3 research outputs found

    Phaseless Reconstruction from Space-Time Samples

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    Phaseless reconstruction from space-time samples is a nonlinear problem of recovering a function xx in a Hilbert space H\mathcal{H} from the modulus of linear measurements {∣⟨x,Ο•i⟩∣\{\lvert \langle x, \phi_i\rangle \rvert, … \ldots, ∣⟨ALix,Ο•i⟩∣:i∈I}\lvert \langle A^{L_i}x, \phi_i \rangle \rvert : i \in\mathscr I\}, where {Ο•i;i∈I}βŠ‚H\{\phi_i; i \in\mathscr I\}\subset \mathcal{H} is a set of functionals on H\mathcal{H}, and AA is a bounded operator on H\mathcal{H} that acts as an evolution operator. In this paper, we provide various sufficient or necessary conditions for solving this problem, which has connections to XX-ray crystallography, the scattering transform, and deep learning.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Local-to-global frames and applications to dynamical sampling problem

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    In this paper we consider systems of vectors in a Hilbert space H\mathcal{H} of the form {gjk:j∈J, k∈K}βŠ‚H\{g_{jk}: j \in J, \, k\in K\}\subset \mathcal{H} where JJ and KK are countable sets of indices. We find conditions under which the local reconstruction properties of such a system extend to global stable recovery properties on the whole space. As a particular case, we obtain new local-to-global results for systems of type {Ang}g∈G,0≀n≀L\{A^ng\}_{g\in\mathcal{G},0\leq n\leq L } arising in the dynamical sampling problem

    Phase Retrieval and System Identification in Dynamical Sampling via Prony's Method

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    Phase retrieval in dynamical sampling is a novel research direction, where an unknown signal has to be recovered from the phaseless measurements with respect to a dynamical frame, i.e. a sequence of sampling vectors constructed by the repeated action of an operator. The loss of the phase here turns the well-posed dynamical sampling into a severe ill-posed inverse problem. In the existing literature, the involved operator is usually completely known. In this paper, we combine phase retrieval in dynamical sampling with the identification of the system. For instance, if the dynamical frame is based on a repeated convolution, then we want to recover the unknown convolution kernel in advance. Using Prony's method, we establish several recovery guarantees for signal and system, whose proofs are constructive and yield analytic recovery methods. The required assumptions are satisfied by almost all signals, operators, and sampling vectors. Moreover, these guarantees not only hold for the finite-dimensional setting but also carry over to infinite-dimensional spaces. Studying the sensitivity of the analytic recovery procedures, we also establish error bounds for the applied approximate Prony method with respect to complex exponential sums