4 research outputs found

    On Piercing Numbers of Families Satisfying the (p,q)r(p,q)_r Property

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    The Hadwiger-Debrunner number HDd(p,q)HD_d(p,q) is the minimal size of a piercing set that can always be guaranteed for a family of compact convex sets in Rd\mathbb{R}^d that satisfies the (p,q)(p,q) property. Hadwiger and Debrunner showed that HDd(p,q)pq+1HD_d(p,q) \geq p-q+1 for all qq, and equality is attained for q>d1dp+1q > \frac{d-1}{d}p +1. Almost tight upper bounds for HDd(p,q)HD_d(p,q) for a `sufficiently large' qq were obtained recently using an enhancement of the celebrated Alon-Kleitman theorem, but no sharp upper bounds for a general qq are known. In [L. Montejano and P. Sober\'{o}n, Piercing numbers for balanced and unbalanced families, Disc. Comput. Geom., 45(2) (2011), pp. 358-364], Montejano and Sober\'{o}n defined a refinement of the (p,q)(p,q) property: FF satisfies the (p,q)r(p,q)_r property if among any pp elements of FF, at least rr of the qq-tuples intersect. They showed that HDd(p,q)rpq+1HD_d(p,q)_r \leq p-q+1 holds for all r>(pq)(p+1dq+1d)r>{{p}\choose{q}}-{{p+1-d}\choose{q+1-d}}; however, this is far from being tight. In this paper we present improved asymptotic upper bounds on HDd(p,q)rHD_d(p,q)_r which hold when only a tiny portion of the qq-tuples intersect. In particular, we show that for p,qp,q sufficiently large, HDd(p,q)rpq+1HD_d(p,q)_r \leq p-q+1 holds with r=1pq2d(pq)r = \frac{1}{p^{\frac{q}{2d}}}{{p}\choose{q}}. Our bound misses the known lower bound for the same piercing number by a factor of less than pqdpq^d. Our results use Kalai's Upper Bound Theorem for convex sets, along with the Hadwiger-Debrunner theorem and the recent improved upper bound on HDd(p,q)HD_d(p,q) mentioned above.Comment: 9 page

    On transversal and 22-packing numbers in straight line systems on R2\mathbb{R}^{2}

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    A linear system is a pair (X,F)(X,\mathcal{F}) where F\mathcal{F} is a finite family of subsets on a ground set XX, and it satisfies that AB1|A\cap B|\leq 1 for every pair of distinct subsets A,BFA,B \in \mathcal{F}. As an example of a linear system are the straight line systems, which family of subsets are straight line segments on R2\mathbb{R}^{2}. By τ\tau and ν2\nu_2 we denote the size of the minimal transversal and the 2--packing numbers of a linear system respectively. A natural problem is asking about the relationship of these two parameters; it is not difficult to prove that there exists a quadratic function ff holding τf(ν2)\tau\leq f(\nu_2). However, for straight line system we believe that τν21\tau\leq\nu_2-1. In this paper we prove that for any linear system with 22-packing numbers ν2\nu_2 equal to 2,32, 3 and 44, we have that τν2\tau\leq\nu_2. Furthermore, we prove that the linear systems that attains the equality have transversal and 22-packing numbers equal to 44, and they are a special family of linear subsystems of the projective plane of order 33. Using this result we confirm that all straight line systems with ν2{2,3,4}\nu_2\in\{2,3,4\} satisfies τν21\tau\leq\nu_2-1.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Helly's Theorem: New Variations and Applications

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    This survey presents recent Helly-type geometric theorems published since the appearance of the last comprehensive survey, more than ten years ago. We discuss how such theorems continue to be influential in computational geometry and in optimization.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figure

    The geometry and combinatorics of discrete line segment hypergraphs

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    An rr-segment hypergraph HH is a hypergraph whose edges consist of rr consecutive integer points on line segments in R2\mathbb{R}^2. In this paper, we bound the chromatic number χ(H)\chi(H) and covering number τ(H)\tau(H) of hypergraphs in this family, uncovering several interesting geometric properties in the process. We conjecture that for r3r \ge 3, the covering number τ(H)\tau(H) is at most (r1)ν(H)(r - 1)\nu(H), where ν(H)\nu(H) denotes the matching number of HH. We prove our conjecture in the case where ν(H)=1\nu(H) = 1, and provide improved (in fact, optimal) bounds on τ(H)\tau(H) for r5r \le 5. We also provide sharp bounds on the chromatic number χ(H)\chi(H) in terms of rr, and use them to prove two fractional versions of our conjecture