4,425 research outputs found

    Cooperative Wideband Spectrum Sensing Based on Joint Sparsity

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    COOPERATIVE WIDEBAND SPECTRUM SENSING BASED ON JOINT SPARSITY By Ghazaleh Jowkar, Master of Science A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Commonwealth University 2017 Major Director: Dr. Ruixin Niu, Associate Professor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering In this thesis, the problem of wideband spectrum sensing in cognitive radio (CR) networks using sub-Nyquist sampling and sparse signal processing techniques is investigated. To mitigate multi-path fading, it is assumed that a group of spatially dispersed SUs collaborate for wideband spectrum sensing, to determine whether or not a channel is occupied by a primary user (PU). Due to the underutilization of the spectrum by the PUs, the spectrum matrix has only a small number of non-zero rows. In existing state-of-the-art approaches, the spectrum sensing problem was solved using the low-rank matrix completion technique involving matrix nuclear-norm minimization. Motivated by the fact that the spectrum matrix is not only low-rank, but also sparse, a spectrum sensing approach is proposed based on minimizing a mixed-norm of the spectrum matrix instead of low-rank matrix completion to promote the joint sparsity among the column vectors of the spectrum matrix. Simulation results are obtained, which demonstrate that the proposed mixed-norm minimization approach outperforms the low-rank matrix completion based approach, in terms of the PU detection performance. Further we used mixed-norm minimization model in multi time frame detection. Simulation results shows that increasing the number of time frames will increase the detection performance, however, by increasing the number of time frames after a number of times the performance decrease dramatically

    Toward Data-Driven Radar STAP

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    Catalyzed by the recent emergence of site-specific, high-fidelity radio frequency (RF) modeling and simulation tools purposed for radar, data-driven formulations of classical methods in radar have rapidly grown in popularity over the past decade. Despite this surge, limited focus has been directed toward the theoretical foundations of these classical methods. In this regard, as part of our ongoing data-driven approach to radar space-time adaptive processing (STAP), we analyze the asymptotic performance guarantees of select subspace separation methods in the context of radar target localization, and augment this analysis through a proposed deep learning framework for target location estimation. In our approach, we generate comprehensive datasets by randomly placing targets of variable strengths in predetermined constrained areas using RFView, a site-specific RF modeling and simulation tool developed by ISL Inc. For each radar return signal from these constrained areas, we generate heatmap tensors in range, azimuth, and elevation of the normalized adaptive matched filter (NAMF) test statistic, and of the output power of a generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC). Using our deep learning framework, we estimate target locations from these heatmap tensors to demonstrate the feasibility of and significant improvements provided by our data-driven approach in matched and mismatched settings.Comment: 39 pages, 24 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. This article supersedes arXiv:2201.1071

    Adaptive subspace detectors

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    Includes bibliographical references.In this paper, we use the theory of generalized likelihood ratio tests (GLRTs) to adapt the matched subspace detectors (MSDs) of [1] and [2] to unknown noise covariance matrices. In so doing, we produce adaptive MSDs that may be applied to signal detection for radar, sonar, and data communication. We call the resulting detectors adaptive subspace detectors (ASDs). These include Kelly's GLRT and the adaptive cosine estimator (ACE) of [6] and [19] for scenarios in which the scaling of the test data may deviate from that of the training data. We then present a unified analysis of the statistical behavior of the entire class of ASDs, obtaining statistically identical decompositions in which each ASD is simply decomposed into the nonadaptive matched filter, the nonadaptive cosine or t-statistic, and three other statistically independent random variables that account for the performance-degrading effects of limited training data.This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research under Contracts N00014-89-J-1070 and N00014-00-1-0033, and by the National Science Foundation under Contracts MIP-9529050 and ECS 9979400

    Slepian Beamforming: Broadband Beamforming using Streaming Least Squares

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    In this paper we revisit the classical problem of estimating a signal as it impinges on a multi-sensor array. We focus on the case where the impinging signal's bandwidth is appreciable and is operating in a broadband regime. Estimating broadband signals, often termed broadband (or wideband) beamforming, is traditionally done through filter and summation, true time delay, or a coupling of the two. Our proposed method deviates substantially from these paradigms in that it requires no notion of filtering or true time delay. We use blocks of samples taken directly from the sensor outputs to fit a robust Slepian subspace model using a least squares approach. We then leverage this model to estimate uniformly spaced samples of the impinging signal. Alongside a careful discussion of this model and how to choose its parameters we show how to fit the model to new blocks of samples as they are received, producing a streaming output. We then go on to show how this method naturally extends to adaptive beamforming scenarios, where we leverage signal statistics to attenuate interfering sources. Finally, we discuss how to use our model to estimate from dimensionality reducing measurements. Accompanying these discussions are extensive numerical experiments establishing that our method outperforms existing filter based approaches while being comparable in terms of computational complexity
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