382 research outputs found

    Multi-talker Speech Separation with Utterance-level Permutation Invariant Training of Deep Recurrent Neural Networks

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    In this paper we propose the utterance-level Permutation Invariant Training (uPIT) technique. uPIT is a practically applicable, end-to-end, deep learning based solution for speaker independent multi-talker speech separation. Specifically, uPIT extends the recently proposed Permutation Invariant Training (PIT) technique with an utterance-level cost function, hence eliminating the need for solving an additional permutation problem during inference, which is otherwise required by frame-level PIT. We achieve this using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) that, during training, minimize the utterance-level separation error, hence forcing separated frames belonging to the same speaker to be aligned to the same output stream. In practice, this allows RNNs, trained with uPIT, to separate multi-talker mixed speech without any prior knowledge of signal duration, number of speakers, speaker identity or gender. We evaluated uPIT on the WSJ0 and Danish two- and three-talker mixed-speech separation tasks and found that uPIT outperforms techniques based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) and Computational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA), and compares favorably with Deep Clustering (DPCL) and the Deep Attractor Network (DANet). Furthermore, we found that models trained with uPIT generalize well to unseen speakers and languages. Finally, we found that a single model, trained with uPIT, can handle both two-speaker, and three-speaker speech mixtures

    Permutation Invariant Training of Deep Models for Speaker-Independent Multi-talker Speech Separation

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    We propose a novel deep learning model, which supports permutation invariant training (PIT), for speaker independent multi-talker speech separation, commonly known as the cocktail-party problem. Different from most of the prior arts that treat speech separation as a multi-class regression problem and the deep clustering technique that considers it a segmentation (or clustering) problem, our model optimizes for the separation regression error, ignoring the order of mixing sources. This strategy cleverly solves the long-lasting label permutation problem that has prevented progress on deep learning based techniques for speech separation. Experiments on the equal-energy mixing setup of a Danish corpus confirms the effectiveness of PIT. We believe improvements built upon PIT can eventually solve the cocktail-party problem and enable real-world adoption of, e.g., automatic meeting transcription and multi-party human-computer interaction, where overlapping speech is common.Comment: 5 page

    Recognizing Multi-talker Speech with Permutation Invariant Training

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    In this paper, we propose a novel technique for direct recognition of multiple speech streams given the single channel of mixed speech, without first separating them. Our technique is based on permutation invariant training (PIT) for automatic speech recognition (ASR). In PIT-ASR, we compute the average cross entropy (CE) over all frames in the whole utterance for each possible output-target assignment, pick the one with the minimum CE, and optimize for that assignment. PIT-ASR forces all the frames of the same speaker to be aligned with the same output layer. This strategy elegantly solves the label permutation problem and speaker tracing problem in one shot. Our experiments on artificially mixed AMI data showed that the proposed approach is very promising.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, InterSpeech201
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