8 research outputs found

    Permutations sortable by n-4 passes through a stack

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    We characterise and enumerate permutations that are sortable by n-4 passes through a stack. We conjecture the number of permutations sortable by n-5 passes, and also the form of a formula for the general case n-k, which involves a polynomial expression.Comment: 6 page

    Revstack sort, zigzag patterns, descent polynomials of tt-revstack sortable permutations, and Steingr\'imsson's sorting conjecture

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    In this paper we examine the sorting operator T(LnR)=T(R)T(L)nT(LnR)=T(R)T(L)n. Applying this operator to a permutation is equivalent to passing the permutation reversed through a stack. We prove theorems that characterise tt-revstack sortability in terms of patterns in a permutation that we call zigzagzigzag patterns. Using these theorems we characterise those permutations of length nn which are sorted by tt applications of TT for t=0,1,2,n3,n2,n1t=0,1,2,n-3,n-2,n-1. We derive expressions for the descent polynomials of these six classes of permutations and use this information to prove Steingr\'imsson's sorting conjecture for those six values of tt. Symmetry and unimodality of the descent polynomials for general tt-revstack sortable permutations is also proven and three conjectures are given

    Deterministic stack-sorting for set partitions

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    A sock sequence is a sequence of elements, which we will refer to as socks, from a finite alphabet. A sock sequence is sorted if all occurrences of a sock appear consecutively. We define equivalence classes of sock sequences called sock patterns, which are in bijection with set partitions. The notion of stack-sorting for set partitions was originally introduced by Defant and Kravitz. In this paper, we define a new deterministic stack-sorting map ϕσ\phi_{\sigma} for sock sequences that uses a σ\sigma-avoiding stack, where pattern containment need not be consecutive. When σ=aba\sigma = aba, we show that our stack-sorting map sorts any sock sequence with nn distinct socks in at most nn iterations, and that this bound is tight for n3n \geq 3. We obtain a fine-grained enumeration of the number of sock patterns of length nn on rr distinct socks that are 11-stack-sortable under ϕaba\phi_{aba}, and we also obtain asymptotics for the number of sock patterns of length nn that are 11-stack-sortable under ϕaba\phi_{aba}. Finally, we show that for all unsorted sock patterns σaabaa\sigma \neq a\cdots a b a \cdots a, the map ϕσ\phi_{\sigma} cannot eventually sort all sock sequences on any multiset MM unless every sock sequence on MM is already sorted