3 research outputs found

    Adaptation strategies for self-organising electronic institutions

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    For large-scale systems and networks embedded in highly dynamic, volatile, and unpredictable environments, self-adaptive and self-organising (SASO) algorithms have been proposed as solutions to the problems introduced by this dynamism, volatility, and unpredictability. In open systems it cannot be guaranteed that an adaptive mechanism that works well in isolation will work well — or at all — in combination with others. In complexity science the emergence of systemic, or macro-level, properties from individual, or micro-level, interactions is addressed through mathematical modelling and simulation. Intermediate meso-level structuration has been proposed as a method for controlling the macro-level system outcomes, through the study of how the application of certain policies, or norms, can affect adaptation and organisation at various levels of the system. In this context, this thesis describes the specification and implementation of an adaptive affective anticipatory agent model for the individual micro level, and a self-organising distributed institutional consensus algorithm for the group meso level. Situated in an intelligent transportation system, the agent model represents an adaptive decision-making system for safe driving, and the consensus algorithm allows the vehicles to self-organise agreement on values necessary for the maintenance of “platoons” of vehicles travelling down a motorway. Experiments were performed using each mechanism in isolation to demonstrate its effectiveness. A computational testbed has been built on a multi-agent simulator to examine the interaction between the two given adaptation mechanisms. Experiments involving various differing combinations of the mechanisms are performed, and the effect of these combinations on the macro-level system properties is measured. Both beneficial and pernicious interactions are observed; the experimental results are analysed in an attempt to understand these interactions. The analysis is performed through a formalism which enables the causes for the various interactions to be understood. The formalism takes into account the methods by which the SASO mechanisms are composed, at what level of the system they operate, on which parts of the system they operate, and how they interact with the population of the system. It is suggested that this formalism could serve as the starting point for an analytic method and experimental tools for a future systems theory of adaptation.Open Acces

    Evolution of cooperation in artificial ants

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    The evolution of cooperation is a fundamental and enduring puzzle in biology and the social sciences. Hundreds of theoretical models have been proposed, but empirical research has been hindered by the generation time of social organisms and by the difficulties of quantifying costs and benefits of cooperation. The significant increase in computational power in the last decade has made artificial evolution of simple social robots a promising alternative. This thesis is concerned with the artificial evolution of groups of cooperating robots. It argues that artificial evolution of robotic agents is a powerful tool to address open questions in evolutionary biology, and shows how insights gained from the study of artificial and biological multi-agent systems can be mutually beneficial for both biology and robotics. The work presented in this thesis contributes to biology by showing how artificial evolution can be used to quantify key factors in the evolution of cooperation in biological systems and by providing an empirical test of a central part of biological theory. In addition, it reveals the importance of the genetic architecture for the evolution of efficient cooperation in groups of organisms. The work also contributes to robotics by identifying three different classes of multi-robot tasks depending on the amount of cooperation required between team members and by suggesting guidelines for the evolution of efficient robot teams. Furthermore it shows how simulations can be used to successfully evolve controllers for physical robot teams

    Evolution of division of labor in artificial societies

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    Natural and artificial societies often divide the workload between specialized members. For example, an ant worker may preferentially perform one of many tasks such as brood rearing, foraging and nest maintenance. A robot from a rescue team may specialize in search, obstacle removal, or transportation. Such division of labor is considered crucial for efficient operation of multi-agent systems and has been studied from two perspectives. First, scientists address the "how" question seeking for mechanical explanations of division of labor. The focus has been put on behavioral and environmental factors and on task allocation algorithms leading to specialization. Second, scientists address the "why" question uncovering the origins of division of labor. The focus has been put on evolutionary pressures and optimization procedures giving rise to specialization. Studies have usually addressed one of these two questions in isolation, but for a full understanding of division of labor the explanation of the origins of specific mechanisms is necessary. Here, we rise to this challenge and study three major transitions related to division of labor. By means of theoretical analyses and evolutionary simulations, we construct a pathway from the occurrence of cooperation, through fixed castes, up to dynamic task allocation. First, we study conditions favoring the evolution of cooperation, as it opens the doors for the potentially following specialization. We demonstrate that these conditions are sensitive to the mechanisms of intra-specific selection (or "selection methods"). Next, we take an engineering perspective and we study division of labor at the genetic level in teams of artificial agents. We devise efficient algorithms to evolve fixed assignments of agents to castes (or "team compositions"). To this end, we propose a novel technique that exchanges agents between teams, which greatly eases the search for the optimal composition. Finally, we take a biological perspective and we study division of labor at the behavioral level in simulated ant colonies. We quantify the efficiency of task allocation algorithms, which have been used to explain specialization in social insects. We show that these algorithms fail to induce precise reallocation of the workforce in response to changes in the environment. We overcome this issue by modeling task allocation with artificial neural networks, which lead to near optimal colony performance. Overall, this work contributes both to biology and to engineering. We shed light on the evolution of cooperation and division of labor in social insects, and we show how to efficiently optimize teams of artificial agents. We resolve the encountered methodological issues and demonstrate the power of evolutionary simulations to address biological questions and to tackle engineering problems