5 research outputs found

    High Resolution Surface Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Objects Using Shape from Polarization Method

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    Nowadays, three-dimensional reconstruction is used in various fields like computer vision, computer graphics, mixed reality and digital twin. The three- dimensional reconstruction of cultural heritage objects is one of the most important applications in this area which is usually accomplished by close range photogrammetry. The problem here is that the images are often noisy, and the dense image matching method has significant limitations to reconstruct the geometric details of cultural heritage objects in practice. Therefore, displaying high-level details in three-dimensional models, especially for cultural heritage objects, is a severe challenge in this field. In this paper, the shape from polarization method has been investigated, a passive method with no drawbacks of active methods. In this method, the resolution of the depth maps can be dramatically increased using the information obtained from the polarization light by rotating a linear polarizing filter in front of a digital camera. Through these polarized images, the surface details of the object can be reconstructed locally with high accuracy. The fusion of polarization and photogrammetric methods is an appropriate solution for achieving high resolution three-dimensional reconstruction. The surface reconstruction assessments have been performed visually and quantitatively. The evaluations showed that the proposed method could significantly reconstruct the surfaces' details in the three-dimensional model compared to the photogrammetric method with 10 times higher depth resolution


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    Today, three-dimensional reconstruction of objects has many applications in various fields, and therefore, choosing a suitable method for high resolution three-dimensional reconstruction is an important issue and displaying high-level details in three-dimensional models is a serious challenge in this field. Until now, active methods have been used for high-resolution three-dimensional reconstruction. But the problem of active three-dimensional reconstruction methods is that they require a light source close to the object. Shape from polarization (SfP) is one of the best solutions for high-resolution three-dimensional reconstruction of objects, which is a passive method and does not have the drawbacks of active methods. The changes in polarization of the reflected light from an object can be analyzed by using a polarization camera or locating polarizing filter in front of the digital camera and rotating the filter. Using this information, the surface normal can be reconstructed with high accuracy, which will lead to local reconstruction of the surface details. In this paper, an end-to-end deep learning approach has been presented to produce the surface normal of objects. In this method a benchmark dataset has been used to train the neural network and evaluate the results. The results have been evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively by other methods and under different lighting conditions. The MAE value (Mean-Angular-Error) has been used for results evaluation. The evaluations showed that the proposed method could accurately reconstruct the surface normal of objects with the lowest MAE value which is equal to 18.06 degree on the whole dataset, in comparison to previous physics-based methods which are between 41.44 and 49.03 degree

    Polarimetric dense monocular SLAM

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    This thesis presents a novel polarimetric dense monocular SLAM (PDMS) algorithm based on a polarization camera. The algorithm exploits both photometric and polarimetric light information to produce more accurate and complete geometry. The polarimetric information allows us to recover the azimuth angle of surface normals from each video frame to facilitate dense reconstruction, especially at textureless or specular regions. There are two challenges in the proposed approach: 1) surface azimuth angles from the polarization camera are very noisy; and 2) we need a near real-time solution for SLAM. Previous successful methods on polarimetric multi-view stereo are offline and require manually pre-segmented object masks to suppress the effects of erroneous angle information along boundaries. The proposed fully automatic approach efficiently iterates azimuth-based depth propagations, two-view depth consistency check, and depth optimization to produce a depthmap in real-time, where all the algorithmic steps are carefully designed to enable a GPU implementation. To our knowledge, this work is the first to propose a photometric and polarimetric method for dense SLAM. We have qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated the proposed algorithm against a few of competing methods, demonstrating the superior performance on various indoor and outdoor scenes