compared to the NIST finalist cryptosystems. The key length for the primary parameters of the McEliece cryptosystem (n=1024, k=524, t=50) ranges from 18 to 500 bits. The security of this system is at least as strong as the security of the Niederreiter cryptosystem. The proposed structure is based on the Niederreiter cryptosystem which exhibits a set of highly advantageous properties that make it a suitable candidate for implementation in all extant systems

    Post-quantum signature algorithms based on the hidden discrete logarithm problem

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    New options of the hidden discrete logarithm problem are proposed as cryptographic primitive of the post-quantum signature algorithms. Two signature schemes using computations in finite non-commutative algebras with associative multiplication operation are introduced. The main feature of the proposed signature algorithms consists in using locally invertible elements of algebras. Two different types of algebras are used: i) containing global bi-side unit and ii) containing a large set of global right-side units

    Assessing and countering reaction attacks against post-quantum public-key cryptosystems based on QC-LDPC codes

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    Code-based public-key cryptosystems based on QC-LDPC and QC-MDPC codes are promising post-quantum candidates to replace quantum vulnerable classical alternatives. However, a new type of attacks based on Bob's reactions have recently been introduced and appear to significantly reduce the length of the life of any keypair used in these systems. In this paper we estimate the complexity of all known reaction attacks against QC-LDPC and QC-MDPC code-based variants of the McEliece cryptosystem. We also show how the structure of the secret key and, in particular, the secret code rate affect the complexity of these attacks. It follows from our results that QC-LDPC code-based systems can indeed withstand reaction attacks, on condition that some specific decoding algorithms are used and the secret code has a sufficiently high rate.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, to be presented at CANS 201

    SIDH-sign: an efficient SIDH PoK-based signature

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    We analyze and implement the SIDH PoK-based construction from De Feo, Dobson, Galbraith, and Zobernig. We improve the SIDH-PoK built-in functions to allow an efficient constant-time implementation. After that, we combine it with Fiat-Shamir transform to get an SIDH PoK-based signature scheme that we short label as SIDH-sign. We suggest SIDH-sign-p377, SIDH-sign-p546, and SIDH-sign-p697 as instances that provide security compared to NIST L1, L3, and L5. To the best of our knowledge, the three proposed instances provide the best performance among digital signature schemes based on isogenies

    Combinatorial Rank Attacks Against the Rectangular Simple Matrix Encryption Scheme

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    In 2013, Tao et al. introduced the ABC Simple Matrix Encryption Scheme, a multivariate public key encryption scheme. The scheme boasts great efficiency in encryption and decryption, though it suffers from very large public keys. It was quickly noted that the original proposal, utilizing square matrices, suffered from a very bad decryption failure rate. As a consequence, the designers later published updated parameters, replacing the square matrices with rectangular matrices and altering other parameters to avoid the cryptanalysis of the original scheme presented in 2014 by Moody et al. In this work, we show that making the matrices rectangular, while decreasing the decryption failure rate, actually, and ironically, diminishes security. We show that the combinatorial rank methods employed in the original attack of Moody et al. can be enhanced by the same added degrees of freedom that reduce the decryption failure rate. Moreover, and quite interestingly, if the decryption failure rate is still reasonably high, as exhibited by the proposed parameters, we are able to mount a reaction attack to further enhance the combinatorial rank methods. To our knowledge this is the first instance of a reaction attack creating a significant advantage in this context

    Collapseability of Tree Hashes

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    One oft-endeavored security property for cryptographic hash functions is collision resistance: it should be computationally infeasible to find distinct inputs x,x2˘7x,x\u27 such that H(x)=H(x2˘7)H(x) = H(x\u27), where HH is the hash function. Unruh (EUROCRYPT 2016) proposed collapseability as its quantum equivalent. The Merkle-Damgård and sponge hashing modes have recently been proven to be collapseable under the assumption that the underlying primitive is collapseable. These modes are inherently sequential. In this work, we investigate collapseability of tree hashing. We first consider fixed length tree hashing modes, and derive conditions under which their collapseability can be reduced to the collapseability of the underlying compression function. Then, we extend the result to two methods for achieving variable length hashing: tree hashing with domain separation between message and chaining value, and tree hashing with length encoding at the end of the tree. The proofs are performed using the collapseability composability framework of Fehr (TCC 2018), that allows us to discard of deeply technical quantum details and to focus on proper composition of the tree hashes from their compression function

    A Nonlinear Multivariate Cryptosystem Based on a Random Linear Code

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    We introduce a new technique for building multivariate encryption schemes based on random linear codes. The construction is versatile, naturally admitting multiple modifications. Among these modifications is an interesting embedding modifier--- any efficiently invertible multivariate system can be embedded and used as part of the inversion process. In particular, even small scale secure multivariate signature schemes can be embedded producing reasonably efficient encryption schemes. Thus this technique offers a bridge between multivariate signatures, many of which have remained stable and functional for many years, and multivariate encryption, a historically more troubling area

    Practical Cryptanalysis of k-ary C*

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    Recently, an article by Felke appeared in Cryptography and Communications discussing the security of biquadratic C* and a further generalization, k-ary C*. The article derives lower bounds for the complexity of an algebraic attack, directly inverting the public key, under an assumption that the first-fall degree is a good approximation of the solving degree, an assumption that the paper notes requires ``greater justification and clarification. In this work, we provide a practical attack breaking all k-ary C* schemes. The attack is based on differential techniques and requires nothing but the ability to evaluate the public key and solve linear systems. In particular, the attack breaks the parameters provided in CryptoChallenge11 by constructing and solving linear systems of moderate size in a few minutes

    Post-quantum public key-agreement scheme based on a new form of the hidden logarithm problem

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    A new form of the hidden discrete logarithm problem, proposed as primitive of the post-quantum public-key cryptoschemes, is defined over the 6-dimensional finite non-commutative associative algebra with a large set of the left-sided global units. The considered computationally difficult problem uses the mutual commutativity of the exponentiation operation and homomorphism mapping defined relatively a fixed unit element of the algebra. The related properties of the introduced algebra are described. Novel public key-agreement and zero-knowledge protocols based on the hidden logarithm problem are introduced as post-quantum cryptoschemes