17,172 research outputs found

    Social Aspects of New Technologies - the CCTV and Biometric (Framing Privacy and Data Protection) in the Case of Poland

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the institution responsible for the protection of personal data within the European Union and national example - Polish as a country representing the new Member States. The analysis of institutional system - providing legal security of communication and information institutions, companies and citizens against the dangers arising from the ongoing development of innovative new technologies in the European Union and Poland. This article is an attempt to analyze the possibility of using security systems and Biometry CTTV in Poland in terms of legislation. The results of the analysis indicate that, in terms of institutions Poland did not do badly in relation to the risks arising from the implementation of technology. The situation is not as good when it comes to the awareness of citizens and small businesses. This requires that facilitate greater access to free security software companies from data leakage or uncontrolled cyber-terrorist attacks. With regard to the use of security systems, CCTV and biometrics, Poland in legal terms is still early in the process of adapting to EU Directive. The continuous development of technology should force the legislature to establish clear standards and regulations for the application of CCTV technology and biometrics, as it is of great importance in ensuring the fundamental rights and freedoms of every citizen of the Polish Republic.Wyniki analizy wskazują, że pod względem instytucji Polska nie wypada źle w odniesieniu do zagrożeń wynikających z wdrożenia technologii. Sytuacja nie jest tak dobra, jeśli chodzi o świadomość obywateli i mniejszych firm. Wymaga to ułatwiania szerszego dostępu do darmowych programów zabezpieczających firmy przed wyciekiem danych lub niekontrolowanych cyber-ataków terrorystycznych. W odniesieniu do stosowania systemów zabezpieczeń CCTV oraz biometrii, Polska pod względem prawnym jest wciąż na początku procesu dostosowania do dyrektywy UE. Ciągły rozwój technologii powinien zmusić ustawodawcę do stworzenia jednoznacznych standardów i przepisów obowiązujących w zakresie stosowania technologii CCTV oraz biometrii, gdyż ma to ogromne znaczenie w zapewnieniu podstawowych praw i wolności każdego obywatela Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

    Challenges of integration and globalization

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    There has been plenty of books and articles written about integration and globalisation, especially in English. However, these processes are characterised as being extremely dynamic. The researchers are eye-witnesses to a constantly changing reality and appearing new, often unexpected phenomena accompanying unification or even uniformisation of the modern world.Editors, Foreword -- Part I Globalization and Integration Processes in the Contemporary World -- George Gamkrelidze, How Globalization Affects Integration -- Grzegorz Piwnicki, The Future of the European Union. The Most Important Issues -- Jakub Potulski, The European Sociopolitical Sphere -- Wojciech Forysinski, Integration and Disintegration of International Law in the 21st Century: between Universality and Differentiation -- Stanisław Sipowicz, Globalization and Cyber Threats -- Part II National Experiences with Globalization and Integration Processes -- Andrzej Chodubski, The Importance of Universal Values in the Process of Polish Integration with Europe -- Dušan Leška, Struggle of the Slovak Republic to Join the European Union -- Lucia Mokrá, Approximation of Slovak Constitutional Order to EU Law – Case Study of Successful Accession -- Arkadiusz Modrzejewski, The Concepts of Eastern Borders of Europe and European Identity of Georgia -- Piotr Andrusieczko and Kateryna Shestakova, Challenges for Georgia and Ukraine in the Black Sea Region -- Olha Voznyuk, Ukraine: Back to Homo Sovieticus? -- Anna Szramkowska, Chinese Presence in Global Governance. New Ways or Old Problems for Developing Countries. Case Study of Sudan and Angola

    Energy in the German-Polish relationship: acknowledging controversies - pursuing shared interests

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    Germany and Poland stand as examples of the differing interests of individual European Union (EU) member states in energy policy. However, both countries are crucial for filling an Energy Union with substance. Yet, progress in bilateral engagement has stalled, as controversies, for example over Nord Stream II, threaten to distract attention from other issues and avenues for energy cooperation. While acknowledging disagreements, the focus should be on identifying areas of agreement and opportunities for cooperation. Although the difficulty of resolving highly controversial issues is not to be discounted, addressing them will require taking steps to establish trust while designing programs and projects to transform the idea of solidarity from rhetoric into reality. (author's abstract

    The Survey of Information Systems in Public Administration in Poland

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    Social Innovation in Service Delivery: New Partners and Approaches

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    [Excerpt] This report presents the findings of a research project exploring the involvement of new partners – in particular, the social partners, civil society and people in vulnerable situations – in social innovation. For the purposes of the research, ‘social innovation’ is defined as new ideas (products, services and models) that simultaneously resolve societal challenges, meet social needs and create new social relationships among the groups concerned. Social innovation can involve such aspects as new participation in decision-making, services affecting the social situation of specific target groups (provided commercially or not) and changes in social care systems. It is part of cultural development and societal change. The research was carried out at EU level – focusing especially on the role of the European Social Fund (ESF) in social innovation – and in six Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Sweden. It examined the innovation and social partnership culture in each country, and analysed to what extent national-level policies have been triggered by EU policy. The research also includes three case studies carried out in Ireland, Slovenia and Sweden, presenting initiatives that the social partners, or those in vulnerable situations, have been involved in designing and implementing. The objective of this study is to inform, with an evidence-based approach, the policy debate on social innovation, and contribute to a better understanding of effective and sustainable processes. The study also aims to explore how social innovation can be most effectively supported in different phases: from initiation, through consistent delivery of good quality services, to identification of good practice

    Transnationalisation and development(s): towards a North-South perspective

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    "The central puzzle addressed in this paper is: On the one hand we observe that public and academic debates in the newest round of the migration-development nexus address mostly one-way flows, the transfer of resources from North or West to South and East. These transfers include financial remittances, human capital, knowledge and even so-called social remittances, such as the export of democracy and human rights. The newest round of the migration- development debate, like the older ones in the 1960s and 1980s, is couched in terms of development and development cooperation. On the other hand, studies taking a transnational approach suggest that we do not see one-way traffic but two-way flows. There is the silent backwash of remittances, that is, a massive flow of resources from South to North. Examples include student tuition fees, 'reverse remittances', such as families of migrants paying for their kinfolk to legalize their status. In addressing this puzzle, this paper analyses the migration-development nexus between North/West and South/East in using a transnational lens. The paper addresses three questions: First, the question is what is new and what is old about the new 'mantra' of the migration-development nexus. Second, as to sustained crossborder transactions the question comes up whose transnational ties and what kind of transnational ties are good for development? Third, one of the glaring questions is why the new enthusiasm on migration and development now? How is it connected to changing paradigms in development thinking and the overall discursive embedding in the trinity of community & civil society, market and the state. How is it connected to changing geopolitical formations and forms of migration control after the end of the Cold War?" (author's abstract

    An Analysis of Factors That Have Influenced the Evolution of Information Assurance from World War I through Vietnam to the Present

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    This study is an exploratory historical analysis of the factors that have influenced the evolution of military Information Assurance (IA) programs from World War I to the present. Although the term IA has recently been widely used throughout the Information Resource Management field (IRM), evidence indicates that information and information systems protection mechanisms were used during every U.S. Military conflict. This research proposes to increase the body of knowledge within the information systems management field by exploring the areas related to Information Assurance (IA) and the ultimate goal of U. S. Defensive Information Warfare. I found that significant events related to the protection of information and information systems security led to certain levels of IA being explored throughout each U.S. Military conflict. The evaluation of these events provides key information that reveals a common approach to IA throughout history and supports the identification of key concepts that have influenced this evolutionary process and shaped the role of IA in current military operations, with indicators of how it may be used in the future