184 research outputs found

    On the Relation Between Incidence Calculus and ATMS

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    Trust Dynamics: A Case-study on Railway Sensors

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    International audienceSensors constitute information providers which are subject to imperfections and assessing the quality of their outputs, in particular the trust that can be put in them, is a crucial task. Indeed, timely recognising a low-trust sensor output can greatly improve the decision making process at the fusion level, help solving safety issues and avoiding expensive operations such as either unnecessary or delayed maintenance. In this framework, this paper considers the question of trust dynamics, i.e. its temporal evolution with respect to the information flow. The goal is to increase the user understanding of the trust computation model, as well as to give hints about how to refine the model and set its parameters according to specific needs. Considering a trust computation model based on three dimensions, namely reliability, likelihood and credibility, the paper proposes a protocol for the evaluation of the scoring method, in the case when no ground truth is available, using realistic simulated data to analyse the trust evolution at the local level of a single sensor. After a visual and formal analysis, the scoring method is applied to real data at a global level to observe interactions and dependencies among multiple sensors

    Proceedings of the first international VLDB workshop on Management of Uncertain Data

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    Robust techniques and applications in fuzzy clustering

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    This dissertation addresses issues central to frizzy classification. The issue of sensitivity to noise and outliers of least squares minimization based clustering techniques, such as Fuzzy c-Means (FCM) and its variants is addressed. In this work, two novel and robust clustering schemes are presented and analyzed in detail. They approach the problem of robustness from different perspectives. The first scheme scales down the FCM memberships of data points based on the distance of the points from the cluster centers. Scaling done on outliers reduces their membership in true clusters. This scheme, known as the Mega-clustering, defines a conceptual mega-cluster which is a collective cluster of all data points but views outliers and good points differently (as opposed to the concept of Dave\u27s Noise cluster). The scheme is presented and validated with experiments and similarities with Noise Clustering (NC) are also presented. The other scheme is based on the feasible solution algorithm that implements the Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) estimator. The LTS estimator is known to be resistant to noise and has a high breakdown point. The feasible solution approach also guarantees convergence of the solution set to a global optima. Experiments show the practicability of the proposed schemes in terms of computational requirements and in the attractiveness of their simplistic frameworks. The issue of validation of clustering results has often received less attention than clustering itself. Fuzzy and non-fuzzy cluster validation schemes are reviewed and a novel methodology for cluster validity using a test for random position hypothesis is developed. The random position hypothesis is tested against an alternative clustered hypothesis on every cluster produced by the partitioning algorithm. The Hopkins statistic is used as a basis to accept or reject the random position hypothesis, which is also the null hypothesis in this case. The Hopkins statistic is known to be a fair estimator of randomness in a data set. The concept is borrowed from the clustering tendency domain and its applicability to validating clusters is shown here. A unique feature selection procedure for use with large molecular conformational datasets with high dimensionality is also developed. The intelligent feature extraction scheme not only helps in reducing dimensionality of the feature space but also helps in eliminating contentious issues such as the ones associated with labeling of symmetric atoms in the molecule. The feature vector is converted to a proximity matrix, and is used as an input to the relational fuzzy clustering (FRC) algorithm with very promising results. Results are also validated using several cluster validity measures from literature. Another application of fuzzy clustering considered here is image segmentation. Image analysis on extremely noisy images is carried out as a precursor to the development of an automated real time condition state monitoring system for underground pipelines. A two-stage FCM with intelligent feature selection is implemented as the segmentation procedure and results on a test image are presented. A conceptual framework for automated condition state assessment is also developed

    Constructing Probabilistic ATMS Using Extended Incidence Calculus

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    This paper discusses the relations between extended incidence calculus and assumption-based truth maintenance systems (ATMSs). We first prove that managing labels for statements (nodes) in an ATMS is equivalent to producing incidence sets of these statements in extended incidence calculus. We then demonstrate that the justification set for a node is functionally equivalent to the implication relation set for the same node in extended incidence calculus. As a consequence, extended incidence calculus can provide justifications for an ATMS, because implication relation sets are discovered by the system automatically. We also show that extended incidence calculus provides a theoretical basis for constructing a probabilistic ATMS by associating proper probability distributions on assumptions. In this way, we can not only produce labels for all nodes in the system, but also calculate the probability of any of such nodes in it. The nogood environments can also be obtained automatically. Therefore, extended incidence calculus and the ATMS are equivalent in carrying out inferences at both the symbolic level and the numerical level. This extends a result due to Laskey and Lehner

    Civilian Target Recognition using Hierarchical Fusion

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    The growth of computer vision technology has been marked by attempts to imitate human behavior to impart robustness and confidence to the decision making process of automated systems. Examples of disciplines in computer vision that have been targets of such efforts are Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) and fusion. ATR is the process of aided or unaided target detection and recognition using data from different sensors. Usually, it is synonymous with its military application of recognizing battlefield targets using imaging sensors. Fusion is the process of integrating information from different sources at the data or decision levels so as to provide a single robust decision as opposed to multiple individual results. This thesis combines these two research areas to provide improved classification accuracy in recognizing civilian targets. The results obtained reaffirm that fusion techniques tend to improve the recognition rates of ATR systems. Previous work in ATR has mainly dealt with military targets and single level of data fusion. Expensive sensors and time-consuming algorithms are generally used to improve system performance. In this thesis, civilian target recognition, which is considered to be harder than military target recognition, is performed. Inexpensive sensors are used to keep the system cost low. In order to compensate for the reduced system ability, fusion is performed at two different levels of the ATR system { event level and sensor level. Only preliminary image processing and pattern recognition techniques have been used so as to maintain low operation times. High classification rates are obtained using data fusion techniques alone. Another contribution of this thesis is the provision of a single framework to perform all operations from target data acquisition to the final decision making. The Sensor Fusion Testbed (SFTB) designed by Northrop Grumman Systems has been used by the Night Vision & Electronic Sensors Directorate to obtain images of seven different types of civilian targets. Image segmentation is performed using background subtraction. The seven invariant moments are extracted from the segmented image and basic classification is performed using k Nearest Neighbor method. Cross-validation is used to provide a better idea of the classification ability of the system. Temporal fusion at the event level is performed using majority voting and sensor level fusion is done using Behavior-Knowledge Space method. Two separate databases were used. The first database uses seven targets (2 cars, 2 SUVs, 2 trucks and 1 stake body light truck). Individual frame, temporal fusion and BKS fusion results are around 65%, 70% and 77% respectively. The second database has three targets (cars, SUVs and trucks) formed by combining classes from the first database. Higher classification accuracies are observed here. 75%, 90% and 95% recognition rates are obtained at frame, event and sensor levels. It can be seen that, on an average, recognition accuracy improves with increasing levels of fusion. Also, distance-based classification was performed to study the variation of system performance with the distance of the target from the cameras. The results are along expected lines and indicate the efficacy of fusion techniques for the ATR problem. Future work using more complex image processing and pattern recognition routines can further improve the classification performance of the system. The SFTB can be equipped with these algorithms and field-tested to check real-time performance

    Actes des 22èmes rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, 10-11 octobre 2013, Reims, France

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