100 research outputs found

    FLARE: Fast Learning of Animatable and Relightable Mesh Avatars

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    Our goal is to efficiently learn personalized animatable 3D head avatars from videos that are geometrically accurate, realistic, relightable, and compatible with current rendering systems. While 3D meshes enable efficient processing and are highly portable, they lack realism in terms of shape and appearance. Neural representations, on the other hand, are realistic but lack compatibility and are slow to train and render. Our key insight is that it is possible to efficiently learn high-fidelity 3D mesh representations via differentiable rendering by exploiting highly-optimized methods from traditional computer graphics and approximating some of the components with neural networks. To that end, we introduce FLARE, a technique that enables the creation of animatable and relightable mesh avatars from a single monocular video. First, we learn a canonical geometry using a mesh representation, enabling efficient differentiable rasterization and straightforward animation via learned blendshapes and linear blend skinning weights. Second, we follow physically-based rendering and factor observed colors into intrinsic albedo, roughness, and a neural representation of the illumination, allowing the learned avatars to be relit in novel scenes. Since our input videos are captured on a single device with a narrow field of view, modeling the surrounding environment light is non-trivial. Based on the split-sum approximation for modeling specular reflections, we address this by approximating the pre-filtered environment map with a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) modulated by the surface roughness, eliminating the need to explicitly model the light. We demonstrate that our mesh-based avatar formulation, combined with learned deformation, material, and lighting MLPs, produces avatars with high-quality geometry and appearance, while also being efficient to train and render compared to existing approaches.Comment: 15 pages, Accepted: ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia), 202

    SplatArmor: Articulated Gaussian splatting for animatable humans from monocular RGB videos

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    We propose SplatArmor, a novel approach for recovering detailed and animatable human models by `armoring' a parameterized body model with 3D Gaussians. Our approach represents the human as a set of 3D Gaussians within a canonical space, whose articulation is defined by extending the skinning of the underlying SMPL geometry to arbitrary locations in the canonical space. To account for pose-dependent effects, we introduce a SE(3) field, which allows us to capture both the location and anisotropy of the Gaussians. Furthermore, we propose the use of a neural color field to provide color regularization and 3D supervision for the precise positioning of these Gaussians. We show that Gaussian splatting provides an interesting alternative to neural rendering based methods by leverging a rasterization primitive without facing any of the non-differentiability and optimization challenges typically faced in such approaches. The rasterization paradigms allows us to leverage forward skinning, and does not suffer from the ambiguities associated with inverse skinning and warping. We show compelling results on the ZJU MoCap and People Snapshot datasets, which underscore the effectiveness of our method for controllable human synthesis

    NSF: Neural Surface Fields for Human Modeling from Monocular Depth

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    Obtaining personalized 3D animatable avatars from a monocular camera has several real world applications in gaming, virtual try-on, animation, and VR/XR, etc. However, it is very challenging to model dynamic and fine-grained clothing deformations from such sparse data. Existing methods for modeling 3D humans from depth data have limitations in terms of computational efficiency, mesh coherency, and flexibility in resolution and topology. For instance, reconstructing shapes using implicit functions and extracting explicit meshes per frame is computationally expensive and cannot ensure coherent meshes across frames. Moreover, predicting per-vertex deformations on a pre-designed human template with a discrete surface lacks flexibility in resolution and topology. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel method `\keyfeature: Neural Surface Fields' for modeling 3D clothed humans from monocular depth. NSF defines a neural field solely on the base surface which models a continuous and flexible displacement field. NSF can be adapted to the base surface with different resolution and topology without retraining at inference time. Compared to existing approaches, our method eliminates the expensive per-frame surface extraction while maintaining mesh coherency, and is capable of reconstructing meshes with arbitrary resolution without retraining. To foster research in this direction, we release our code in project page at: https://yuxuan-xue.com/nsf.Comment: Accpted to ICCV 2023; Homepage at: https://yuxuan-xue.com/ns

    Animatable 3D Gaussian: Fast and High-Quality Reconstruction of Multiple Human Avatars

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    Neural radiance fields are capable of reconstructing high-quality drivable human avatars but are expensive to train and render. To reduce consumption, we propose Animatable 3D Gaussian, which learns human avatars from input images and poses. We extend 3D Gaussians to dynamic human scenes by modeling a set of skinned 3D Gaussians and a corresponding skeleton in canonical space and deforming 3D Gaussians to posed space according to the input poses. We introduce hash-encoded shape and appearance to speed up training and propose time-dependent ambient occlusion to achieve high-quality reconstructions in scenes containing complex motions and dynamic shadows. On both novel view synthesis and novel pose synthesis tasks, our method outperforms existing methods in terms of training time, rendering speed, and reconstruction quality. Our method can be easily extended to multi-human scenes and achieve comparable novel view synthesis results on a scene with ten people in only 25 seconds of training

