343 research outputs found

    Discrete mechanics and optimal control: An analysis

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    The optimal control of a mechanical system is of crucial importance in many application areas. Typical examples are the determination of a time-minimal path in vehicle dynamics, a minimal energy trajectory in space mission design, or optimal motion sequences in robotics and biomechanics. In most cases, some sort of discretization of the original, infinite-dimensional optimization problem has to be performed in order to make the problem amenable to computations. The approach proposed in this paper is to directly discretize the variational description of the system's motion. The resulting optimization algorithm lets the discrete solution directly inherit characteristic structural properties from the continuous one like symmetries and integrals of the motion. We show that the DMOC (Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control) approach is equivalent to a finite difference discretization of Hamilton's equations by a symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta scheme and employ this fact in order to give a proof of convergence. The numerical performance of DMOC and its relationship to other existing optimal control methods are investigated

    Constrained Nonsmooth Problems of the Calculus of Variations

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    The paper is devoted to an analysis of optimality conditions for nonsmooth multidimensional problems of the calculus of variations with various types of constraints, such as additional constraints at the boundary and isoperimetric constraints. To derive optimality conditions, we study generalised concepts of differentiability of nonsmooth functions called codifferentiability and quasidifferentiability. Under some natural and easily verifiable assumptions we prove that a nonsmooth integral functional defined on the Sobolev space is continuously codifferentiable and compute its codifferential and quasidifferential. Then we apply general optimality conditions for nonsmooth optimisation problems in Banach spaces to obtain optimality conditions for nonsmooth problems of the calculus of variations. Through a series of simple examples we demonstrate that our optimality conditions are sometimes better than existing ones in terms of various subdifferentials, in the sense that our optimality conditions can detect the non-optimality of a given point, when subdifferential-based optimality conditions fail to disqualify this point as non-optimal.Comment: A number of small mistakes and typos was corrected in the second version of the paper. Moreover, the paper was significantly shortened. Extended and improved versions of the deleted sections on nonsmooth Noether equations and nonsmooth variational problems with nonholonomic constraints will be published in separate submission

    Necessary conditions involving Lie brackets for impulsive optimal control problems

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    We obtain higher order necessary conditions for a minimum of a Mayer optimal control problem connected with a nonlinear, control-affine system, where the controls range on an m-dimensional Euclidean space. Since the allowed velocities are unbounded and the absence of coercivity assumptions makes big speeds quite likely, minimizing sequences happen to converge toward "impulsive", namely discontinuous, trajectories. As is known, a distributional approach does not make sense in such a nonlinear setting, where instead a suitable embedding in the graph space is needed. We will illustrate how the chance of using impulse perturbations makes it possible to derive a Higher Order Maximum Principle which includes both the usual needle variations (in space-time) and conditions involving iterated Lie brackets. An example, where a third order necessary condition rules out the optimality of a given extremal, concludes the paper.Comment: Conference pape