28,803 research outputs found

    In-Vivo Bytecode Instrumentation for Improving Privacy on Android Smartphones in Uncertain Environments

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    In this paper we claim that an efficient and readily applicable means to improve privacy of Android applications is: 1) to perform runtime monitoring by instrumenting the application bytecode and 2) in-vivo, i.e. directly on the smartphone. We present a tool chain to do this and present experimental results showing that this tool chain can run on smartphones in a reasonable amount of time and with a realistic effort. Our findings also identify challenges to be addressed before running powerful runtime monitoring and instrumentations directly on smartphones. We implemented two use-cases leveraging the tool chain: BetterPermissions, a fine-grained user centric permission policy system and AdRemover an advertisement remover. Both prototypes improve the privacy of Android systems thanks to in-vivo bytecode instrumentation.Comment: ISBN: 978-2-87971-111-

    Security analysis of JXME-Proxyless version

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    JXME es la especificación de JXTA para dispositivos móviles con J2ME. Hay dos versiones diferentes de la aplicación JXME disponibles, cada una específica para un determinado conjunto de dispositivos, de acuerdo con sus capacidades. El principal valor de JXME es su simplicidad para crear peer-to-peer (P2P) en dispositivos limitados. Además de evaluar las funciones JXME, también es importante tener en cuenta el nivel de seguridad por defecto que se proporciona. Este artículo presenta un breve análisis de la situación actual de la seguridad en JXME, centrándose en la versión JXME-Proxyless, identifica las vulnerabilidades existentes y propone mejoras en este campo.JXME és l'especificació de JXTA per a dispositius mòbils amb J2ME. Hi ha dues versions diferents de l'aplicació JXME disponibles, cada una d'específica per a un determinat conjunt de dispositius, d'acord amb les seves capacitats. El principal valor de JXME és la seva simplicitat per crear peer-to-peer (P2P) en dispositius limitats. A més d'avaluar les funcions JXME, també és important tenir en compte el nivell de seguretat per defecte que es proporciona. Aquest article presenta un breu anàlisis de la situació actual de la seguretat en JXME, centrant-se en la versió JXME-Proxyless, identifica les vulnerabilitats existents i proposa millores en aquest camp.JXME is the JXTA specification for mobile devices using J2ME. Two different flavors of JXME implementation are available, each one specific for a particular set of devices, according to their capabilities. The main value of JXME is its simplicity to create peer-to-peer (P2P) applications in limited devices. In addition to assessing JXME functionalities, it is also important to realize the default security level provided. This paper presents a brief analysis of the current state of security in JXME, focusing on the JXME-Proxyless version, identifies existing vulnerabilities and proposes further improvements in this field

    FooPar: A Functional Object Oriented Parallel Framework in Scala

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    We present FooPar, an extension for highly efficient Parallel Computing in the multi-paradigm programming language Scala. Scala offers concise and clean syntax and integrates functional programming features. Our framework FooPar combines these features with parallel computing techniques. FooPar is designed modular and supports easy access to different communication backends for distributed memory architectures as well as high performance math libraries. In this article we use it to parallelize matrix matrix multiplication and show its scalability by a isoefficiency analysis. In addition, results based on a empirical analysis on two supercomputers are given. We achieve close-to-optimal performance wrt. theoretical peak performance. Based on this result we conclude that FooPar allows to fully access Scala's design features without suffering from performance drops when compared to implementations purely based on C and MPI

    C to O-O Translation: Beyond the Easy Stuff

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    Can we reuse some of the huge code-base developed in C to take advantage of modern programming language features such as type safety, object-orientation, and contracts? This paper presents a source-to-source translation of C code into Eiffel, a modern object-oriented programming language, and the supporting tool C2Eif. The translation is completely automatic and supports the entire C language (ANSI, as well as many GNU C Compiler extensions, through CIL) as used in practice, including its usage of native system libraries and inlined assembly code. Our experiments show that C2Eif can handle C applications and libraries of significant size (such as vim and libgsl), as well as challenging benchmarks such as the GCC torture tests. The produced Eiffel code is functionally equivalent to the original C code, and takes advantage of some of Eiffel's object-oriented features to produce safe and easy-to-debug translations