3 research outputs found

    cellPACKexplorer: Interactive Model Building for Volumetric Data of Complex Cells

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    Given an algorithm the quality of the output largely depends on a proper specification of the input parameters. A lot of work has been done to analyze tasks related to using a fixed model [25] and finding a good set of inputs. In this paper we present a different scenario, model building. In contrast to model usage the underlying algorithm, i.e. the underlying model, changes and therefore the associated parameters also change. Developing a new algorithm requires a particular set of parameters that, on the one hand, give access to an expected range of outputs and, on the other hand, are still interpretable. As the model is developed and parameters are added, deleted, or changed different features of the outputs are of interest. Therefore it is important to find objective measures that quantify these features. In a model building process these features are prone to change and need to be adaptable as the model changes. We discuss these problems in the application of cellPACK, a tool that generates virtual 3D cells. Our analysis is based on an output set generated by sampling the input parameter space. Hence we also present techniques and metrics to analyze an ensemble of probabilistic volumes

    IsoTrotter: Visually Guided Empirical Modelling of Atmospheric Convection

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    Empirical models, fitted to data from observations, are often used in natural sciences to describe physical behaviour and support discoveries. However, with more complex models, the regression of parameters quickly becomes insufficient, requiring a visual parameter space analysis to understand and optimize the models. In this work, we present a design study for building a model describing atmospheric convection. We present a mixed-initiative approach to visually guided modelling, integrating an interactive visual parameter space analysis with partial automatic parameter optimization. Our approach includes a new, semi-automatic technique called IsoTrotting where we optimize the procedure by navigating along isocontours of the model. We evaluate the model with unique observational data of atmospheric convection based on flight trajectories of paragliders.Comment: IEEEVIS 202

    Pointwise Local Pattern Exploration for Sensitivity Analysis

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    Sensitivity analysis is a powerful method for discovering the significant factors that contribute to targets and understanding the interaction between variables in multivariate datasets. A number of sensitivity analysis methods fall into the class of local analysis, in which the sensitivity is defined as the partial derivatives of a target variable with respect to a group of independent variables. Incorporating sensitivity analysis in visual analytic tools is essential for multivariate phenomena analysis. However, most current multivariate visualization techniques do not allow users to explore local patterns individually for understanding the sensitivity from a pointwise view. In this paper, we present a novel pointwise local pattern exploration system for visual sensitivity analysis. Using this system, analysts are able to explore local patterns and the sensitivity at individual data points, which reveals the relationships between a focal point and its neighbors. During exploration, users are able to interactively change the derivative coefficients to perform sensitivity analysis based on different requirements as well as their domain knowledge. Each local pattern is assigned an outlier factor, so that users can quickly identify anomalous local patterns that do not conform with the global pattern. Users can also compare the local pattern with the global pattern both visually and statistically. Finally, the local pattern is integrated into the original attribute space using color mapping and jittering, which reveals the distribution of the partial derivatives. Case studies with real datasets are used to investigate the effectiveness of the visualizations and interactions