4,342 research outputs found

    Bi-quartic parametric polynomial minimal surfaces

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    Minimal surfaces with isothermal parameters admitting B\'{e}zier representation were studied by Cosin and Monterde. They showed that, up to an affine transformation, the Enneper surface is the only bi-cubic isothermal minimal surface. Here we study bi-quartic isothermal minimal surfaces and establish the general form of their generating functions in the Weierstrass representation formula. We apply an approach proposed by Ganchev to compute the normal curvature and show that, in contrast to the bi-cubic case, there is a variety of bi-quartic isothermal minimal surfaces. Based on the Bezier representation we establish some geometric properties of the bi-quartic harmonic surfaces. Numerical experiments are visualized and presented to illustrate and support our results.Comment: 14 page

    Parametric polynomial minimal surfaces of arbitrary degree

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    Weierstrass representation is a classical parameterization of minimal surfaces. However, two functions should be specified to construct the parametric form in Weierestrass representation. In this paper, we propose an explicit parametric form for a class of parametric polynomial minimal surfaces of arbitrary degree. It includes the classical Enneper surface for cubic case. The proposed minimal surfaces also have some interesting properties such as symmetry, containing straight lines and self-intersections. According to the shape properties, the proposed minimal surface can be classified into four categories with respect to n=4k1n=4k-1 n=4k+1n=4k+1, n=4kn=4k and n=4k+2n=4k+2. The explicit parametric form of corresponding conjugate minimal surfaces is given and the isometric deformation is also implemented

    Magnification relations in gravitational lensing via multidimensional residue integrals

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    We investigate the so-called magnification relations of gravitational lensing models. We show that multidimensional residue integrals provide a simple explanation for the existence of these relations, and an effective method of computation. We illustrate the method with several examples, thereby deriving new magnification relations for galaxy lens models and microlensing (point mass lensing).Comment: 16 pages, uses revtex4, submitted to Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Quantum Minimal Surfaces

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    We discuss quantum analogues of minimal surfaces in Euclidean spaces and tori

    Ricci surfaces

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    A Ricci surface is a Riemannian 2-manifold (M,g)(M,g) whose Gaussian curvature KK satisfies KΔK+g(dK,dK)+4K3=0K\Delta K+g(dK,dK)+4K^3=0. Every minimal surface isometrically embedded in R3\mathbb{R}^3 is a Ricci surface of non-positive curvature. At the end of the 19th century Ricci-Curbastro has proved that conversely, every point xx of a Ricci surface has a neighborhood which embeds isometrically in R3\mathbb{R}^3 as a minimal surface, provided K(x)<0K(x)<0. We prove this result in full generality by showing that Ricci surfaces can be locally isometrically embedded either minimally in R3\mathbb{R}^3 or maximally in R2,1\mathbb{R}^{2,1}, including near points of vanishing curvature. We then develop the theory of closed Ricci surfaces, possibly with conical singularities, and construct classes of examples in all genera g2g\geq 2.Comment: 27 pages; final version, to appear in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienz

    Strominger--Yau--Zaslow geometry, Affine Spheres and Painlev\'e III

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    We give a gauge invariant characterisation of the elliptic affine sphere equation and the closely related Tzitz\'eica equation as reductions of real forms of SL(3, \C) anti--self--dual Yang--Mills equations by two translations, or equivalently as a special case of the Hitchin equation. We use the Loftin--Yau--Zaslow construction to give an explicit expression for a six--real dimensional semi--flat Calabi--Yau metric in terms of a solution to the affine-sphere equation and show how a subclass of such metrics arises from 3rd Painlev\'e transcendents.Comment: 38 pages. Final version. To appear in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Comparison of data-driven uncertainty quantification methods for a carbon dioxide storage benchmark scenario

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    A variety of methods is available to quantify uncertainties arising with\-in the modeling of flow and transport in carbon dioxide storage, but there is a lack of thorough comparisons. Usually, raw data from such storage sites can hardly be described by theoretical statistical distributions since only very limited data is available. Hence, exact information on distribution shapes for all uncertain parameters is very rare in realistic applications. We discuss and compare four different methods tested for data-driven uncertainty quantification based on a benchmark scenario of carbon dioxide storage. In the benchmark, for which we provide data and code, carbon dioxide is injected into a saline aquifer modeled by the nonlinear capillarity-free fractional flow formulation for two incompressible fluid phases, namely carbon dioxide and brine. To cover different aspects of uncertainty quantification, we incorporate various sources of uncertainty such as uncertainty of boundary conditions, of conceptual model definitions and of material properties. We consider recent versions of the following non-intrusive and intrusive uncertainty quantification methods: arbitary polynomial chaos, spatially adaptive sparse grids, kernel-based greedy interpolation and hybrid stochastic Galerkin. The performance of each approach is demonstrated assessing expectation value and standard deviation of the carbon dioxide saturation against a reference statistic based on Monte Carlo sampling. We compare the convergence of all methods reporting on accuracy with respect to the number of model runs and resolution. Finally we offer suggestions about the methods' advantages and disadvantages that can guide the modeler for uncertainty quantification in carbon dioxide storage and beyond