133 research outputs found

    Coherent Diffractive Imaging Using Randomly Coded Masks

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    Coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) provides new opportunities for high resolution X-ray imaging with simultaneous amplitude and phase contrast. Extensions to CDI broaden the scope of the technique for use in a wide variety of experimental geometries and physical systems. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a new extension to CDI that encodes additional information through the use of a series of randomly coded masks. The information gained from the few additional diffraction measurements removes the need for typical object-domain constraints; the algorithm uses prior information about the masks instead. The experiment is performed using a laser diode at 532.2 nm, enabling rapid prototyping for future X-ray synchrotron and even free electron laser experiments. Diffraction patterns are collected with up to 15 different masks placed between a CCD detector and a single sample. Phase retrieval is performed using a convex relaxation routine known as "PhaseCut" followed by a variation on Fienup's input-output algorithm. The reconstruction quality is judged via calculation of phase retrieval transfer functions as well as by an object-space comparison between reconstructions and a lens-based image of the sample. The results of this analysis indicate that with enough masks (in this case 3 or 4) the diffraction phases converge reliably, implying stability and uniqueness of the retrieved solution

    PhasePack: A Phase Retrieval Library

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    Phase retrieval deals with the estimation of complex-valued signals solely from the magnitudes of linear measurements. While there has been a recent explosion in the development of phase retrieval algorithms, the lack of a common interface has made it difficult to compare new methods against the state-of-the-art. The purpose of PhasePack is to create a common software interface for a wide range of phase retrieval algorithms and to provide a common testbed using both synthetic data and empirical imaging datasets. PhasePack is able to benchmark a large number of recent phase retrieval methods against one another to generate comparisons using a range of different performance metrics. The software package handles single method testing as well as multiple method comparisons. The algorithm implementations in PhasePack differ slightly from their original descriptions in the literature in order to achieve faster speed and improved robustness. In particular, PhasePack uses adaptive stepsizes, line-search methods, and fast eigensolvers to speed up and automate convergence

    Robust phase retrieval with the swept approximate message passing (prSAMP) algorithm

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    In phase retrieval, the goal is to recover a complex signal from the magnitude of its linear measurements. While many well-known algorithms guarantee deterministic recovery of the unknown signal using i.i.d. random measurement matrices, they suffer serious convergence issues some ill-conditioned matrices. As an example, this happens in optical imagers using binary intensity-only spatial light modulators to shape the input wavefront. The problem of ill-conditioned measurement matrices has also been a topic of interest for compressed sensing researchers during the past decade. In this paper, using recent advances in generic compressed sensing, we propose a new phase retrieval algorithm that well-adopts for both Gaussian i.i.d. and binary matrices using both sparse and dense input signals. This algorithm is also robust to the strong noise levels found in some imaging applications

    Multiple Illumination Phaseless Super-Resolution (MIPS) with Applications To Phaseless DOA Estimation and Diffraction Imaging

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    Phaseless super-resolution is the problem of recovering an unknown signal from measurements of the magnitudes of the low frequency Fourier transform of the signal. This problem arises in applications where measuring the phase, and making high-frequency measurements, are either too costly or altogether infeasible. The problem is especially challenging because it combines the difficult problems of phase retrieval and classical super-resolutionComment: To appear in ICASSP 201

    Fourier ptychographic reconstruction using Poisson maximum likelihood and truncated Wirtinger gradient

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    Fourier ptychographic microscopy (FPM) is a novel computational coherent imaging technique for high space-bandwidth product imaging. Mathematically, Fourier ptychographic (FP) reconstruction can be implemented as a phase retrieval optimization process, in which we only obtain low resolution intensity images corresponding to the sub-bands of the sample's high resolution (HR) spatial spectrum, and aim to retrieve the complex HR spectrum. In real setups, the measurements always suffer from various degenerations such as Gaussian noise, Poisson noise, speckle noise and pupil location error, which would largely degrade the reconstruction. To efficiently address these degenerations, we propose a novel FP reconstruction method under a gradient descent optimization framework in this paper. The technique utilizes Poisson maximum likelihood for better signal modeling, and truncated Wirtinger gradient for error removal. Results on both simulated data and real data captured using our laser FPM setup show that the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms. Also, we have released our source code for non-commercial use
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