737 research outputs found

    Mobile application to provide personalized sightseeing tours

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    Tourist recommendation systems have been growing over the last few years, mainly because of the use of mobile devices to obtain user context. This work discusses some of the most relevant systems on the field and presents PSiS Mobile, which is a mobile recommendation and planning application designed to support a tourist during his vacations. It provides recommendations about points of interest to visit based on tourist preferences and on user and sight context. Also, it suggests a visit planning which can be dynamically adapted based on current user and sight context. This tool works also like a journey dairy since it records the tourist moves and tasks to help him remember how the trip was like. To conclude, some field experiences will be presented.This work is part-funded by the ERDF European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by the National Funds through the FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within projects PSIS (PTDC/TRA /72152/2006), FCOMP-01- 0124 - FEDER-028980 (PTDC/EEI-SII/1386/2012) and PEst- OE / EEI / UI0752 / 2011

    BTRec: BERT-Based Trajectory Recommendation for Personalized Tours

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    An essential task for tourists having a pleasant holiday is to have a well-planned itinerary with relevant recommendations, especially when visiting unfamiliar cities. Many tour recommendation tools only take into account a limited number of factors, such as popular Points of Interest (POIs) and routing constraints. Consequently, the solutions they provide may not always align with the individual users of the system. We propose an iterative algorithm in this paper, namely: BTREC (BERT-based Trajectory Recommendation), that extends from the POIBERT embedding algorithm to recommend personalized itineraries on POIs using the BERT framework. Our BTREC algorithm incorporates users' demographic information alongside past POI visits into a modified BERT language model to recommend a personalized POI itinerary prediction given a pair of source and destination POIs. Our recommendation system can create a travel itinerary that maximizes POIs visited, while also taking into account user preferences for categories of POIs and time availability. Our recommendation algorithm is largely inspired by the problem of sentence completion in natural language processing (NLP). Using a dataset of eight cities of different sizes, our experimental results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm is stable and outperforms many other sequence prediction algorithms, measured by recall, precision, and F1-scores.Comment: RecSys 2023, Workshop on Recommenders in Touris

    A context aware recommender system for tourism with ambient intelligence

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    Recommender system (RS) holds a significant place in the area of the tourism sector. The major factor of trip planning is selecting relevant Points of Interest (PoI) from tourism domain. The RS system supposed to collect information from user behaviors, personality, preferences and other contextual information. This work is mainly focused on user’s personality, preferences and analyzing user psychological traits. The work is intended to improve the user profile modeling, exposing relationship between user personality and PoI categories and find the solution in constraint satisfaction programming (CSP). It is proposed the architecture according to ambient intelligence perspective to allow the best possible tourist place to the end-user. The key development of this RS is representing the model in CSP and optimizing the problem. We implemented our system in Minizinc solver with domain restrictions represented by user preferences. The CSP allowed user preferences to guide the system toward finding the optimal solutions; RESUMO O sistema de recomendação (RS) detém um lugar significativo na área do sector do turismo. O principal fator do planeamento de viagens é selecionar pontos de interesse relevantes (PoI) do domínio do turismo. O sistema de recomendação (SR) deve recolher informações de comportamentos, personalidade, preferências e outras informações contextuais do utilizador. Este trabalho centra-se principalmente na personalidade, preferências do utilizador e na análise de traços fisiológicos do utilizador. O trabalho tem como objetivo melhorar a modelação do perfil do utilizador, expondo a relação entre a personalidade deste e as categorias dos POI, assim como encontrar uma solução com programação por restrições (CSP). Propõe-se a arquitetura de acordo com a perspetiva do ambiente inteligente para conseguir o melhor lugar turístico possível para o utilizador final. A principal contribuição deste SR é representar o modelo como CSP e tratá-lo como problema de otimização. Implementámos o nosso sistema com o solucionador em Minizinc com restrições de domínio representadas pelas preferências dos utilizadores. O CSP permitiu que as preferências dos utilizadores guiassem o sistema para encontrar as soluções ideais

    POIBERT: A Transformer-based Model for the Tour Recommendation Problem

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    Tour itinerary planning and recommendation are challenging problems for tourists visiting unfamiliar cities. Many tour recommendation algorithms only consider factors such as the location and popularity of Points of Interest (POIs) but their solutions may not align well with the user's own preferences and other location constraints. Additionally, these solutions do not take into consideration of the users' preference based on their past POIs selection. In this paper, we propose POIBERT, an algorithm for recommending personalized itineraries using the BERT language model on POIs. POIBERT builds upon the highly successful BERT language model with the novel adaptation of a language model to our itinerary recommendation task, alongside an iterative approach to generate consecutive POIs. Our recommendation algorithm is able to generate a sequence of POIs that optimizes time and users' preference in POI categories based on past trajectories from similar tourists. Our tour recommendation algorithm is modeled by adapting the itinerary recommendation problem to the sentence completion problem in natural language processing (NLP). We also innovate an iterative algorithm to generate travel itineraries that satisfies the time constraints which is most likely from past trajectories. Using a Flickr dataset of seven cities, experimental results show that our algorithm out-performs many sequence prediction algorithms based on measures in recall, precision and F1-scores.Comment: Accepted to the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData2022