3 research outputs found

    Spontaneous aggregation of non-living and living matter in aqueous environments subjected to a static electromagnetic field: potential link to the next step of abiogenesis

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    Exposing spring water isolated in darkness to a very powerful static magnetic field for 5 days without any disruption produced a greater amount of an aggregated crystalline precipitate than water alone. These aggregated crystals seemed to have formed a network at the water’s surface. This effect was not observed when using distilled water. Decreasing the volume of spring water diminished the amount of crystals produced. Placing a solution of spring water inside on an operating hot plate also produced a large amount of crystals, but these crystals resembled a powdered substance rather than a connected network. A similar effect involving the static magnetic field was also observed following a comparable paradigm using cells. A greater number of cells developed in plates of cell media exposed to the same powerful static magnetic field in the dark for 24 hours prior to the injection of cells when compared to plates of cell media not exposed to a magnet. These results, taken together along with quantitative calculations exploring the structure of the cell, suggest that electromagnetism in aqueous solutions may have played a larger role in the emergence of the organic from the inorganic, and this may have occurred by altering the structure of liquid water which subsequently influenced the organizing and structuring of the dissolved molecules within it.Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Biolog

    The effects of low-level electromagnetic fields and ultraweak photon emission on biological systems.

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    The functionality of biological organisms is a product of minute-invisible forces and structures, which together form a cohesive ensemble that initiate the processes of life. The electromagnetic and photonic nature of biological life and its basic unit the cell may be considered a viable option for communication, survival and senescence. The basis of this investigation considers the dynamic nature of low-level electromagnetic fields and ultraweak photon emission as a mechanism for intracellular and intercellular interactions, which work under the premise of only demanding small quanta of energy. Metastatic cancerous cells have been observed to emit specific frequencies of photon emission compared to healthy cells and increase this emission in unfavorable conditions. The application of a specific sequence of patterns (MuKarb) at a specific intensity, observed in the dissolution of planarian worms, when applied to cancerous cells produce complete death of the exposed metastatic cells but not healthy cells. When such patterns of light at specific wavelengths are pulsed into the aforementioned cells, the emitted light from the cells in the pulsed pattern is observed relative to the duration of the light exposure. These effects become critical to the specificity of the appropriate pattern and intensity of the field, which has been linked to the importance of appropriate equipment configuration. The smallest iv changes in the current/voltage flow within the circuitry of the digital to analogue converter and electromagnetic field devices can make drastic changes with respect to the elimination of cancerous cells being observed or not. This phenomenon reflects the Aharanov-Bohm phase shifts in voltage within the electromagnetic field equipment and its importance in producing effects as a result of low-level electromagnetic fields. The application of specificity within low-level electromagnetic generating equipment has also been shown through the process of non-locality (entanglement) where appropriate and tuned apparatus are required to produce specific non-local effects. Successful non-local effects were observed through observing decreases in growth of melanoma cells through nontangible means, comparable to the manipulate local melanoma cells. These results converge on the premise and importance of properly tuned equipment for successful low-level electromagnetic field and photon exposures. Furthermore the interaction between the use of low-level electromagnetic fields and photons at specific pattern has shown the importance of interfering with the propagation of metastatic cells.Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biomolecular Science

    Possible Further Evidence for the Thixotropic Phenomenon of Water

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    In this work we review the literature for possible confirmation of a phenomenon that was proposed to develop when water is left to stand for some time undisturbed in closed vessels. The phenomenon has been termed thixotropy of water due to the weak gel-like behaviour which may develop spontaneously over time where ions and contact with hydrophilic surfaces seem to play important roles. Thixotropy is a property of certain gels and liquids that under normal conditions are highly viscous, whereas during mechanical processing their viscosity diminishes. We found experiments indicating water’s self-organizing properties, long-lived inhomogeneities and time-dependent changes in the spectral parameters of aqueous systems. The large-scale inhomogeneities in aqueous solutions seem to occur in a vast number of systems. Long-term spectral changes of aqueous systems were observed even though the source of radiation was switched off or removed. And water was considered to be an active excitable medium in which appropriate conditions for self-organization can be established. In short, the thixotropic phenomenon of water is further indicated by different experimental techniques and may be triggered by large-scale ordering of water in the vicinity of nucleating solutes and hydrophilic surfaces