5 research outputs found

    Contactless visible light probing for nanoscale ICs through 10 μm bulk silicon

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    This paper explains why only optical techniques will be able to provide debug and diagnosis of bulk silicon FinFET technologies. In order to apply optical techniques through a convenient thickness of silicon on the one hand, light is limited to NIR to minimize absorption. To match resolution requirements on the other hand, it becomes mandatory to use shorter wavelengths. Two key issues have to be addressed: First, the penetration depth of visible light is only a few μm. This challenges device preparation and integrity. Our approach makes use of confocal microscopy suppressing back surface reflection and thus relaxing the preparation requirements to around 10 μm. Second, only solid immersion lenses (SIL) enable nanoscale resolution. But instead of silicon, materials transparent to visible light and providing a high refractive index are necessary. Our concept is based on 658 nm/633 nm laser and supports GaP as SIL material. We demonstrate the power of confocal imaging and prove contactless probing through a device thickness of 10 μm. We discuss how confocal optics relax the thickness requirements for visible light imaging and probing and we layout the concept for a GaP SIL. This concept opens the path to the design of nanoscale visible light debug and diagnosis

    On the Duality of Probing and Fault Attacks

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    In this work we investigate the problem of simultaneous privacy and integrity protection in cryptographic circuits. We consider a white-box scenario with a powerful, yet limited attacker. A concise metric for the level of probing and fault security is introduced, which is directly related to the capabilities of a realistic attacker. In order to investigate the interrelation of probing and fault security we introduce a common mathematical framework based on the formalism of information and coding theory. The framework unifies the known linear masking schemes. We proof a central theorem about the properties of linear codes which leads to optimal secret sharing schemes. These schemes provide the lower bound for the number of masks needed to counteract an attacker with a given strength. The new formalism reveals an intriguing duality principle between the problems of probing and fault security, and provides a unified view on privacy and integrity protection using error detecting codes. Finally, we introduce a new class of linear tamper-resistant codes. These are eligible to preserve security against an attacker mounting simultaneous probing and fault attacks

    Focused Ion Beam Lithography

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    2 Focused Ion Beam Lithography

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    Direct-Write Ion Beam Lithography

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    Patterning with a focused ion beam (FIB) is an extremely versatile fabrication process that can be used to create microscale and nanoscale designs on the surface of practically any solid sample material. Based on the type of ion-sample interaction utilized, FIB-based manufacturing can be both subtractive and additive, even in the same processing step. Indeed, the capability of easily creating three-dimensional patterns and shaping objects by milling and deposition is probably the most recognized feature of ion beam lithography (IBL) and micromachining. However, there exist several other techniques, such as ion implantation- and ion damage-based patterning and surface functionalization types of processes that have emerged as valuable additions to the nanofabrication toolkit and that are less widely known. While fabrication throughput, in general, is arguably low due to the serial nature of the direct-writing process, speed is not necessarily a problem in these IBL applications that work with small ion doses. Here we provide a comprehensive review of ion beam lithography in general and a practical guide to the individual IBL techniques developed to date. Special attention is given to applications in nanofabrication