504 research outputs found

    A 1.5-pproximation algorithms for activating 2 disjoint stst-paths

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    In the ActivationActivation kk DisjointDisjoint stst-PathsPaths (ActivationActivation kk-DPDP) problem we are given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with activation costs {cuvu,cuvv}\{c_{uv}^u,c_{uv}^v\} for every edge uvEuv \in E, a source-sink pair s,tVs,t \in V, and an integer kk. The goal is to compute an edge set FEF \subseteq E of kk internally node disjoint stst-paths of minimum activation cost vVmaxuvEcuvv\displaystyle \sum_{v \in V}\max_{uv \in E}c_{uv}^v. The problem admits an easy 22-approximation algorithm. Alqahtani and Erlebach [CIAC, pages 1-12, 2013] claimed that Activation 2-DP admits a 1.51.5-approximation algorithm. Their proof has an error, and we will show that the approximation ratio of their algorithm is at least 22. We will then give a different algorithm with approximation ratio 1.51.5

    Approximating the Minimum Equivalent Digraph

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    The MEG (minimum equivalent graph) problem is, given a directed graph, to find a small subset of the edges that maintains all reachability relations between nodes. The problem is NP-hard. This paper gives an approximation algorithm with performance guarantee of pi^2/6 ~ 1.64. The algorithm and its analysis are based on the simple idea of contracting long cycles. (This result is strengthened slightly in ``On strongly connected digraphs with bounded cycle length'' (1996).) The analysis applies directly to 2-Exchange, a simple ``local improvement'' algorithm, showing that its performance guarantee is 1.75.Comment: conference version in ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (1994

    Notions of Connectivity in Overlay Networks

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    International audience" How well connected is the network? " This is one of the most fundamental questions one would ask when facing the challenge of designing a communication network. Three major notions of connectivity have been considered in the literature, but in the context of traditional (single-layer) networks, they turn out to be equivalent. This paper introduces a model for studying the three notions of connectivity in multi-layer networks. Using this model, it is easy to demonstrate that in multi-layer networks the three notions may differ dramatically. Unfortunately, in contrast to the single-layer case, where the values of the three connectivity notions can be computed efficiently, it has been recently shown in the context of WDM networks (results that can be easily translated to our model) that the values of two of these notions of connectivity are hard to compute or even approximate in multi-layer networks. The current paper shed some positive light into the multi-layer connectivity topic: we show that the value of the third connectivity notion can be computed in polynomial time and develop an approximation for the construction of well connected overlay networks

    Approximating Minimum-Cost k-Node Connected Subgraphs via Independence-Free Graphs

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    We present a 6-approximation algorithm for the minimum-cost kk-node connected spanning subgraph problem, assuming that the number of nodes is at least k3(k1)+kk^3(k-1)+k. We apply a combinatorial preprocessing, based on the Frank-Tardos algorithm for kk-outconnectivity, to transform any input into an instance such that the iterative rounding method gives a 2-approximation guarantee. This is the first constant-factor approximation algorithm even in the asymptotic setting of the problem, that is, the restriction to instances where the number of nodes is lower bounded by a function of kk.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, 28 reference