2 research outputs found

    Performance Verification Using Partial Evaluation and Interval Analysis

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    and a verification result is produced. This result is in the form of a statement that the constraints can be met ("yes"), or they cannot be met ("no"). During interval analysis, forward and backward evaluations of the evaluation rules continue with squeezing of all intervals until either no interval changes value or an interval becomes empty. In order to use interval mathematics for verification of performance models, it is required that every evaluation rule in the model be defined using invertible operations. Programming constructs such as if-then-else, case, and while control statements as well as assignments and procedure calls are not invertible. Thus, our verification approach is suitable only for performance models that are equational. With partial evaluation techniques [3], it is possible to reduce a procedural performance model to an equational model. By specifying some, but not all, of the input information, the procedural constructs contained within the model can be symb

    Performance Verification Using Partial Evaluation and Interval Analysis

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    Performance models, usually written in high-level programming languages or high-level hardware description languages, make full use of high level procedural constructs such as the assignment statement, if-then, case, while control constructs and procedure calls. We propose a partial evaluation procedure to reduce procedural performance models into an equational form. We then propose an interval-analysis based method to formally determine whether the reduced performance model satisfies a set of relational constraints on the performance attributes. Together, the partial evaluation and interval analysis procedures constitute a powerful approach for formal performance verification. We illustrate this through examples, and describe both techniques in detail. Also included are results for an implementation of a symbolic partial evaluator of performance models and a performance verification tool based on the interval analysis technique. 1 Introduction System designs consist of a hierarchica..