3 research outputs found

    Pedagogical Approaches of Intermediate Schoolteachers for Teaching Students by Building Online Classroom Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study explores teachers’ perceptions of their pedagogical approaches for teaching students by connecting and building online classroom communities in distance education programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants in this study are teachers from 12 intermediate schools in Kuwait. The study generates survey data from 153 teachers (93 females and 60 males) to determine teachers’ perceptions of their pedagogical beliefs, mode of delivery and communication, patterns of interaction and guided inquiry. The findings of the study suggest that teachers are willing to use technology and different modes of communication to connect with students and deliver remote instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although teachers did combine some aspects of both traditional and constructivist approaches and were willing to use technology to bridge the distance created by remote education, they were averse to teaching online and considered face-to-face interaction with students essential. While it is evident that there will be a continuum of technology-based instruction when the teachers transition from face-to-face teaching to fully online remote teaching, the teachers were not aware of interaction patterns which are critical in online distance education. ANOVA results indicate there is no significant difference in the participants’ opinions on interaction patterns based on teachers’ experience and courses they taught (p=>.05). The descriptive data and the results of ANOVA and Tukey indicate that most teachers, irrespective of their subject specializations or experience, did not consider guided inquiry to be important for distance education. This study has implications for supporting effective technology integration for the delivery of instruction during a pandemic. Keywords: Pandemic, COVID-19, Remote Teaching, Distance Learning, Pedagogical Beliefs, Pedagogical Approaches, Interaction Patterns, Guided Inquiry, Communities of Inquiry, TPACK, Practical subject (Electrical) DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-30-02 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Personalized Distance Education System Based on Data Mining

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    To improve the poor intelligence and personalized service of the learning system in current distance education and training, a personalized learning system model based on data mining technology was proposed. Then, the method of applying the decision tree and BP neural network algorithm to de-sign the system was described in detail. Finally, the core module of the per-sonalized distance education system combined with Web was designed. The personalized function module introduced how the user operates the intelli-gent Web reasoning in the module according to the user input learning in-formation and gave the most matching learning materials. Finally, the appli-cation results showed that the system greatly improved the personalized ser-vice module

    Personalized Distance Education System Based on Data Mining

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