19 research outputs found

    Interference as an Issue and a Resource in Wireless Networks

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    This dissertation will be focused on the phenomenon of interference in wireless net- works. On one hand, interference will be viewed as a negative factor that one should mitigate in order to improve the performance of a wireless network in terms of achiev- able rate, and on the other hand as an asset to increase the performance of a network in terms of security. The problems that will be investigated are, first, the character- isation of the performance of a communication network modelled as an interference channel (IC) when interference alignment (IA) is used to mitigate the interference with imperfect knowledge of the channel state, second, the characterisation of the secrecy in the Internet-of-Things (IoT) framework where some devices may use artificial noise to generate interference to potential eavesdroppers. Different scenarios will be studied in the case where interference is unwanted; the first one is when the channel error is bounded. A lower bound on the capacity achievable in this case is provided and a new performance metric namely the saturating SNR is derived. The derived lower bound is studied with respect to some parameters of the estimation strategy when using Least-Square estimation to estimate the channel ma- trices. The second scenario deals with unbounded Gaussian estimation errors, here the statistical distribution of the achievable rate is given along with a new performance metric called outage probability that simplifies the study of the IC with IA under im- perfect CSI. The results are used to optimise the network parameters and extend the analysis further to the case of cellular networks. In the wanted interference situation, the secrecy of the worst-case communication is studied and the conditions for secrecy are provided. Furthermore the average number of secure links achievable in the network is studied according to a theoretical model that is developed for the IoT case

    Advances in Data Mining Knowledge Discovery and Applications

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    Advances in Data Mining Knowledge Discovery and Applications aims to help data miners, researchers, scholars, and PhD students who wish to apply data mining techniques. The primary contribution of this book is highlighting frontier fields and implementations of the knowledge discovery and data mining. It seems to be same things are repeated again. But in general, same approach and techniques may help us in different fields and expertise areas. This book presents knowledge discovery and data mining applications in two different sections. As known that, data mining covers areas of statistics, machine learning, data management and databases, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, and other areas. In this book, most of the areas are covered with different data mining applications. The eighteen chapters have been classified in two parts: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Applications

    Towards reliable communication in LTE-A connected heterogeneous machine to machine network

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    Machine to machine (M2M) communication is an emerging technology that enables heterogeneous devices to communicate with each other without human intervention and thus forming so-called Internet of Things (IoTs). Wireless cellular networks (WCNs) play a significant role in the successful deployment of M2M communication. Specially the ongoing massive deployment of long term evolution advanced (LTE-A) makes it possible to establish machine type communication (MTC) in most urban and remote areas, and by using LTE-A backhaul network, a seamless network communication is being established between MTC-devices and-applications. However, the extensive network coverage does not ensure a successful implementation of M2M communication in the LTE-A, and therefore there are still some challenges. Energy efficient reliable transmission is perhaps the most compelling demand for various M2M applications. Among the factors affecting reliability of M2M communication are the high endto-end delay and high bit error rate. The objective of the thesis is to provide reliable M2M communication in LTE-A network. In this aim, to alleviate the signalling congestion on air interface and efficient data aggregation we consider a cluster based architecture where the MTC devices are grouped into number of clusters and traffics are forwarded through some special nodes called cluster heads (CHs) to the base station (BS) using single or multi-hop transmissions. In many deployment scenarios, some machines are allowed to move and change their location in the deployment area with very low mobility. In practice, the performance of data transmission often degrades with the increase of distance between neighboring CHs. CH needs to be reselected in such cases. However, frequent re-selection of CHs results in counter effect on routing and reconfiguration of resource allocation associated with CH-dependent protocols. In addition, the link quality between a CH-CH and CH-BS are very often affected by various dynamic environmental factors such as heat and humidity, obstacles and RF interferences. Since CH aggregates the traffic from all cluster members, failure of the CH means that the full cluster will fail. Many solutions have been proposed to combat with error prone wireless channel such as automatic repeat request (ARQ) and multipath routing. Though the above mentioned techniques improve the communication reliability but intervene the communication efficiency. In the former scheme, the transmitter retransmits the whole packet even though the part of the packet has been received correctly and in the later one, the receiver may receive the same information from multiple paths; thus both techniques are bandwidth and energy inefficient. In addition, with retransmission, overall end to end delay may exceed the maximum allowable delay budget. Based on the aforementioned observations, we identify CH-to-CH channel is one of the bottlenecks to provide reliable communication in cluster based multihop M2M network and present a full solution to support fountain coded cooperative communications. Our solution covers many aspects from relay selection to cooperative formation to meet the user’s QoS requirements. In the first part of the thesis, we first design a rateless-coded-incremental-relay selection (RCIRS) algorithm based on greedy techniques to guarantee the required data rate with a minimum cost. After that, we develop fountain coded cooperative communication protocols to facilitate the data transmission between two neighbor CHs. In the second part, we propose joint network and fountain coding schemes for reliable communication. Through coupling channel coding and network coding simultaneously in the physical layer, joint network and fountain coding schemes efficiently exploit the redundancy of both codes and effectively combat the detrimental effect of fading conditions in wireless channels. In the proposed scheme, after correctly decoding the information from different sources, a relay node applies network and fountain coding on the received signals and then transmits to the destination in a single transmission. Therefore, the proposed schemes exploit the diversity and coding gain to improve the system performance. In the third part, we focus on the reliable uplink transmission between CHs and BS where CHs transmit to BS directly or with the help of the LTE-A relay nodes (RN). We investigate both type-I and type-II enhanced LTE-A networks and propose a set of joint network and fountain coding schemes to enhance the link robustness. Finally, the proposed solutions are evaluated through extensive numerical simulations and the numerical results are presented to provide a comparison with the related works found in the literature

