5 research outputs found

    Prediction of Environmental Properties for Chlorophenols with Posetic Quantitative Super-Structure/Property Relationships (QSSPR)

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    Due to their widespread use in bactericides, insecticides, herbicides, andfungicides, chlorophenols represent an important source of soil contaminants. Theenvironmental fate of these chemicals depends on their physico-chemical properties. In theabsence of experimental values for these physico-chemical properties, one can use predictedvalues computed with quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPR). As analternative to correlations to molecular structure we have studied the super-structure of areaction network, thereby developing three new QSSPR models (poset-average, cluster-expansion, and splinoid poset) that can be applied to chemical compounds which can behierarchically ordered into a reaction network. In the present work we illustrate these posetQSSPR models for the correlation of the octanol/water partition coefficient (log Kow) and thesoil sorption coefficient (log KOC) of chlorophenols. Excellent results are obtained for allQSSPR poset models to yield: log Kow, r = 0.991, s = 0.107, with the cluster-expansionQSSPR; and log KOC, r = 0.938, s = 0.259, with the spline QSSPR. Thus, the poset QSSPRmodels predict environmentally important properties of chlorophenols

    The Interplay between QSAR/QSPR Studies and Partial Order Ranking and Formal Concept Analyses

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    The often observed scarcity of physical-chemical and well as toxicological data hampers the assessment of potentially hazardous chemicals released to the environment. In such cases Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships/Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (QSAR/QSPR) constitute an obvious alternative for rapidly, effectively and inexpensively generatng missing experimental values. However, typically further treatment of the data appears necessary, e.g., to elucidate the possible relations between the single compounds as well as implications and associations between the various parameters used for the combined characterization of the compounds under investigation. In the present paper the application of QSAR/QSPR in combination with Partial Order Ranking (POR) methodologies will be reviewed and new aspects using Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) will be introduced. Where POR constitutes an attractive method for, e.g., prioritizing a series of chemical substances based on a simultaneous inclusion of a range of parameters, FCA gives important information on the implications associations between the parameters. The combined approach thus constitutes an attractive method to a preliminary assessment of the impact on environmental and human health by primary pollutants or possibly by a primary pollutant well as a possible suite of transformation subsequent products that may be both persistent in and bioaccumulating and toxic. The present review focus on the environmental – and human health impact by residuals of the rocket fuel 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (heptyl) and its transformation products as an illustrative example