51 research outputs found

    Convolutional Drift Networks for Video Classification

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    Analyzing spatio-temporal data like video is a challenging task that requires processing visual and temporal information effectively. Convolutional Neural Networks have shown promise as baseline fixed feature extractors through transfer learning, a technique that helps minimize the training cost on visual information. Temporal information is often handled using hand-crafted features or Recurrent Neural Networks, but this can be overly specific or prohibitively complex. Building a fully trainable system that can efficiently analyze spatio-temporal data without hand-crafted features or complex training is an open challenge. We present a new neural network architecture to address this challenge, the Convolutional Drift Network (CDN). Our CDN architecture combines the visual feature extraction power of deep Convolutional Neural Networks with the intrinsically efficient temporal processing provided by Reservoir Computing. In this introductory paper on the CDN, we provide a very simple baseline implementation tested on two egocentric (first-person) video activity datasets.We achieve video-level activity classification results on-par with state-of-the art methods. Notably, performance on this complex spatio-temporal task was produced by only training a single feed-forward layer in the CDN.Comment: Published in IEEE Rebooting Computin

    Fully-Coupled Two-Stream Spatiotemporal Networks for Extremely Low Resolution Action Recognition

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    A major emerging challenge is how to protect people's privacy as cameras and computer vision are increasingly integrated into our daily lives, including in smart devices inside homes. A potential solution is to capture and record just the minimum amount of information needed to perform a task of interest. In this paper, we propose a fully-coupled two-stream spatiotemporal architecture for reliable human action recognition on extremely low resolution (e.g., 12x16 pixel) videos. We provide an efficient method to extract spatial and temporal features and to aggregate them into a robust feature representation for an entire action video sequence. We also consider how to incorporate high resolution videos during training in order to build better low resolution action recognition models. We evaluate on two publicly-available datasets, showing significant improvements over the state-of-the-art.Comment: 9 pagers, 5 figures, published in WACV 201

    Drive Video Analysis for the Detection of Traffic Near-Miss Incidents

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    Because of their recent introduction, self-driving cars and advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) equipped vehicles have had little opportunity to learn, the dangerous traffic (including near-miss incident) scenarios that provide normal drivers with strong motivation to drive safely. Accordingly, as a means of providing learning depth, this paper presents a novel traffic database that contains information on a large number of traffic near-miss incidents that were obtained by mounting driving recorders in more than 100 taxis over the course of a decade. The study makes the following two main contributions: (i) In order to assist automated systems in detecting near-miss incidents based on database instances, we created a large-scale traffic near-miss incident database (NIDB) that consists of video clip of dangerous events captured by monocular driving recorders. (ii) To illustrate the applicability of NIDB traffic near-miss incidents, we provide two primary database-related improvements: parameter fine-tuning using various near-miss scenes from NIDB, and foreground/background separation into motion representation. Then, using our new database in conjunction with a monocular driving recorder, we developed a near-miss recognition method that provides automated systems with a performance level that is comparable to a human-level understanding of near-miss incidents (64.5% vs. 68.4% at near-miss recognition, 61.3% vs. 78.7% at near-miss detection).Comment: Accepted to ICRA 201

    Learning Robot Activities from First-Person Human Videos Using Convolutional Future Regression

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    We design a new approach that allows robot learning of new activities from unlabeled human example videos. Given videos of humans executing the same activity from a human's viewpoint (i.e., first-person videos), our objective is to make the robot learn the temporal structure of the activity as its future regression network, and learn to transfer such model for its own motor execution. We present a new deep learning model: We extend the state-of-the-art convolutional object detection network for the representation/estimation of human hands in training videos, and newly introduce the concept of using a fully convolutional network to regress (i.e., predict) the intermediate scene representation corresponding to the future frame (e.g., 1-2 seconds later). Combining these allows direct prediction of future locations of human hands and objects, which enables the robot to infer the motor control plan using our manipulation network. We experimentally confirm that our approach makes learning of robot activities from unlabeled human interaction videos possible, and demonstrate that our robot is able to execute the learned collaborative activities in real-time directly based on its camera input

    Multichannel Attention Network for Analyzing Visual Behavior in Public Speaking

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    Public speaking is an important aspect of human communication and interaction. The majority of computational work on public speaking concentrates on analyzing the spoken content, and the verbal behavior of the speakers. While the success of public speaking largely depends on the content of the talk, and the verbal behavior, non-verbal (visual) cues, such as gestures and physical appearance also play a significant role. This paper investigates the importance of visual cues by estimating their contribution towards predicting the popularity of a public lecture. For this purpose, we constructed a large database of more than 18001800 TED talk videos. As a measure of popularity of the TED talks, we leverage the corresponding (online) viewers' ratings from YouTube. Visual cues related to facial and physical appearance, facial expressions, and pose variations are extracted from the video frames using convolutional neural network (CNN) models. Thereafter, an attention-based long short-term memory (LSTM) network is proposed to predict the video popularity from the sequence of visual features. The proposed network achieves state-of-the-art prediction accuracy indicating that visual cues alone contain highly predictive information about the popularity of a talk. Furthermore, our network learns a human-like attention mechanism, which is particularly useful for interpretability, i.e. how attention varies with time, and across different visual cues by indicating their relative importance

    Going Deeper into First-Person Activity Recognition

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    We bring together ideas from recent work on feature design for egocentric action recognition under one framework by exploring the use of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN). Recent work has shown that features such as hand appearance, object attributes, local hand motion and camera ego-motion are important for characterizing first-person actions. To integrate these ideas under one framework, we propose a twin stream network architecture, where one stream analyzes appearance information and the other stream analyzes motion information. Our appearance stream encodes prior knowledge of the egocentric paradigm by explicitly training the network to segment hands and localize objects. By visualizing certain neuron activation of our network, we show that our proposed architecture naturally learns features that capture object attributes and hand-object configurations. Our extensive experiments on benchmark egocentric action datasets show that our deep architecture enables recognition rates that significantly outperform state-of-the-art techniques -- an average 6.6%6.6\% increase in accuracy over all datasets. Furthermore, by learning to recognize objects, actions and activities jointly, the performance of individual recognition tasks also increase by 30%30\% (actions) and 14%14\% (objects). We also include the results of extensive ablative analysis to highlight the importance of network design decisions.
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