4 research outputs found

    3D Indoor Instance Segmentation in an Open-World

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    Existing 3D instance segmentation methods typically assume that all semantic classes to be segmented would be available during training and only seen categories are segmented at inference. We argue that such a closed-world assumption is restrictive and explore for the first time 3D indoor instance segmentation in an open-world setting, where the model is allowed to distinguish a set of known classes as well as identify an unknown object as unknown and then later incrementally learning the semantic category of the unknown when the corresponding category labels are available. To this end, we introduce an open-world 3D indoor instance segmentation method, where an auto-labeling scheme is employed to produce pseudo-labels during training and induce separation to separate known and unknown category labels. We further improve the pseudo-labels quality at inference by adjusting the unknown class probability based on the objectness score distribution. We also introduce carefully curated open-world splits leveraging realistic scenarios based on inherent object distribution, region-based indoor scene exploration and randomness aspect of open-world classes. Extensive experiments reveal the efficacy of the proposed contributions leading to promising open-world 3D instance segmentation performance.Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS 202

    Analogy-Forming Transformers for Few-Shot 3D Parsing

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    We present Analogical Networks, a model that encodes domain knowledge explicitly, in a collection of structured labelled 3D scenes, in addition to implicitly, as model parameters, and segments 3D object scenes with analogical reasoning: instead of mapping a scene to part segments directly, our model first retrieves related scenes from memory and their corresponding part structures, and then predicts analogous part structures for the input scene, via an end-to-end learnable modulation mechanism. By conditioning on more than one retrieved memories, compositions of structures are predicted, that mix and match parts across the retrieved memories. One-shot, few-shot or many-shot learning are treated uniformly in Analogical Networks, by conditioning on the appropriate set of memories, whether taken from a single, few or many memory exemplars, and inferring analogous parses. We show Analogical Networks are competitive with state-of-the-art 3D segmentation transformers in many-shot settings, and outperform them, as well as existing paradigms of meta-learning and few-shot learning, in few-shot settings. Analogical Networks successfully segment instances of novel object categories simply by expanding their memory, without any weight updates. Our code and models are publicly available in the project webpage: http://analogicalnets.github.io/.Comment: ICLR 202

    End-to-End Supervised Multilabel Contrastive Learning

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    Multilabel representation learning is recognized as a challenging problem that can be associated with either label dependencies between object categories or data-related issues such as the inherent imbalance of positive/negative samples. Recent advances address these challenges from model- and data-centric viewpoints. In model-centric, the label correlation is obtained by an external model designs (e.g., graph CNN) to incorporate an inductive bias for training. However, they fail to design an end-to-end training framework, leading to high computational complexity. On the contrary, in data-centric, the realistic nature of the dataset is considered for improving the classification while ignoring the label dependencies. In this paper, we propose a new end-to-end training framework -- dubbed KMCL (Kernel-based Mutlilabel Contrastive Learning) -- to address the shortcomings of both model- and data-centric designs. The KMCL first transforms the embedded features into a mixture of exponential kernels in Gaussian RKHS. It is then followed by encoding an objective loss that is comprised of (a) reconstruction loss to reconstruct kernel representation, (b) asymmetric classification loss to address the inherent imbalance problem, and (c) contrastive loss to capture label correlation. The KMCL models the uncertainty of the feature encoder while maintaining a low computational footprint. Extensive experiments are conducted on image classification tasks to showcase the consistent improvements of KMCL over the SOTA methods. PyTorch implementation is provided in \url{https://github.com/mahdihosseini/KMCL}

    A Review of Panoptic Segmentation for Mobile Mapping Point Clouds

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    3D point cloud panoptic segmentation is the combined task to (i) assign each point to a semantic class and (ii) separate the points in each class into object instances. Recently there has been an increased interest in such comprehensive 3D scene understanding, building on the rapid advances of semantic segmentation due to the advent of deep 3D neural networks. Yet, to date there is very little work about panoptic segmentation of outdoor mobile-mapping data, and no systematic comparisons. The present paper tries to close that gap. It reviews the building blocks needed to assemble a panoptic segmentation pipeline and the related literature. Moreover, a modular pipeline is set up to perform comprehensive, systematic experiments to assess the state of panoptic segmentation in the context of street mapping. As a byproduct, we also provide the first public dataset for that task, by extending the NPM3D dataset to include instance labels. That dataset and our source code are publicly available. We discuss which adaptations are need to adapt current panoptic segmentation methods to outdoor scenes and large objects. Our study finds that for mobile mapping data, KPConv performs best but is slower, while PointNet++ is fastest but performs significantly worse. Sparse CNNs are in between. Regardless of the backbone, Instance segmentation by clustering embedding features is better than using shifted coordinates