6 research outputs found

    Planning Against Fictitious Players in Repeated Normal Form Games

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    Planning how to interact against bounded memory and unbounded memory learning opponents needs different treatment. Thus far, however, work in this area has shown how to design plans against bounded memory learning opponents, but no work has dealt with the unbounded memory case. This paper tackles this gap. In particular, we frame this as a planning problem using the framework of repeated matrix games, where the planner's objective is to compute the best exploiting sequence of actions against a learning opponent. The particular class of opponent we study uses a fictitious play process to update her beliefs, but the analysis generalizes to many forms of Bayesian learning agents. Our analysis is inspired by Banerjee and Peng's AIM framework, which works for planning and learning against bounded memory opponents (e.g an adaptive player). Building on this, we show how an unbounded memory opponent (specifically a fictitious player) can also be modelled as a finite MDP and present a new efficient algorithm that can find a way to exploit the opponent by computing in polynomial time a sequence of play that can obtain a higher average reward than those obtained by playing a game theoretic (Nash or correlated) equilibrium

    An exploration strategy for non-stationary opponents

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    The success or failure of any learning algorithm is partially due to the exploration strategy it exerts. However, most exploration strategies assume that the environment is stationary and non-strategic. In this work we shed light on how to design exploration strategies in non-stationary and adversarial environments. Our proposed adversarial drift exploration (DE) is able to efficiently explore the state space while keeping track of regions of the environment that have changed. This proposed exploration is general enough to be applied in single agent non-stationary environments as well as in multiagent settings where the opponent changes its strategy in time. We use a two agent strategic interaction setting to test this new type of exploration, where the opponent switches between different behavioral patterns to emulate a non-deterministic, stochastic and adversarial environment. The agentā€™s objective is to learn a model of the opponentā€™s strategy to act optimally. Our contribution is twofold. First, we present DE as a strategy for switch detection. Second, we propose a new algorithm called R-max# for learning and planning against non-stationary opponent. To handle such opponents, R-max# reasons and acts in terms of two objectives: (1) to maximize utilities in the short term while learning and (2) eventually explore opponent behavioral changes. We provide theoretical results showing that R-max# is guaranteed to detect the opponentā€™s switch and learn a new model in terms of finite sample complexity. R-max# makes efficient use of exploration experiences, which results in rapid adaptation and efficient DE, to deal with the non-stationary nature of the opponent. We show experimentally how using DE outperforms the state of the art algorithms that were explicitly designed for modeling opponents (in terms average rewards) in two complimentary domains

    Cooperation in Games

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. 2019. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Maria Gini. 1 computer file (PDF); 159 pages.This dissertation explores several problems related to social behavior, which is a complex and difficult problem. In this dissertation we describe ways to solve problems for agents interacting with opponents, specifically (1) identifying cooperative strategies,(2) acting on fallible predictions, and (3) determining how much to compromise with the opponent. In a multi-agent environment an agentā€™s interactions with its opponent can significantly affect its performance. However, it is not always possible for the agent to fully model the behavior of the opponent and compute a best response. We present three algorithms for agents to use when interacting with an opponent too complex to be modelled. An agent which wishes to cooperate with its opponent must first identify what strategy constitutes a cooperative action. We address the problem of identifying cooperative strategies in repeated randomly generated games by modelling an agentā€™s intentions with a real number, its attitude, which is used to produce a modified game; the Nash equilibria of the modified game implement the strategies described by the intentions used to generate the modified game. We demonstrate how these values can be learned, and show how they can be used to achieve cooperation through reciprocation in repeated randomly generated normal form games. Next, an agent which has formed a prediction of opponent behavior which maybe incorrect needs to be able to take advantage of that prediction without adopting a strategy which is overly vulnerable to exploitation. We have developed Restricted Stackelberg Response with Safety (RSRS), an algorithm which can produce a strategy to respond to a prediction while balancing the priorities of performance against the prediction, worst-case performance, and performance against a best-responding opponent. By balancing those concerns appropriately the agent can perform well against an opponent which it cannot reliably predict. Finally we look at how an agent can manipulate an opponent to choose actions which benefit the agent. This problem is often complicated by the difficulty of analyzing the game the agent is playing. To address this issue, we begin by developing a new game, the Gift Exchange game, which is trivial to analyze; the only question is how the opponent will react. We develop a variety of strategies the agent can use when playing the game, and explore how the best strategy is affected by the agentā€™s discount factor and prior over opponents