6 research outputs found

    Improved Algorithms for the Point-Set Embeddability problem for Plane 3-Trees

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    In the point set embeddability problem, we are given a plane graph GG with nn vertices and a point set SS with nn points. Now the goal is to answer the question whether there exists a straight-line drawing of GG such that each vertex is represented as a distinct point of SS as well as to provide an embedding if one does exist. Recently, in \cite{DBLP:conf/gd/NishatMR10}, a complete characterization for this problem on a special class of graphs known as the plane 3-trees was presented along with an efficient algorithm to solve the problem. In this paper, we use the same characterization to devise an improved algorithm for the same problem. Much of the efficiency we achieve comes from clever uses of the triangular range search technique. We also study a generalized version of the problem and present improved algorithms for this version of the problem as well

    On Universal Point Sets for Planar Graphs

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    Point-set embeddings of plane 3-trees

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    AbstractA straight-line drawing of a plane graph G is a planar drawing of G, where each vertex is drawn as a point and each edge is drawn as a straight line segment. Given a set S of n points in the Euclidean plane, a point-set embedding of a plane graph G with n vertices on S is a straight-line drawing of G, where each vertex of G is mapped to a distinct point of S. The problem of deciding if G admits a point-set embedding on S is NP-complete in general and even when G is 2-connected and 2-outerplanar. In this paper, we give an O(n2) time algorithm to decide whether a plane 3-tree admits a point-set embedding on a given set of points or not, and find an embedding if it exists. We prove an Ω(nlogn) lower bound on the time complexity for finding a point-set embedding of a plane 3-tree. We then consider a variant of the problem, where we are given a plane 3-tree G with n vertices and a set S of k>n points, and present a dynamic programming algorithm to find a point-set embedding of G on S if it exists. Furthermore, we show that the point-set embeddability problem for planar partial 3-trees is also NP-complete