    AI-generated Content for Various Data Modalities: A Survey

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    AI-generated content (AIGC) methods aim to produce text, images, videos, 3D assets, and other media using AI algorithms. Due to its wide range of applications and the demonstrated potential of recent works, AIGC developments have been attracting lots of attention recently, and AIGC methods have been developed for various data modalities, such as image, video, text, 3D shape (as voxels, point clouds, meshes, and neural implicit fields), 3D scene, 3D human avatar (body and head), 3D motion, and audio -- each presenting different characteristics and challenges. Furthermore, there have also been many significant developments in cross-modality AIGC methods, where generative methods can receive conditioning input in one modality and produce outputs in another. Examples include going from various modalities to image, video, 3D shape, 3D scene, 3D avatar (body and head), 3D motion (skeleton and avatar), and audio modalities. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of AIGC methods across different data modalities, including both single-modality and cross-modality methods, highlighting the various challenges, representative works, and recent technical directions in each setting. We also survey the representative datasets throughout the modalities, and present comparative results for various modalities. Moreover, we also discuss the challenges and potential future research directions

    PERGAMO: Personalized 3D Garments from Monocular Video

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    Clothing plays a fundamental role in digital humans. Current approaches to animate 3D garments are mostly based on realistic physics simulation, however, they typically suffer from two main issues: high computational run-time cost, which hinders their development; and simulation-to-real gap, which impedes the synthesis of specific real-world cloth samples. To circumvent both issues we propose PERGAMO, a data-driven approach to learn a deformable model for 3D garments from monocular images. To this end, we first introduce a novel method to reconstruct the 3D geometry of garments from a single image, and use it to build a dataset of clothing from monocular videos. We use these 3D reconstructions to train a regression model that accurately predicts how the garment deforms as a function of the underlying body pose. We show that our method is capable of producing garment animations that match the real-world behaviour, and generalizes to unseen body motions extracted from motion capture dataset.Comment: Published at Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of ACM/SIGGRAPH SCA), 2022. Project website http://mslab.es/projects/PERGAMO

    Instant Volumetric Head Avatars

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    We present Instant Volumetric Head Avatars (INSTA), a novel approach for reconstructing photo-realistic digital avatars instantaneously. INSTA models a dynamic neural radiance field based on neural graphics primitives embedded around a parametric face model. Our pipeline is trained on a single monocular RGB portrait video that observes the subject under different expressions and views. While state-of-the-art methods take up to several days to train an avatar, our method can reconstruct a digital avatar in less than 10 minutes on modern GPU hardware, which is orders of magnitude faster than previous solutions. In addition, it allows for the interactive rendering of novel poses and expressions. By leveraging the geometry prior of the underlying parametric face model, we demonstrate that INSTA extrapolates to unseen poses. In quantitative and qualitative studies on various subjects, INSTA outperforms state-of-the-art methods regarding rendering quality and training time.Comment: Website: https://zielon.github.io/insta/ Video: https://youtu.be/HOgaeWTih7

    Relightable and Animatable Neural Avatar from Sparse-View Video

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    This paper tackles the challenge of creating relightable and animatable neural avatars from sparse-view (or even monocular) videos of dynamic humans under unknown illumination. Compared to studio environments, this setting is more practical and accessible but poses an extremely challenging ill-posed problem. Previous neural human reconstruction methods are able to reconstruct animatable avatars from sparse views using deformed Signed Distance Fields (SDF) but cannot recover material parameters for relighting. While differentiable inverse rendering-based methods have succeeded in material recovery of static objects, it is not straightforward to extend them to dynamic humans as it is computationally intensive to compute pixel-surface intersection and light visibility on deformed SDFs for inverse rendering. To solve this challenge, we propose a Hierarchical Distance Query (HDQ) algorithm to approximate the world space distances under arbitrary human poses. Specifically, we estimate coarse distances based on a parametric human model and compute fine distances by exploiting the local deformation invariance of SDF. Based on the HDQ algorithm, we leverage sphere tracing to efficiently estimate the surface intersection and light visibility. This allows us to develop the first system to recover animatable and relightable neural avatars from sparse view (or monocular) inputs. Experiments demonstrate that our approach is able to produce superior results compared to state-of-the-art methods. Our code will be released for reproducibility.Comment: Project page: https://zju3dv.github.io/relightable_avata

    TeCH: Text-guided Reconstruction of Lifelike Clothed Humans

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    Despite recent research advancements in reconstructing clothed humans from a single image, accurately restoring the "unseen regions" with high-level details remains an unsolved challenge that lacks attention. Existing methods often generate overly smooth back-side surfaces with a blurry texture. But how to effectively capture all visual attributes of an individual from a single image, which are sufficient to reconstruct unseen areas (e.g., the back view)? Motivated by the power of foundation models, TeCH reconstructs the 3D human by leveraging 1) descriptive text prompts (e.g., garments, colors, hairstyles) which are automatically generated via a garment parsing model and Visual Question Answering (VQA), 2) a personalized fine-tuned Text-to-Image diffusion model (T2I) which learns the "indescribable" appearance. To represent high-resolution 3D clothed humans at an affordable cost, we propose a hybrid 3D representation based on DMTet, which consists of an explicit body shape grid and an implicit distance field. Guided by the descriptive prompts + personalized T2I diffusion model, the geometry and texture of the 3D humans are optimized through multi-view Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) and reconstruction losses based on the original observation. TeCH produces high-fidelity 3D clothed humans with consistent & delicate texture, and detailed full-body geometry. Quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate that TeCH outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of reconstruction accuracy and rendering quality. The code will be publicly available for research purposes at https://huangyangyi.github.io/TeCHComment: Project: https://huangyangyi.github.io/TeCH, Code: https://github.com/huangyangyi/TeC
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