2 research outputs found

    The Internet – A Comparative Evaluation in Relation to the Press and Television

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    Internet nije više novost u životu i profesionalnom radu mnogih korisnika medija, kao ni osoba koje se bave novinarstvom. Nakon nekoliko desetljeća dominacije tradicionalnih masovnih medija, Internet dovodi do bitnijih promjena u načinu na koji pojedinci ispunjavaju svoje informacijske potrebe, kao i u načinu na koji se mogu oblikovati informacije u nekom masovnom mediju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kako osobe koje su upoznate s Internetom promatraju taj novi medij u odnosu na tradicionalne medije poput tiska i televizije. Tijekom istraživanja anketirana su 262 ispitanika, a njihovi odgovori razmatrani su u kontekstu funkcija medija te njihovih komparativnih prednosti i nedostataka. Utvrđeno je da ispitanici zapažaju mnoge prednosti Interneta u odnosu na individualne potrebe korisnika, kao i s obzirom na društvenu ulogu medija, ali i nedostatke koji su povezani s tehnologijom na kojoj se Internet zasniva.The Internet is no longer a novelty for either media users or professional journalists. After decades of domination of the traditional mass media, the Internet has brought some significant changes in the way that individuals satisfy their informational needs and in the way that news is shaped and presented in different media. The purpose of the research reported here was to determine how persons familiar with the Internet assess this new medium in relation to the more traditional media, such as the print media and television. The survey covered 262 respondents, whose answers were analyzed in the context of media functions and their advantages and drawbacks. The respondents were aware of the advantages of the Internet with respect to individual user needs and the social role of the media. Equally, however, they were aware also of the drawbacks of the Internet, owing to the nature of the technology on which it relies

    Personal boundaries/global stage

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    The Internet will apparently solve many problems, but it also creates new ones. We are simply not used to thinking on the scale of the Internet, and our personal views can easily be played out on an unfamiliar global stage, where they may have unintended consequences. Computers, the most logical things we have ever created, are raising serious ethical issues - especially in areas that traditionally have had a low priority in the modern world. We are not used to the global stage