7 research outputs found

    Perception-driven sparse graphs for optimal motion planning

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    Most existing motion planning algorithms assume that a map (of some quality) is fully determined prior to generating a motion plan. In many emerging applications of robotics, e.g., fast-moving agile aerial robots with constrained embedded computational platforms and visual sensors, dense maps of the world are not immediately available, and they are computationally expensive to construct. We propose a new algorithm for generating plan graphs which couples the perception and motion planning processes for computational efficiency. In a nutshell, the proposed algorithm iteratively switches between the planning sub-problem and the mapping sub-problem, each updating based on the other until a valid trajectory is found. The resulting trajectory retains a provable property of providing an optimal trajectory with respect to the full (unmapped) environment, while utilizing only a fraction of the sensing data in computational experiments.Comment: 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System

    Multilevel Motion Planning: A Fiber Bundle Formulation

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    Motion planning problems involving high-dimensional state spaces can often be solved significantly faster by using multilevel abstractions. While there are various ways to formally capture multilevel abstractions, we formulate them in terms of fiber bundles, which allows us to concisely describe and derive novel algorithms in terms of bundle restrictions and bundle sections. Fiber bundles essentially describe lower-dimensional projections of the state space using local product spaces. Given such a structure and a corresponding admissible constraint function, we can develop highly efficient and optimal search-based motion planning methods for high-dimensional state spaces. Our contributions are the following: We first introduce the terminology of fiber bundles, in particular the notion of restrictions and sections. Second, we use the notion of restrictions and sections to develop novel multilevel motion planning algorithms, which we call QRRT* and QMP*. We show these algorithms to be probabilistically complete and almost-surely asymptotically optimal. Third, we develop a novel recursive path section method based on an L1 interpolation over path restrictions, which we use to quickly find feasible path sections. And fourth, we evaluate all novel algorithms against all available OMPL algorithms on benchmarks of eight challenging environments ranging from 21 to 100 degrees of freedom, including multiple robots and nonholonomic constraints. Our findings support the efficiency of our novel algorithms and the benefit of exploiting multilevel abstractions using the terminology of fiber bundles.Comment: Submitted to IJR

    Planning with Adaptive Dimensionality for Mobile Manipulation

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    Abstract β€” Mobile manipulation planning is a hard problem composed of multiple challenging sub-problems, some of which require searching through large high-dimensional state-spaces. The focus of this work is on computing a trajectory to safely maneuver an object through an environment, given the start and goal configurations. In this work we present a heuristic search-based deterministic mobile manipulation planner, based on our recently-developed algorithm for planning with adaptive dimensionality. Our planner demonstrates reasonable performance, while also providing strong guarantees on completeness and suboptimality bounds with respect to the graph representing the problem