4,939 research outputs found

    Status of background-independent coarse-graining in tensor models for quantum gravity

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    A background-independent route towards a universal continuum limit in discrete models of quantum gravity proceeds through a background-independent form of coarse graining. This review provides a pedagogical introduction to the conceptual ideas underlying the use of the number of degrees of freedom as a scale for a Renormalization Group flow. We focus on tensor models, for which we explain how the tensor size serves as the scale for a background-independent coarse-graining flow. This flow provides a new probe of a universal continuum limit in tensor models. We review the development and setup of this tool and summarize results in the 2- and 3-dimensional case. Moreover, we provide a step-by-step guide to the practical implementation of these ideas and tools by deriving the flow of couplings in a rank-4-tensor model. We discuss the phenomenon of dimensional reduction in these models and find tentative first hints for an interacting fixed point with potential relevance for the continuum limit in four-dimensional quantum gravity.Comment: 28 pages, Review prepared for the special issue "Progress in Group Field Theory and Related Quantum Gravity Formalisms" in "Universe

    How to Bootstrap Aalen-Johansen Processes for Competing Risks? Handicaps, Solutions and Limitations

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    Statistical inference in competing risks models is often based on the famous Aalen-Johansen estimator. Since the corresponding limit process lacks independent increments, it is typically applied together with Lin's (1997) resampling technique involving standard normal multipliers. Recently, it has been seen that this approach can be interpreted as a wild bootstrap technique and that other multipliers, as e.g. centered Poissons, may lead to better finite sample performances, see Beyersmann et al. (2013). Since the latter is closely related to Efron's classical bootstrap, the question arises whether this or more general weighted bootstrap versions of Aalen-Johansen processes lead to valid results. Here we analyze their asymptotic behaviour and it turns out that such weighted bootstrap versions in general possess the wrong covariance structure in the limit. However, we explain that the weighted bootstrap can nevertheless be applied for specific null hypotheses of interest and also discuss its limitations for statistical inference. To this end, we introduce different consistent weighted bootstrap tests for the null hypothesis of stochastically ordered cumulative incidence functions and compare their finite sample performance in a simulation study.Comment: Keywords: Aalen-Johansen Estimator; Bootstrap; Competing risk; Counting processes; Cumulative incidence function; Left-truncation; Right-censoring; Weighted Bootstra

    A Conformal Truncation Framework for Infinite-Volume Dynamics

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    We present a new framework for studying conformal field theories deformed by one or more relevant operators. The original CFT is described in infinite volume using a basis of states with definite momentum, PP, and conformal Casimir, C\mathcal{C}. The relevant deformation is then considered using lightcone quantization, with the resulting Hamiltonian expressed in terms of this CFT basis. Truncating to states with CCmax\mathcal{C} \leq \mathcal{C}_{\max}, one can numerically find the resulting spectrum, as well as other dynamical quantities, such as spectral densities of operators. This method requires the introduction of an appropriate regulator, which can be chosen to preserve the conformal structure of the basis. We check this framework in three dimensions for various perturbative deformations of a free scalar CFT, and for the case of a free O(N)O(N) CFT deformed by a mass term and a non-perturbative quartic interaction at large-NN. In all cases, the truncation scheme correctly reproduces known analytic results. We also discuss a general procedure for generating a basis of Casimir eigenstates for a free CFT in any number of dimensions.Comment: 48+37 pages, 17 figures; v2: references added, small clarification

    Optimal prediction for moment models: Crescendo diffusion and reordered equations

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    A direct numerical solution of the radiative transfer equation or any kinetic equation is typically expensive, since the radiative intensity depends on time, space and direction. An expansion in the direction variables yields an equivalent system of infinitely many moments. A fundamental problem is how to truncate the system. Various closures have been presented in the literature. We want to study moment closure generally within the framework of optimal prediction, a strategy to approximate the mean solution of a large system by a smaller system, for radiation moment systems. We apply this strategy to radiative transfer and show that several closures can be re-derived within this framework, e.g. PNP_N, diffusion, and diffusion correction closures. In addition, the formalism gives rise to new parabolic systems, the reordered PNP_N equations, that are similar to the simplified PNP_N equations. Furthermore, we propose a modification to existing closures. Although simple and with no extra cost, this newly derived crescendo diffusion yields better approximations in numerical tests.Comment: Revised version: 17 pages, 6 figures, presented at Workshop on Moment Methods in Kinetic Gas Theory, ETH Zurich, 2008 2 figures added, minor correction