74 research outputs found

    Permutohedral Attention Module for Efficient Non-Local Neural Networks

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    Medical image processing tasks such as segmentation often require capturing non-local information. As organs, bones, and tissues share common characteristics such as intensity, shape, and texture, the contextual information plays a critical role in correctly labeling them. Segmentation and labeling is now typically done with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) but the context of the CNN is limited by the receptive field which itself is limited by memory requirements and other properties. In this paper, we propose a new attention module, that we call Permutohedral Attention Module (PAM), to efficiently capture non-local characteristics of the image. The proposed method is both memory and computationally efficient. We provide a GPU implementation of this module suitable for 3D medical imaging problems. We demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of our module with the challenging task of vertebrae segmentation and labeling where context plays a crucial role because of the very similar appearance of different vertebrae.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI-201

    MaskLab: Instance Segmentation by Refining Object Detection with Semantic and Direction Features

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    In this work, we tackle the problem of instance segmentation, the task of simultaneously solving object detection and semantic segmentation. Towards this goal, we present a model, called MaskLab, which produces three outputs: box detection, semantic segmentation, and direction prediction. Building on top of the Faster-RCNN object detector, the predicted boxes provide accurate localization of object instances. Within each region of interest, MaskLab performs foreground/background segmentation by combining semantic and direction prediction. Semantic segmentation assists the model in distinguishing between objects of different semantic classes including background, while the direction prediction, estimating each pixel's direction towards its corresponding center, allows separating instances of the same semantic class. Moreover, we explore the effect of incorporating recent successful methods from both segmentation and detection (i.e. atrous convolution and hypercolumn). Our proposed model is evaluated on the COCO instance segmentation benchmark and shows comparable performance with other state-of-art models.Comment: 10 pages including referenc
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