66 research outputs found

    Phase retrieval with polarization

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    In many areas of imaging science, it is difficult to measure the phase of linear measurements. As such, one often wishes to reconstruct a signal from intensity measurements, that is, perform phase retrieval. In this paper, we provide a novel measurement design which is inspired by interferometry and exploits certain properties of expander graphs. We also give an efficient phase retrieval procedure, and use recent results in spectral graph theory to produce a stable performance guarantee which rivals the guarantee for PhaseLift in [Candes et al. 2011]. We use numerical simulations to illustrate the performance of our phase retrieval procedure, and we compare reconstruction error and runtime with a common alternating-projections-type procedure

    Phase retrieval from power spectra of masked signals

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    In diffraction imaging, one is tasked with reconstructing a signal from its power spectrum. To resolve the ambiguity in this inverse problem, one might invoke prior knowledge about the signal, but phase retrieval algorithms in this vein have found limited success. One alternative is to create redundancy in the measurement process by illuminating the signal multiple times, distorting the signal each time with a different mask. Despite several recent advances in phase retrieval, the community has yet to construct an ensemble of masks which uniquely determines all signals and admits an efficient reconstruction algorithm. In this paper, we leverage the recently proposed polarization method to construct such an ensemble. We also present numerical simulations to illustrate the stability of the polarization method in this setting. In comparison to a state-of-the-art phase retrieval algorithm known as PhaseLift, we find that polarization is much faster with comparable stability.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Robust phase retrieval with the swept approximate message passing (prSAMP) algorithm

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    In phase retrieval, the goal is to recover a complex signal from the magnitude of its linear measurements. While many well-known algorithms guarantee deterministic recovery of the unknown signal using i.i.d. random measurement matrices, they suffer serious convergence issues some ill-conditioned matrices. As an example, this happens in optical imagers using binary intensity-only spatial light modulators to shape the input wavefront. The problem of ill-conditioned measurement matrices has also been a topic of interest for compressed sensing researchers during the past decade. In this paper, using recent advances in generic compressed sensing, we propose a new phase retrieval algorithm that well-adopts for both Gaussian i.i.d. and binary matrices using both sparse and dense input signals. This algorithm is also robust to the strong noise levels found in some imaging applications

    Stable phase retrieval with low-redundancy frames

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    We investigate the recovery of vectors from magnitudes of frame coefficients when the frames have a low redundancy, meaning a small number of frame vectors compared to the dimension of the Hilbert space. We first show that for vectors in d dimensions, 4d-4 suitably chosen frame vectors are sufficient to uniquely determine each signal, up to an overall unimodular constant, from the magnitudes of its frame coefficients. Then we discuss the effect of noise and show that 8d-4 frame vectors provide a stable recovery if part of the frame coefficients is bounded away from zero. In this regime, perturbing the magnitudes of the frame coefficients by noise that is sufficiently small results in a recovery error that is at most proportional to the noise level.Comment: 12 pages AMSLaTeX, 1 figur
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