149 research outputs found

    Some more notions of homomorphism-homogeneity

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    We extend the notion of 'homomorphism-homogeneity' to a wider class of kinds of maps than previously studied, and we investigate the relations between the resulting notions of homomorphism-homogeneity, giving several examples. We also give further details on related work reported in [Deborah Lockett and John K Truss, Generic endomorphisms of homogeneous structures, in 'Groups and model theory', Contemporary Mathematics 576, ed Strungmann, Droste, Fuchs, Tent, American Mathematical Society, 2012, 217-237] about the endomorphisms of chains and generic endomorphisms of tree.Comment: 15 page

    On automatic homeomorphicity for transformation monoids

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    Transformation monoids carry a canonical topology --- the topology of point-wise convergence. A closed transformation monoid M\mathfrak{M} is said to have automatic homeomorphicity with respect to a class K\mathcal{K} of structures, if every monoid-isomorphism of M\mathfrak{M} to the endomorphism monoid of a member of K\mathcal{K} is automatically a homeomorphism. In this paper we show automatic homeomorphicity-properties for the monoid of non-decreasing functions on the rationals, the monoid of non-expansive functions on the Urysohn space and the endomorphism-monoid of the countable universal homogeneous poset.Comment: 21 page

    A universality result for endomorphism monoids of some ultrahomogeneous structures

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    We devise a fairly general sufficient condition ensuring that the endomorphism monoid of a countably infinite ultrahomogeneous structure (i.e. a Fra\"{\i}ss\'{e} limit) embeds all countable semigroups. This approach provides us not only with a framework unifying the previous scattered results in this vein, but actually yields new applications for endomorphism monoids of the (rational) Urysohn space and the countable universal ultrahomogeneous semilattice.Comment: 20 pages; to appear in the Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Societ

    The Bergman property for endomorphism monoids of some Fra\"{\i}ss\'e limits

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    Based on an idea of Y. P\'eresse and some results of Maltcev, Mitchell and Ru\v{s}kuc, we present sufficient conditions under which the endomorphism monoid of a countably infinite ultrahomogeneous first-order structure has the Bergman property. This property has played a prominent role both in the theory of infinite permutation groups and, more recently, in semigroup theory. As a byproduct of our considerations, we establish a criterion for a countably infinite ultrahomogeneous structure to be homomorphism-homogeneous.Comment: 16 pages; to appear in Forum Mathematicu

    Universal homomorphisms, universal structures, and the polymorphism clones of homogeneous structures

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    Using a categorial version of Fra\"iss\'e's theorem due to Droste and G\"obel, we derive a criterion for a comma-category to have universal homogeneous objects. As a first application we give new existence result for universal structures and for \omega-categorical universal structures. As a second application we characterize the retracts of a large class of homogeneous structures, extending previous results by Bonato, Deli\'c, Dolinka, and Kubi\'s. As a third application we show for a large class of homogeneous structures that their polymorphism clone is generated by polymorphisms of bounded arity, generalizing a classical result by Sierpi\'nski that the clone of all functions on a given set is generated by its binary part. Further we study the cofinality and the Bergman property for clones and we give sufficient conditions on a homogeneous structure to have a polymorphism clone that has uncountable cofinality and the Bergman property.Comment: corrected several typo

    Universality of intervals of line graph order

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    We prove that for every d≥3d\geq 3 the homomorphism order of the class of line graphs of finite graphs with maximal degree dd is universal. This means that every finite or countably infinite partially ordered set may be represented by line graphs of graphs with maximal degree dd ordered by the existence of a homomorphism.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted to European Journal of Combinatoric

    Polymorphism clones of homogeneous structures (Universal homogeneous polymorphisms and automatic homeomorphicity)

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    Every clone of functions comes naturally equipped with a topology---the topology of pointwise convergence. A clone C\mathfrak{C} is said to have automatic homeomorphicity with respect to a class C\mathcal{C} of clones, if every clone-isomorphism of C\mathfrak{C} to a member of C\mathcal{C} is already a homeomorphism (with respect to the topology of pointwise convergence). In this paper we study automatic homeomorphicity-properties for polymorphism clones of countable homogeneous relational structures. To this end we introduce and utilize universal homogeneous polymorphisms. Next to two generic criteria for the automatic homeomorphicity of the polymorphism clones of free homogeneous structures we show that the polymorphism clone of the generic poset with reflexive ordering has automatic homeomorphicity and that the polymorphism clone of the generic poset with strict ordering has automatic homeomorphicity with respect to countable ω\omega-categorical structures. Our results extend and generalize previous results by Bodirsky, Pinsker, and Pongr\'acz.Comment: 38 pages, revised and extended versio

    D-Ultrafilters and their Monads

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    For a number of locally finitely presentable categories K we describe the codensity monad of the full embedding of all finitely presentable objects into K. We introduce the concept of D-ultrafilter on an object, where D is a "nice" cogenerator of K. We prove that the codensity monad assigns to every object an object representing all D-ultrafilters on it. Our result covers e.g. categories of sets, vector spaces, posets, semilattices, graphs and M-sets for finite commutative monoids M.Comment: 25 page

    Homomorphism-homogeneous L-colored graphs

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    A relational structure is homomorphism-homogeneous (HH-homogeneous for short) if every homomorphism between finite induced substructures of the structure can be extended to a homomorphism over the whole domain of the structure. Similarly, a structure is monomorphism-homogeneous (MH-homogeneous for short) if every monomorphism between finite induced substructures of the structure can be extended to a homomorphism over the whole domain of the structure. In this paper we consider L-colored graphs, that is, undirected graphs without loops where sets of colors selected from L are assigned to vertices and edges. A full classification of finite MH-homogeneous L-colored graphs where L is a chain is provided, and we show that the classes MH and HH coincide. When L is a diamond, that is, a set of pairwise incomparable elements enriched with a greatest and a least element, the situation turns out to be much more involved. We show that in the general case the classes MH and HH do not coincide.Comment: Submitted to European Journal of Combinatoric

    Two Fra\"iss\'e-style theorems for homomorphism-homogeneous relational structures

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    In this paper, we state and prove two Fra\"{i}ss\'{e}-style results that cover existence and uniqueness properties for twelve of the eighteen different notions of homomorphism-homogeneity as introduced by Lockett and Truss, and provide forward directions and implications for the remaining six cases. Following these results, we completely determine the extent to which the countable homogeneous undirected graphs (as classified by Lachlan and Woodrow) are homomorphism-homogeneous; we also provide some insight into the directed graph case.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, 2 table
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