    Sensors and Systems for Indoor Positioning

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    This reprint is a reprint of the articles that appeared in Sensors' (MDPI) Special Issue on “Sensors and Systems for Indoor Positioning". The published original contributions focused on systems and technologies to enable indoor applications

    Advanced receivers for distributed cooperation in mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are rapidly deployable wireless communications systems, operating with minimal coordination in order to avoid spectral efficiency losses caused by overhead. Cooperative transmission schemes are attractive for MANETs, but the distributed nature of such protocols comes with an increased level of interference, whose impact is further amplified by the need to push the limits of energy and spectral efficiency. Hence, the impact of interference has to be mitigated through with the use PHY layer signal processing algorithms with reasonable computational complexity. Recent advances in iterative digital receiver design techniques exploit approximate Bayesian inference and derivative message passing techniques to improve the capabilities of well-established turbo detectors. In particular, expectation propagation (EP) is a flexible technique which offers attractive complexity-performance trade-offs in situations where conventional belief propagation is limited by computational complexity. Moreover, thanks to emerging techniques in deep learning, such iterative structures are cast into deep detection networks, where learning the algorithmic hyper-parameters further improves receiver performance. In this thesis, EP-based finite-impulse response decision feedback equalizers are designed, and they achieve significant improvements, especially in high spectral efficiency applications, over more conventional turbo-equalization techniques, while having the advantage of being asymptotically predictable. A framework for designing frequency-domain EP-based receivers is proposed, in order to obtain detection architectures with low computational complexity. This framework is theoretically and numerically analysed with a focus on channel equalization, and then it is also extended to handle detection for time-varying channels and multiple-antenna systems. The design of multiple-user detectors and the impact of channel estimation are also explored to understand the capabilities and limits of this framework. Finally, a finite-length performance prediction method is presented for carrying out link abstraction for the EP-based frequency domain equalizer. The impact of accurate physical layer modelling is evaluated in the context of cooperative broadcasting in tactical MANETs, thanks to a flexible MAC-level simulato

    A Practical Investigation into Achieving Bio-Plausibility in Evo-Devo Neural Microcircuits Feasible in an FPGA

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    Many researchers has conjectured, argued, or in some cases demonstrated, that bio-plausibility can bring about emergent properties such as adaptability, scalability, fault-tolerance, self-repair, reliability, and autonomy to bio-inspired intelligent systems. Evolutionary-developmental (evo-devo) spiking neural networks are a very bio-plausible mixture of such bio-inspired intelligent systems that have been proposed and studied by a few researchers. However, the general trend is that the complexity and thus the computational cost grow with the bio-plausibility of the system. FPGAs (Field- Programmable Gate Arrays) have been used and proved to be one of the flexible and cost efficient hardware platforms for research' and development of such evo-devo systems. However, mapping a bio-plausible evo-devo spiking neural network to an FPGA is a daunting task full of different constraints and trade-offs that makes it, if not infeasible, very challenging. This thesis explores the challenges, trade-offs, constraints, practical issues, and some possible approaches in achieving bio-plausibility in creating evolutionary developmental spiking neural microcircuits in an FPGA through a practical investigation along with a series of case studies. In this study, the system performance, cost, reliability, scalability, availability, and design and testing time and complexity are defined as measures for feasibility of a system and structural accuracy and consistency with the current knowledge in biology as measures for bio-plausibility. Investigation of the challenges starts with the hardware platform selection and then neuron, cortex, and evo-devo models and integration of these models into a whole bio-inspired intelligent system are examined one by one. For further practical investigation, a new PLAQIF Digital Neuron model, a novel Cortex model, and a new multicellular LGRN evo-devo model are designed, implemented and tested as case studies. Results and their implications for the researchers, designers of such systems, and FPGA manufacturers are discussed and concluded in form of general trends, trade-offs, suggestions, and recommendations

    Complexity in Economic and Social Systems

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    There is no term that better describes the essential features of human society than complexity. On various levels, from the decision-making processes of individuals, through to the interactions between individuals leading to the spontaneous formation of groups and social hierarchies, up to the collective, herding processes that reshape whole societies, all these features share the property of irreducibility, i.e., they require a holistic, multi-level approach formed by researchers from different disciplines. This Special Issue aims to collect research studies that, by exploiting the latest advances in physics, economics, complex networks, and data science, make a step towards understanding these economic and social systems. The majority of submissions are devoted to financial market analysis and modeling, including the stock and cryptocurrency markets in the COVID-19 pandemic, systemic risk quantification and control, wealth condensation, the innovation-related performance of companies, and more. Looking more at societies, there are papers that deal with regional development, land speculation, and the-fake news-fighting strategies, the issues which are of central interest in contemporary society. On top of this, one of the contributions proposes a new, improved complexity measure