7 research outputs found

    Personalized fall detection monitoring system based on learning from the user movements

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    Personalized fall detection system is shown to provide added and more benefits compare to the current fall detection system. The personalized model can also be applied to anything where one class of data is hard to gather. The results show that adapting to the user needs, improve the overall accuracy of the system. Future work includes detection of the smartphone on the user so that the user can place the system anywhere on the body and make sure it detects. Even though the accuracy is not 100% the proof of concept of personalization can be used to achieve greater accuracy. The concept of personalization used in this paper can also be extended to other research in the medical field or where data is hard to come by for a particular class. More research into the feature extraction and feature selection module should be investigated. For the feature selection module, more research into selecting features based on one class data

    The effect of personalization on smartphone-based fall detectors

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    The risk of falling is high among different groups of people, such as older people, individuals with Parkinson''s disease or patients in neuro-rehabilitation units. Developing robust fall detectors is important for acting promptly in case of a fall. Therefore, in this study we propose to personalize smartphone-based detectors to boost their performance as compared to a non-personalized system. Four algorithms were investigated using a public dataset: three novelty detection algorithms—Nearest Neighbor (NN), Local Outlier Factor (LOF) and One-Class Support Vector Machine (OneClass-SVM)—and a traditional supervised algorithm, Support Vector Machine (SVM). The effect of personalization was studied for each subject by considering two different training conditions: data coming only from that subject or data coming from the remaining subjects. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was selected as the primary figure of merit. The results show that there is a general trend towards the increase in performance by personalizing the detector, but the effect depends on the individual being considered. A personalized NN can reach the performance of a non-personalized SVM (average AUC of 0.9861 and 0.9795, respectively), which is remarkable since NN only uses activities of daily living for training

    Review of current study methods for VRU safety : Appendix 4 –Systematic literature review: Naturalistic driving studies

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    With the aim of assessing the extent and nature of naturalistic studies involving vulnerable road users, a systematic literature review was carried out. The purpose of this review was to identify studies based on naturalistic data from VRUs (pedestrians, cyclists, moped riders and motorcyclists) to provide an overview of how data was collected and how data has been used. In the literature review, special attention is given to the use of naturalistic studies as a tool for road safety evaluations to gain knowledge on methodological issues for the design of a naturalistic study involving VRUs within the InDeV project. The review covered the following types of studies: •Studies collecting naturalistic data from vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists, moped riders, motorcyclists). •Studies collecting accidents or safety-critical situations via smartphones from vulnerable road users and motorized vehicles. •Studies collecting falls that have not occurred on roads via smartphones. Four databases were used in the search for publications: ScienceDirect, Transport Research International Documentation (TRID), IEEE Xplore and PubMed. In addition to these four databases, six databases were screened to check if they contained references to publications not already included in the review. These databases were: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Springerlink, Taylor & Francis and Engineering Village.The findings revealed that naturalistic studies of vulnerable road users have mainly been carried out by collecting data from cyclists and pedestrians and to a smaller degree of motorcyclists. To collect data, most studies used the built-in sensors of smartphones, although equipped bicycles or motorcycles were used in some studies. Other types of portable equipment was used to a lesser degree, particularly for cycling studies. The naturalistic studies were carried out with various purposes: mode classification, travel surveys, measuring the distance and number of trips travelled and conducting traffic counts. Naturalistic data was also used for assessment of the safety based on accidents, safety-critical events or other safety-related aspect such as speed behaviour, head turning and obstacle detection. Only few studies detect incidents automatically based on indicators collected via special equipment such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, GPS receivers, switches, etc. for assessing the safety by identifying accidents or safety-critical events. Instead, they rely on self-reporting or manual review of video footage. Despite this, the review indicates that there is a large potential of detecting accidents from naturalistic data. A large number of studies focused on the detection of falls among elderly people. Using smartphone sensors, the movements of the participants were monitored continuously. Most studies used acceleration as indicator of falls. In some cases, the acceleration was supplemented by rotation measurements to indicate that a fall had occurred. Most studies of using kinematic triggers for detection of falls, accidents and safety-critical events were primarily used for demonstration of prototypes of detection algorithms. Few studies have been tested on real accidents or falls. Instead, simulated falls were used both in studies of vulnerable road users and for studies of falls among elderly people

    Personalized fall detection monitoring system based on learning from the user movements

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    Personalized fall detection system is shown to provide added and more benefits compare to the current fall detection system. The personalized model can also be applied to anything where one class of data is hard to gather. The results show that adapting to the user needs, improve the overall accuracy of the system. Future work includes detection of the smartphone on the user so that the user can place the system anywhere on the body and make sure it detects. Even though the accuracy is not 100% the proof of concept of personalization can be used to achieve greater accuracy. The concept of personalization used in this paper can also be extended to other research in the medical field or where data is hard to come by for a particular class. More research into the feature extraction and feature selection module should be investigated. For the feature selection module, more research into selecting features based on one class data.http://jit.ndhu.edu.twam2022Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    Analysis of Android Device-Based Solutions for Fall Detection

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    Falls are a major cause of health and psychological problems as well as hospitalization costs among older adults. Thus, the investigation on automatic Fall Detection Systems (FDSs) has received special attention from the research community during the last decade. In this area, the widespread popularity, decreasing price, computing capabilities, built-in sensors and multiplicity of wireless interfaces of Android-based devices (especially smartphones) have fostered the adoption of this technology to deploy wearable and inexpensive architectures for fall detection. This paper presents a critical and thorough analysis of those existing fall detection systems that are based on Android devices. The review systematically classifies and compares the proposals of the literature taking into account different criteria such as the system architecture, the employed sensors, the detection algorithm or the response in case of a fall alarms. The study emphasizes the analysis of the evaluation methods that are employed to assess the effectiveness of the detection process. The review reveals the complete lack of a reference framework to validate and compare the proposals. In addition, the study also shows that most research works do not evaluate the actual applicability of the Android devices (with limited battery and computing resources) to fall detection solutions.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-42711-

    Personalizable smartphone application for detecting falls

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