18,879 research outputs found

    Evaluation of trackers for Pan-Tilt-Zoom Scenarios

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    Tracking with a Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera has been a research topic in computer vision for many years. Compared to tracking with a still camera, the images captured with a PTZ camera are highly dynamic in nature because the camera can perform large motion resulting in quickly changing capture conditions. Furthermore, tracking with a PTZ camera involves camera control to position the camera on the target. For successful tracking and camera control, the tracker must be fast enough, or has to be able to predict accurately the next position of the target. Therefore, standard benchmarks do not allow to assess properly the quality of a tracker for the PTZ scenario. In this work, we use a virtual PTZ framework to evaluate different tracking algorithms and compare their performances. We also extend the framework to add target position prediction for the next frame, accounting for camera motion and processing delays. By doing this, we can assess if predicting can make long-term tracking more robust as it may help slower algorithms for keeping the target in the field of view of the camera. Results confirm that both speed and robustness are required for tracking under the PTZ scenario.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 201

    Innovative observing strategy and orbit determination for Low Earth Orbit Space Debris

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    We present the results of a large scale simulation, reproducing the behavior of a data center for the build-up and maintenance of a complete catalog of space debris in the upper part of the low Earth orbits region (LEO). The purpose is to determine the performances of a network of advanced optical sensors, through the use of the newest orbit determination algorithms developed by the Department of Mathematics of Pisa (DM). Such a network has been proposed to ESA in the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) framework by Carlo Gavazzi Space SpA (CGS), Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), DM, and Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI-CNR). The conclusion is that it is possible to use a network of optical sensors to build up a catalog containing more than 98% of the objects with perigee height between 1100 and 2000 km, which would be observable by a reference radar system selected as comparison. It is also possible to maintain such a catalog within the accuracy requirements motivated by collision avoidance, and to detect catastrophic fragmentation events. However, such results depend upon specific assumptions on the sensor and on the software technologies

    DroTrack: High-speed Drone-based Object Tracking Under Uncertainty

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    We present DroTrack, a high-speed visual single-object tracking framework for drone-captured video sequences. Most of the existing object tracking methods are designed to tackle well-known challenges, such as occlusion and cluttered backgrounds. The complex motion of drones, i.e., multiple degrees of freedom in three-dimensional space, causes high uncertainty. The uncertainty problem leads to inaccurate location predictions and fuzziness in scale estimations. DroTrack solves such issues by discovering the dependency between object representation and motion geometry. We implement an effective object segmentation based on Fuzzy C Means (FCM). We incorporate the spatial information into the membership function to cluster the most discriminative segments. We then enhance the object segmentation by using a pre-trained Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model. DroTrack also leverages the geometrical angular motion to estimate a reliable object scale. We discuss the experimental results and performance evaluation using two datasets of 51,462 drone-captured frames. The combination of the FCM segmentation and the angular scaling increased DroTrack precision by up to 9%9\% and decreased the centre location error by 162162 pixels on average. DroTrack outperforms all the high-speed trackers and achieves comparable results in comparison to deep learning trackers. DroTrack offers high frame rates up to 1000 frame per second (fps) with the best location precision, more than a set of state-of-the-art real-time trackers.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, FUZZ-IEEE 202

    Evaluating a dancer's performance using Kinect-based skeleton tracking

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    In this work, we describe a novel system that automatically evaluates dance performances against a gold-standard performance and provides visual feedback to the performer in a 3D virtual environment. The system acquires the motion of a performer via Kinect-based human skeleton tracking, making the approach viable for a large range of users, including home enthusiasts. Unlike traditional gaming scenarios, when the motion of a user must by kept in synch with a pre-recorded avatar that is displayed on screen, the technique described in this paper targets online interactive scenarios where dance choreographies can be set, altered, practiced and refined by users. In this work, we have addressed some areas of this application scenario. In particular, a set of appropriate signal processing and soft computing methodologies is proposed for temporally aligning dance movements from two different users and quantitatively evaluating one performance against another

    End-to-end Flow Correlation Tracking with Spatial-temporal Attention

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    Discriminative correlation filters (DCF) with deep convolutional features have achieved favorable performance in recent tracking benchmarks. However, most of existing DCF trackers only consider appearance features of current frame, and hardly benefit from motion and inter-frame information. The lack of temporal information degrades the tracking performance during challenges such as partial occlusion and deformation. In this work, we focus on making use of the rich flow information in consecutive frames to improve the feature representation and the tracking accuracy. Firstly, individual components, including optical flow estimation, feature extraction, aggregation and correlation filter tracking are formulated as special layers in network. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to jointly train flow and tracking task in a deep learning framework. Then the historical feature maps at predefined intervals are warped and aggregated with current ones by the guiding of flow. For adaptive aggregation, we propose a novel spatial-temporal attention mechanism. Extensive experiments are performed on four challenging tracking datasets: OTB2013, OTB2015, VOT2015 and VOT2016, and the proposed method achieves superior results on these benchmarks.Comment: Accepted in CVPR 201