1,180 research outputs found

    Sentiment analysis on online social network

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    A large amount of data is maintained in every Social networking sites.The total data constantly gathered on these sites make it difficult for methods like use of field agents, clipping services and ad-hoc research to maintain social media data. This paper discusses the previous research on sentiment analysis

    Comparing and Combining Sentiment Analysis Methods

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    Several messages express opinions about events, products, and services, political views or even their author's emotional state and mood. Sentiment analysis has been used in several applications including analysis of the repercussions of events in social networks, analysis of opinions about products and services, and simply to better understand aspects of social communication in Online Social Networks (OSNs). There are multiple methods for measuring sentiments, including lexical-based approaches and supervised machine learning methods. Despite the wide use and popularity of some methods, it is unclear which method is better for identifying the polarity (i.e., positive or negative) of a message as the current literature does not provide a method of comparison among existing methods. Such a comparison is crucial for understanding the potential limitations, advantages, and disadvantages of popular methods in analyzing the content of OSNs messages. Our study aims at filling this gap by presenting comparisons of eight popular sentiment analysis methods in terms of coverage (i.e., the fraction of messages whose sentiment is identified) and agreement (i.e., the fraction of identified sentiments that are in tune with ground truth). We develop a new method that combines existing approaches, providing the best coverage results and competitive agreement. We also present a free Web service called iFeel, which provides an open API for accessing and comparing results across different sentiment methods for a given text.Comment: Proceedings of the first ACM conference on Online social networks (2013) 27-3

    Semantic Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data

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    Internet and the proliferation of smart mobile devices have changed the way information is created, shared, and spreads, e.g., microblogs such as Twitter, weblogs such as LiveJournal, social networks such as Facebook, and instant messengers such as Skype and WhatsApp are now commonly used to share thoughts and opinions about anything in the surrounding world. This has resulted in the proliferation of social media content, thus creating new opportunities to study public opinion at a scale that was never possible before. Naturally, this abundance of data has quickly attracted business and research interest from various fields including marketing, political science, and social studies, among many others, which are interested in questions like these: Do people like the new Apple Watch? Do Americans support ObamaCare? How do Scottish feel about the Brexit? Answering these questions requires studying the sentiment of opinions people express in social media, which has given rise to the fast growth of the field of sentiment analysis in social media, with Twitter being especially popular for research due to its scale, representativeness, variety of topics discussed, as well as ease of public access to its messages. Here we present an overview of work on sentiment analysis on Twitter.Comment: Microblog sentiment analysis; Twitter opinion mining; In the Encyclopedia on Social Network Analysis and Mining (ESNAM), Second edition. 201

    Identifying Emotions in Social Media: Comparison of Word-emotion lexica

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    In recent years, emotions expressed in social media messages have become a vivid research topic due to their influence on the spread of misinformation and online radicalization over online social networks. Thus, it is important to correctly identify emotions in order to make inferences from social media messages. In this paper, we report on the performance of three publicly available word-emotion lexicons (NRC, DepecheMood, EmoSenticNet) over a set of Facebook and Twitter messages. To this end, we designed and implemented an algorithm that applies natural language processing (NLP) techniques along with a number of heuristics that reflect the way humans naturally assess emotions in written texts. In order to evaluate the appropriateness of the obtained emotion scores, we conducted a questionnaire-based survey with human raters. Our results show that there are noticeable differences between the performance of the lexicons as well as with respect to emotion scores the human raters provided in our surve
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