4 research outputs found

    Distilling Reinforcement Learning Tricks for Video Games

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) research focuses on general solutions that can be applied across different domains. This results in methods that RL practitioners can use in almost any domain. However, recent studies often lack the engineering steps ("tricks") which may be needed to effectively use RL, such as reward shaping, curriculum learning, and splitting a large task into smaller chunks. Such tricks are common, if not necessary, to achieve state-of-the-art results and win RL competitions. To ease the engineering efforts, we distill descriptions of tricks from state-of-the-art results and study how well these tricks can improve a standard deep Q-learning agent. The long-term goal of this work is to enable combining proven RL methods with domain-specific tricks by providing a unified software framework and accompanying insights in multiple domains.Comment: To appear in IEEE Conference on Games 2021. Experiment code is available at https://github.com/Miffyli/rl-human-prior-trick

    Reinforcement Learning with Goal-Distance Gradient

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    Reinforcement learning usually uses the feedback rewards of environmental to train agents. But the rewards in the actual environment are sparse, and even some environments will not rewards. Most of the current methods are difficult to get good performance in sparse reward or non-reward environments. Although using shaped rewards is effective when solving sparse reward tasks, it is limited to specific problems and learning is also susceptible to local optima. We propose a model-free method that does not rely on environmental rewards to solve the problem of sparse rewards in the general environment. Our method use the minimum number of transitions between states as the distance to replace the rewards of environmental, and proposes a goal-distance gradient to achieve policy improvement. We also introduce a bridge point planning method based on the characteristics of our method to improve exploration efficiency, thereby solving more complex tasks. Experiments show that our method performs better on sparse reward and local optimal problems in complex environments than previous work

    Counter-Strike Deathmatch with Large-Scale Behavioural Cloning

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    This paper describes an AI agent that plays the popular first-person-shooter (FPS) video game `Counter-Strike; Global Offensive' (CSGO) from pixel input. The agent, a deep neural network, matches the performance of the medium difficulty built-in AI on the deathmatch game mode, whilst adopting a humanlike play style. Unlike much prior work in games, no API is available for CSGO, so algorithms must train and run in real-time. This limits the quantity of on-policy data that can be generated, precluding many reinforcement learning algorithms. Our solution uses behavioural cloning - training on a large noisy dataset scraped from human play on online servers (4 million frames, comparable in size to ImageNet), and a smaller dataset of high-quality expert demonstrations. This scale is an order of magnitude larger than prior work on imitation learning in FPS games.Comment: Offline Reinforcement Learning Workshop at Neural Information Processing Systems, 202

    Learning to Utilize Shaping Rewards: A New Approach of Reward Shaping

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    Reward shaping is an effective technique for incorporating domain knowledge into reinforcement learning (RL). Existing approaches such as potential-based reward shaping normally make full use of a given shaping reward function. However, since the transformation of human knowledge into numeric reward values is often imperfect due to reasons such as human cognitive bias, completely utilizing the shaping reward function may fail to improve the performance of RL algorithms. In this paper, we consider the problem of adaptively utilizing a given shaping reward function. We formulate the utilization of shaping rewards as a bi-level optimization problem, where the lower level is to optimize policy using the shaping rewards and the upper level is to optimize a parameterized shaping weight function for true reward maximization. We formally derive the gradient of the expected true reward with respect to the shaping weight function parameters and accordingly propose three learning algorithms based on different assumptions. Experiments in sparse-reward cartpole and MuJoCo environments show that our algorithms can fully exploit beneficial shaping rewards, and meanwhile ignore unbeneficial shaping rewards or even transform them into beneficial ones.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS202