4 research outputs found

    Persistent Homology Lower Bounds on High Order Network Distances

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    High order networks are weighted hypergraphs col- lecting relationships between elements of tuples, not necessarily pairs. Valid metric distances between high order networks have been defined but they are difficult to compute when the number of nodes is large. The goal here is to find tractable approximations of these network distances. The paper does so by mapping high order networks to filtrations of simplicial complexes and showing that the distance between networks can be lower bounded by the difference between the homological features of their respective filtrations. Practical implications are explored by classifying weighted pairwise networks constructed from different gener- ative processes and by comparing the coauthorship networks of engineering and mathematics academic journals. The persistent homology methods succeed in identifying different generative models, in discriminating engineering and mathematics commu- nities, as well as in differentiating engineering communities with different research interests

    Metrics in the Space of High Order Networks

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    This paper presents methods to compare high order networks, defined as weighted complete hypergraphs collecting relationship functions between elements of tuples. They can be considered as generalizations of conventional networks where only relationship functions between pairs are defined. Important properties between relationships of tuples of different lengths are established, particularly when relationships encode dissimilarities or proximities between nodes. Two families of distances are then introduced in the space of high order networks. The distances measure differences between networks. We prove that they are valid metrics in the spaces of high order dissimilarity and proximity networks modulo permutation isomorphisms. Practical implications are explored by comparing the coauthorship networks of two popular signal processing researchers. The metrics succeed in identifying their respective collaboration patterns

    Network Comparison: Embeddings and Interiors

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    This paper presents methods to compare networks where relationships between pairs of nodes in a given network are defined. We define such network distance by searching for the optimal method to embed one network into another network, prove that such distance is a valid metric in the space of networks modulo permutation isomorphisms, and examine its relationship with other network metrics. The network distance defined can be approximated via multi-dimensional scaling, however, the lack of structure in networks results in poor approximations. To alleviate such problem, we consider methods to define the interiors of networks. We show that comparing interiors induced from a pair of networks yields the same result as the actual network distance between the original networks. Practical implications are explored by showing the ability to discriminate networks generated by different models

    Persistence Homology of Networks: Methods and Applications

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    Information networks are becoming increasingly popular to capture complex relationships across various disciplines, such as social networks, citation networks, and biological networks. The primary challenge in this domain is measuring similarity or distance between networks based on topology. However, classical graph-theoretic measures are usually local and mainly based on differences between either node or edge measurements or correlations without considering the topology of networks such as the connected components or holes. In recent years, mathematical tools and deep learning based methods have become popular to extract the topological features of networks. Persistent homology (PH) is a mathematical tool in computational topology that measures the topological features of data that persist across multiple scales with applications ranging from biological networks to social networks. In this paper, we provide a conceptual review of key advancements in this area of using PH on complex network science. We give a brief mathematical background on PH, review different methods (i.e. filtrations) to define PH on networks and highlight different algorithms and applications where PH is used in solving network mining problems. In doing so, we develop a unified framework to describe these recent approaches and emphasize major conceptual distinctions. We conclude with directions for future work. We focus our review on recent approaches that get significant attention in the mathematics and data mining communities working on network data. We believe our summary of the analysis of PH on networks will provide important insights to researchers in applied network science.Comment: Submitted to Applied Network Science Special Issue on Machine Learning with Graph