770 research outputs found

    Symbiotic data mining for personalized spam filtering

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    Unsolicited e-mail (spam) is a severe problem due to intrusion of privacy, online fraud, viruses and time spent reading unwanted messages. To solve this issue, Collaborative Filtering (CF) and Content-Based Filtering (CBF) solutions have been adopted. We propose a new CBF-CF hybrid approach called Symbiotic Data Mining (SDM), which aims at aggregating distinct local filters in order to improve filtering at a personalized level using collaboration while preserving privacy. We apply SDM to spam e-mail detection and compare it with a local CBF filter (i.e. Naive Bayes). Several experiments were conducted by using a novel corpus based on the well known Enron datasets mixed with recent spam. The results show that the symbiotic strategy is competitive in performance when compared to CBF and also more robust to contamination attacks.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/EIA/64541/2006

    A collaborative approach for spam detection

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    Electronic mail is nowadays one of the most important Internet networking services. However, there are still many challenges that should be faced in order to provide a better e-mail service quality, such as the growing dissemination of unsolicited e-mail (spam) over the Internet. This work aims to foster new research efforts giving ground to the development of novel collaborative approaches to deal with spam proliferation. Using the proposed system, which is able to complement other anti-spam solutions, end-users are allowed to share and combine spam filters in a flexible way, increasing the accuracy and resilience levels of anti-spam techniques.(undefined

    Evolutionary symbiotic feature selection for email spam detection

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    This work presents a symbiotic filtering approach enabling the exchange of relevant word features among different users in order to improve local anti-spam filters. The local spam filtering is based on a Content- Based Filtering strategy, where word frequencies are fed into a Naive Bayes learner. Several Evolutionary A l gori thms are expl ored f or f eature sel ecti on, i ncl udi ng the proposed symbi oti c exchange of the most rel evant featuresamong different users. Theexperimentswereconducted using anovel corpusbased on thewell known Enron datasets mixed with recent spam. The obtained results show that the symbiotic approach is competitive.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674COMPET

    Email spam detection : a symbiotic feature selection approach fostered by evolutionary computation

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    Post-print version (prior to journal publication)The electronic mail (email) is nowadays an essential communication service being widely used by most Internet users. One of the main problems affecting this service is the proliferation of unsolicited messages (usually denoted by spam) which, despite the efforts made by the research community, still remains as an inherent problem affecting this Internet service. In this perspective, this work proposes and explores the concept of a novel symbiotic feature selection approach allowing the exchange of relevant features among distinct collaborating users, in order to improve the behavior of anti-spam filters. For such purpose, several Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) are explored as optimization engines able to enhance feature selection strategies within the anti-spam area. The proposed mechanisms are tested using a realistic incremental retraining evaluation procedure and resorting to a novel corpus based on the well-known Enron datasets mixed with recent spam data. The obtained results show that the proposed symbiotic approach is competitive also having the advantage of preserving end-users privacy.The work of P. Cortez and P. Sousa was funded by FEDER, through the program COMPETE and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), within the project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674

    Towards symbiotic spam e-mail filtering

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    This position paper discusses the use of symbiotic filtering, a novel distributed data mining approach that combines contentbased and collaborative filtering for spam detection

    Symbiotic filtering for spam email detection

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    This paper presents a novel spam filtering technique called Symbiotic Filtering (SF) that aggregates distinct local filters from several users to improve the overall perfor- mance of spam detection. SF is an hybrid approach combining some features from both Collaborative (CF) and Content-Based Filtering (CBF). It allows for the use of social networks to personalize and tailor the set of filters that serve as input to the filtering. A comparison is performed against the commonly used Naive Bayes CBF algorithm. Several experiments were held with the well-known Enron data, under both fixed and incremental symbiotic groups. We show that our system is competitive in performance and is robust against both dictionary and focused con- tamination attacks. Moreover, it can be implemented and deployed with few effort and low communication costs, while assuring privacy.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - bolsa PTDC/EIA/64541/200

    Spam email filtering using network-level properties

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    Spam is serious problem that affects email users (e.g. phishing attacks, viruses and time spent reading unwanted messages). We propose a novel spam email filtering approach based on network-level attributes (e.g. the IP sender geographic coordinates) that are more persistent in time when compared to message content. This approach was tested using two classifiers, Naive Bayes (NB) and Support Vector Machines (SVM), and compared against bag-of-words models and eight blacklists. Several experiments were held with recent collected legitimate (ham) and non legitimate (spam) messages, in order to simulate distinct user profiles from two countries (USA and Portugal). Overall, the network-level based SVM model achieved the best discriminatory performance. Moreover, preliminary results suggests that such method is more robust to phishing attacks.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/EIA/64541/200