3 research outputs found

    Positive Diversity Tuning for Machine Translation System Combination

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    We present Positive Diversity Tuning, a new method for tuning machine translation models specifically for improved performance during system combination. System combination gains are often limited by the fact that the translations produced by the different component systems are too similar to each other. We propose a method for reducing excess cross-system similarity by optimizing a joint objective that simultaneously rewards models for producing translations that are similar to reference translations, while also punishing them for translations that are too similar to those produced by other systems. The formulation of the Positive Diversity objective is easy to implement and allows for its quick integration with most machine translation tuning pipelines. We find that individual systems tuned on the same data to Positive Diversity can be even more diverse than systems built using different data sets, while still obtaining good BLEU scores. When these individual systems are used together for system combination, our approach allows for significant gains of 0.8 BLEU even when the combination is performed using a small number of otherwise identical individual systems.