22,348 research outputs found

    Accurate and linear time pose estimation from points and lines

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comThe Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem seeks to estimate the pose of a calibrated camera from n 3Dto-2D point correspondences. There are situations, though, where PnP solutions are prone to fail because feature point correspondences cannot be reliably estimated (e.g. scenes with repetitive patterns or with low texture). In such scenarios, one can still exploit alternative geometric entities, such as lines, yielding the so-called Perspective-n-Line (PnL) algorithms. Unfortunately, existing PnL solutions are not as accurate and efficient as their point-based counterparts. In this paper we propose a novel approach to introduce 3D-to-2D line correspondences into a PnP formulation, allowing to simultaneously process points and lines. For this purpose we introduce an algebraic line error that can be formulated as linear constraints on the line endpoints, even when these are not directly observable. These constraints can then be naturally integrated within the linear formulations of two state-of-the-art point-based algorithms, the OPnP and the EPnP, allowing them to indistinctly handle points, lines, or a combination of them. Exhaustive experiments show that the proposed formulation brings remarkable boost in performance compared to only point or only line based solutions, with a negligible computational overhead compared to the original OPnP and EPnP.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the Issue of Camera Calibration with Narrow Angular Field of View

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    This paper considers the issue of calibrating a camera with narrow angular field of view using standard, perspective methods in computer vision. In doing so, the significance of perspective distortion both for camera calibration and for pose estimation is revealed. Since narrow angular field of view cameras make it difficult to obtain rich images in terms of perspectivity, the accuracy of the calibration results is expectedly low. From this, we propose an alternative method that compensates for this loss by utilizing the pose readings of a robotic manipulator. It facilitates accurate pose estimation by nonlinear optimization, minimizing reprojection errors and errors in the manipulator transformations at the same time. Accurate pose estimation in turn enables accurate parametrization of a perspective camera

    Efficient generic calibration method for general cameras with single centre of projection

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    Generic camera calibration is a non-parametric calibration technique that is applicable to any type of vision sensor. However, the standard generic calibration method was developed with the goal of generality and it is therefore sub-optimal for the common case of cameras with a single centre of projection (e.g. pinhole, fisheye, hyperboloidal catadioptric). This paper proposes novel improvements to the standard generic calibration method for central cameras that reduce its complexity, and improve its accuracy and robustness. Improvements are achieved by taking advantage of the geometric constraints resulting from a single centre of projection. Input data for the algorithm is acquired using active grids, the performance of which is characterised. A new linear estimation stage to the generic algorithm is proposed incorporating classical pinhole calibration techniques, and it is shown to be significantly more accurate than the linear estimation stage of the standard method. A linear method for pose estimation is also proposed and evaluated against the existing polynomial method. Distortion correction and motion reconstruction experiments are conducted with real data for a hyperboloidal catadioptric sensor for both the standard and proposed methods. Results show the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method to be superior to those of the standard method

    Beyond Gr\"obner Bases: Basis Selection for Minimal Solvers

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    Many computer vision applications require robust estimation of the underlying geometry, in terms of camera motion and 3D structure of the scene. These robust methods often rely on running minimal solvers in a RANSAC framework. In this paper we show how we can make polynomial solvers based on the action matrix method faster, by careful selection of the monomial bases. These monomial bases have traditionally been based on a Gr\"obner basis for the polynomial ideal. Here we describe how we can enumerate all such bases in an efficient way. We also show that going beyond Gr\"obner bases leads to more efficient solvers in many cases. We present a novel basis sampling scheme that we evaluate on a number of problems

    Trifocal Relative Pose from Lines at Points and its Efficient Solution

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    We present a new minimal problem for relative pose estimation mixing point features with lines incident at points observed in three views and its efficient homotopy continuation solver. We demonstrate the generality of the approach by analyzing and solving an additional problem with mixed point and line correspondences in three views. The minimal problems include correspondences of (i) three points and one line and (ii) three points and two lines through two of the points which is reported and analyzed here for the first time. These are difficult to solve, as they have 216 and - as shown here - 312 solutions, but cover important practical situations when line and point features appear together, e.g., in urban scenes or when observing curves. We demonstrate that even such difficult problems can be solved robustly using a suitable homotopy continuation technique and we provide an implementation optimized for minimal problems that can be integrated into engineering applications. Our simulated and real experiments demonstrate our solvers in the camera geometry computation task in structure from motion. We show that new solvers allow for reconstructing challenging scenes where the standard two-view initialization of structure from motion fails.Comment: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-1439786 while most authors were in residence at Brown University's Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics -- ICERM, in Providence, R

    Self-Calibration of Cameras with Euclidean Image Plane in Case of Two Views and Known Relative Rotation Angle

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    The internal calibration of a pinhole camera is given by five parameters that are combined into an upper-triangular 3×33\times 3 calibration matrix. If the skew parameter is zero and the aspect ratio is equal to one, then the camera is said to have Euclidean image plane. In this paper, we propose a non-iterative self-calibration algorithm for a camera with Euclidean image plane in case the remaining three internal parameters --- the focal length and the principal point coordinates --- are fixed but unknown. The algorithm requires a set of N7N \geq 7 point correspondences in two views and also the measured relative rotation angle between the views. We show that the problem generically has six solutions (including complex ones). The algorithm has been implemented and tested both on synthetic data and on publicly available real dataset. The experiments demonstrate that the method is correct, numerically stable and robust.Comment: 13 pages, 7 eps-figure

    Vanishing Point Estimation in Uncalibrated Images with Prior Gravity Direction

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    We tackle the problem of estimating a Manhattan frame, i.e. three orthogonal vanishing points, and the unknown focal length of the camera, leveraging a prior vertical direction. The direction can come from an Inertial Measurement Unit that is a standard component of recent consumer devices, e.g., smartphones. We provide an exhaustive analysis of minimal line configurations and derive two new 2-line solvers, one of which does not suffer from singularities affecting existing solvers. Additionally, we design a new non-minimal method, running on an arbitrary number of lines, to boost the performance in local optimization. Combining all solvers in a hybrid robust estimator, our method achieves increased accuracy even with a rough prior. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superior accuracy of our method compared to the state of the art, while having comparable runtimes. We further demonstrate the applicability of our solvers for relative rotation estimation. The code is available at https://github.com/cvg/VP-Estimation-with-Prior-Gravity.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 202