1,675 research outputs found

    Crossing Generative Adversarial Networks for Cross-View Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (\textit{re-id}) refers to matching pedestrians across disjoint yet non-overlapping camera views. The most effective way to match these pedestrians undertaking significant visual variations is to seek reliably invariant features that can describe the person of interest faithfully. Most of existing methods are presented in a supervised manner to produce discriminative features by relying on labeled paired images in correspondence. However, annotating pair-wise images is prohibitively expensive in labors, and thus not practical in large-scale networked cameras. Moreover, seeking comparable representations across camera views demands a flexible model to address the complex distributions of images. In this work, we study the co-occurrence statistic patterns between pairs of images, and propose to crossing Generative Adversarial Network (Cross-GAN) for learning a joint distribution for cross-image representations in a unsupervised manner. Given a pair of person images, the proposed model consists of the variational auto-encoder to encode the pair into respective latent variables, a proposed cross-view alignment to reduce the view disparity, and an adversarial layer to seek the joint distribution of latent representations. The learned latent representations are well-aligned to reflect the co-occurrence patterns of paired images. We empirically evaluate the proposed model against challenging datasets, and our results show the importance of joint invariant features in improving matching rates of person re-id with comparison to semi/unsupervised state-of-the-arts.Comment: 12 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1702.03431 by other author

    Towards Egocentric Person Re-identification and Social Pattern Analysis

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    Wearable cameras capture a first-person view of the daily activities of the camera wearer, offering a visual diary of the user behaviour. Detection of the appearance of people the camera user interacts with for social interactions analysis is of high interest. Generally speaking, social events, lifestyle and health are highly correlated, but there is a lack of tools to monitor and analyse them. We consider that egocentric vision provides a tool to obtain information and understand users social interactions. We propose a model that enables us to evaluate and visualize social traits obtained by analysing social interactions appearance within egocentric photostreams. Given sets of egocentric images, we detect the appearance of faces within the days of the camera wearer, and rely on clustering algorithms to group their feature descriptors in order to re-identify persons. Recurrence of detected faces within photostreams allows us to shape an idea of the social pattern of behaviour of the user. We validated our model over several weeks recorded by different camera wearers. Our findings indicate that social profiles are potentially useful for social behaviour interpretation

    Highly Efficient Regression for Scalable Person Re-Identification

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    Existing person re-identification models are poor for scaling up to large data required in real-world applications due to: (1) Complexity: They employ complex models for optimal performance resulting in high computational cost for training at a large scale; (2) Inadaptability: Once trained, they are unsuitable for incremental update to incorporate any new data available. This work proposes a truly scalable solution to re-id by addressing both problems. Specifically, a Highly Efficient Regression (HER) model is formulated by embedding the Fisher's criterion to a ridge regression model for very fast re-id model learning with scalable memory/storage usage. Importantly, this new HER model supports faster than real-time incremental model updates therefore making real-time active learning feasible in re-id with human-in-the-loop. Extensive experiments show that such a simple and fast model not only outperforms notably the state-of-the-art re-id methods, but also is more scalable to large data with additional benefits to active learning for reducing human labelling effort in re-id deployment

    Open-world Person Re-Identification by Multi-Label Assignment Inference.

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