1 research outputs found

    Polymorphism and danger susceptibility of system call DASTONs

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    We have proposed a metaphor “DAnger Susceptible daTa codON� (DASTON) in data subject to processing by Danger Theory (DT) based Artificial Immune System (DAIS). The DASTONs are data chunks or data point sets that actively take part to produce “danger�; here we abstract “danger� as required outcome. To have closer look to the metaphor, this paper furthers biological abstractions for DASTON. Susceptibility of DASTON is important parameter for generating dangerous outcome. In biology, susceptibility of a host to pathogenic activities (potentially dangerous activities) is related to polymorphism. Interestingly, results of experiments conducted for system call DASTONs are in close accordance to biological theory of polymorphism and susceptibility. This shows that computational data (system calls in this case) exhibit biological properties when processed with DT point of view